American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 204 Powerful mutants, the Decepticons panic

"Colonel Akins, leave this to us."

"Please take your people and evacuate first."

In the quiet and depressing scene, the first thing Charles did was to speak to Colonel Akins.

The next battlefield will be a battlefield after "full upgrade", which is obviously not suitable for Akins and others to be present.

It's not that Charles is arrogant, these people will really get in the way.

"Charles Xavier, I appreciate your kindness, but this is our war! Before receiving instructions from our superiors, we will fight to the last minute!"

Colonel Akins's decisive voice sounded, and he rejected Charles' proposal without any surprise.

"Then, I'm sorry."

Charles sighed slightly, stretched out his hand, and put his fingers on his temple.

The ability is activated.

Everyone, including Colonel Akins, suddenly began to look dazed, and no longer said any nonsense, and began to evacuate quickly.

In the blink of an eye, they evacuated outside the battlefield.

From the beginning to the end, the Decepticons including the Boning Knife did not stop Akins and others from leaving.

In their eyes, those people were ants, nothing more, insignificant.

It really made no difference whether they were killed or not.

All of their attention was focused on the mutants that appeared in front of them.

Each of them had a solemn expression, as if they were facing a great enemy.

"Flashlight, call for reinforcements!"

The voice of the Boning Knife sounded, and he gave this order to the flashlight.

"Boning Knife, do you think we are not the opponent of these people?"

A Decepticon next to the Boning Knife shouted at the Boning Knife in a very unconvinced tone.

"Meat Grinder, put away your arrogance! Remember how we lost to the Autobots? These people are not simple. If we don't pay enough attention to them, we might be overturned."

"I won't take such a risk!"

The Boning Knife said to the Meat Grinder in a tone that did not allow for questioning.

It is worth mentioning that the communication between the Decepticons here is all in the language of Cybertron, not English.

Unlike in the movies, it is fine to talk to humans in English, but when communicating with their own kind, they actually abandon their mother tongue and use English.

This is obviously unreasonable.

So what exactly did the Bonechops and the others communicate about, Rorschach and his people on the opposite side did not know.

"Understood, Bonechops!"

After hearing the order from the Bonechops, the flashlight did not say anything nonsense and immediately began to send a message to the Decepticon's second-in-command, Red Spider, telling the other party that mutants had invaded and hoped that the other party would send support.

"You guys from outer space have been doing a lot of things on Earth for so many days and killed many of our compatriots. Do you really think no one can stop you?"

"I, Magneto, will let you know today who is the real master of the Earth!"

Eric's cold snort sounded at this time, breaking the silence between them and the Decepticons.

"You just killed one of our losers, and you think you are so great?"

Although Boning Knife respected the mutants in his heart, he was merciless in his words, "You are still ants! Just a little stronger ants, that's all!"

"Then try to feel the feeling of being killed by the ants you mentioned!"

After Eric finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand to Boning Knife.

A huge force instantly began to surge towards Boning Knife.



A dull artillery sound suddenly sounded, but it was the flashlight that immediately fired several energy cannons at Eric.

They had already seen how powerful Eric was, so how could they not be on guard against Eric at this moment?

Seeing this, Liz once again prepared to use her ability to support Eric, but the ground immediately began to shake, and it was one of the green Decepticons that rushed towards Liz.

He held a very exaggerated big knife in his right hand, and suddenly jumped up several meters high, and chopped Liz's head fiercely.

"Liz, be careful!"

A cry of surprise sounded, and it was Cyclops Scott who reminded Liz, and he even put his hand on his special glasses, intending to help Liz.

Bang, bang, bang!

Bang, bang, bang!

But the other Decepticons were not vegetarians either.

Immediately, several Decepticons raised the Gatling-like cannons in their hands and began to shoot at the mutants on the scene crazily.


Cyclops was also within the coverage of the rain of bullets, so how could he care about Liz?

He rushed to the side at the first time to avoid the shooting of the Decepticons.

The other mutants, except Rorschach, did the same.

After all, even if they all wore the combat suits developed by Hank, which were bulletproof, this only prevented the risk of stray bullets during combat. No one would rely on this to be so arrogant and wait to be shot without dodging or evading.

In this case.


The green Decepticon rushed directly in front of Liz, but his sword was frozen on top of Liz's head.

Because Liz used both hands to shoot out a ball of blue energy, which blocked the opponent's broadsword firmly.

As for the energy cannon that the flashlight shot at Eric?

Of course, it couldn't do anything to Eric. Eric waved his hand casually, and a car on the side of the road flew over and blocked him.

Perfectly defended against the energy cannon.

Not only that.

Eric also stretched out his hand suddenly, and the car was directly regarded as a big rock and smashed towards the flashlight.


There was a loud noise, but the flashlight directly grabbed the car, swung it hard, and smashed it towards Eric again.

Eric gently flicked his hand to the side, and the car flew out like a feather.


Darwin quickly rushed to the side of the ravager Alex at this time, letting the bullets hit him without paying any attention.

The Devastator understood, and used Darwin as a shield, and stood up suddenly.


He let out a long roar, and a powerful shock wave blasted towards a red Decepticon.


A dull metal collision sound was heard immediately.

It was the Decepticon that was caught off guard and was hit directly by the Devastator.

The huge body, which was more than four meters tall, flipped over.

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