American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 205 Mutants: Rorschach is still the most perverted


The ground seemed to be shaken.

Accompanied by this huge sound, the chest of the Decepticon that was knocked away by the ravager actually dented a large piece, crackling with electric sparks, and countless parts began to be exposed and fell out. .


The Decepticon suddenly coughed loudly, and several more parts were coughed out.


The other Decepticons were all shocked.

How can it be?

Just a meeting, and a Decepticon was seriously injured?

What a joke!

But yes, the Devastator's energy wave attack is so domineering and powerful.

Back when he was at the CIA base, the Devastator could easily cut the metal statue in half without any training, not to mention that he had already reached the combat level after a lot of training.


Another loud noise was heard, but it was Liz who pushed forward with both hands, and the blue energy in her body burst out instantly like a stormy wave.


The green Decepticon who attacked Liz suddenly felt frightened.

Before he had time to react, a super force overturned it.

Liz can easily destroy a building, and it is no problem to deal with a mere Decepticon.


It was true that Liz couldn't control the power in her body at the beginning, but after staying in the Rorschach base for such a long time, Liz had already made great progress through the guidance and training of the White Queen.

Although he is still not able to fully develop the potential in his body, he is still able to use his power in an orderly manner.

But just like Eric's situation, the power in the normal state is much weaker than the explosive state with extremely volatile emotions.

But dealing with the Decepticons is still not a problem.

Who said Liz's upper limit was also very high?


next moment.

The green Decepticon smashed to the ground like a puddle of mud. It was similar to the Decepticon that was hit by the ravager. The beating was so miserable that it was terrible to look at.

"Is this woman so perverted?"

Eviscerate and the other Decepticons were horrified to see this.

One or two, they can defeat a Decepticon with one move, making the Decepticon look like a waste. Is this really good?

These mutants are even more ferocious than the Decepticons. It makes no sense!


Cyclops saw his brother and Liz both showing off, and not to be outdone, he greeted his companion Vincent.


Vincent understood, he hid behind the bunker and suddenly activated his ability.

Click, click, click!

A large number of vines suddenly appeared under the feet of the Decepticons who were furiously pouring bullets to attack the mutants.

Like countless venomous snakes, they began to wrap around their legs and torsos.

All the Decepticons' attacks immediately stalled.

"What the hell is this!"

"Where did the branch come from!"

All the Decepticons were shocked and angry.

Those who reacted quickly rushed to one side immediately and successfully escaped from the encirclement before they were truly imprisoned.

But some of those who responded slowly were already restrained by the vines.


The light of the knife flashed.

Some Decepticons began to draw out their big swords and slashed at the plant vines.


How could Cyclops Scott miss such a critical opportunity? He immediately fired a blazing laser eye at one of the Decepticons.


The third Decepticon was also shot away.

"These guys!"

Zhanbo and the others looked at each other in shock. Aren't the mutants in the other two bases too fierce?

The battle just started and it ended like this?

They cannot fall behind!

"Earthwalker, if we don't work harder, we will be underestimated!"

Zhan Bo hid behind the bunker and spoke to the Earth Walker who was hiding not far from him.


"These guys are so cruel!"

The earthwalker complained, and then, as if swimming, he plunged into the ground with a sudden thrust, and he suddenly disappeared into the ground.

next moment.

A pair of hands suddenly appeared at the feet of a Decepticon and pulled it down!


The Decepticon immediately sank into the soil, leaving only half of its body exposed.

"It's my turn! Oh ho!"

Zhan Bo let out a ghost cry from his mouth, and made a slashing motion towards the Decepticon with his right hand.


A half-moon shaped red energy blade whirled towards the Decepticon.


At that critical moment, a wave of earth suddenly exploded around the Decepticon. He broke free and quickly jumped to the side to dodge.

But after all, it's still a little late.


There was an extremely clear sound of metal collision, and along with a dazzling spark, the Decepticon's left arm was cut off.

"what's the situation?"

The boning knife was dumbfounded.

They originally had seven Decepticons, but the fangs went to deal with the fighter jets and were killed instantly, and the sidewinders were easily killed by the "magnetic man".

Then the battle between the two sides had just begun, and four of their remaining five Decepticons were directly disabled!

Among them, the least injured Rhino "only" had one arm broken, but the other three Decepticons were almost all crippled, and their combat power was only 20% to 30%.

So this is a mutant?

It's so cruel!

"So, so scary!"

And in the distance.

Akins and others, whose psychic abilities had been removed by Charles, also saw the battle situation on the battlefield from a distance, and they were all stunned.

They were completely speechless.

The Decepticons who beat them without any ability to fight back, like lambs to be slaughtered, were actually severely ravaged in front of those mutants!

The strong and weak sides on the battlefield were actually reversed directly.

You have to know how long the battle between the two sides has just broken out?

One Decepticon after another was beaten away.

Those scenes were really too shocking.

But soon, Akins and others found out that all these were just a piece of cake.

At this time, the guy wearing a helmet on the battlefield waved his hand suddenly, and all the Decepticons on the scene flew into the air under his control.

Then Eric clenched his fists!



The Decepticons who were seriously injured by the Ravager, Liz and Cyclops were simply unable to resist Eric's huge power.

They were torn into scrap metal on the spot!

Only the boning knife and the remaining rhino could still make the last struggle.

"Is this the capital you are proud of?"

"Nothing more!"

Eric just imprisoned the boning knife and rhino in the air, and spoke with sarcasm and coldness on his face.

"With this ability, you dare to say that you destroy everything?"


A wave of earth exploded around Eric, and it was Earthwalker who jumped up directly from the ground. He patted the dust on his body and looked at the Boning Knife with a sneer on his face.

The other mutants also stood with their arms and legs spread.

Their faces were either cold, excited, or expressionless, and they all looked at the two Decepticons.

They were like spectators watching an execution.

"That's... won?"

Akins muttered on the side.

He knew that the mutants were very powerful, but the battle ended so quickly, which was still far beyond his expectations.

"You... think it's over?"

"You think you won?"

But at this time, the Boning Knife couldn't help but sneer.


At this time, a dull sound of breaking through the air suddenly came, like thunder, making people feel extremely depressed.

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads to look at the sky, and saw four Decepticon fighters circling in the sky.


The ground also trembled faintly, and the faint roar became clearer and clearer.

Everyone immediately looked around, and saw that from various channels, there were a large number of extremely cool cars, driving towards here crazily.

There was no doubt that it was the Decepticons.

Click, click, click!

Even in this process, some Decepticon cars began to deform crazily.

The reinforcements that the Boning Knife had asked the flashlight to call for before have arrived!

Looking around, there were as many as twenty or thirty!


The Boning Knife couldn't help but burst out with this cruel smile.

Even if the strength of these mutants was indeed very abnormal, the Boning Knife didn't believe it. Could they deal with twenty or thirty Decepticons?

And during the entire battle, the Boning Knife also asked the flashlight to transmit the relevant information about these mutants, so that the Decepticon supporters who came over had a response plan.



The smug smile of the Boning Knife came to an abrupt end, because Eric also raised his other hand and gestured to the Boning Knife to split apart.

Just like a pair of invisible big hands grabbed the body of the Boning Knife and tore it apart, the huge body of the Boning Knife was directly torn in half by Eric.


At the same moment when Eric attacked the Boning Knife, the Chopping Wave also shot an arc-shaped Chopping Wave at the Rhino.


The Rhino was also killed.

So far, the original "culprits" have all been killed by the mutants, and the whole army has been annihilated.

To a certain extent, the first battle between the mutants and the Decepticons can be regarded as a victory in the first battle.

But now, everyone has no time to enjoy the joy of victory, because a greater challenge is waiting for them.

Unlike the "small trial" of the seven Decepticons before, everyone will usher in a real decisive battle next.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The sound of breaking through the air was heard, and it was the four Decepticon fighters in the sky that were faster and approached the mutants first.

Without saying a word, eight missiles were fired at the mutants.

Looking around.

The eight missiles were coming from different directions in the air, dragging long tails, and surrounded the mutants.

The pupils of the mutants continued to expand.

Although everyone knew that Eric had the ability to control metal and could handle these missiles, they still felt a little suffocated under this kind of pressure.

Fortunately, Eric was really powerful. When the missiles were about to hit everyone, Eric suddenly stretched out his hand and activated his ability. Eight missiles were instantly fixed in front of Eric.

Eric then waved his hand in the direction of the Decepticon fighter in the sky.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

All eight missiles flew back towards the missiles in the sky.

Unfortunately, the maneuverability of the missiles controlled by Eric was far worse than that of the Decepticon fighters.

They were not a threat to the Decepticon combat organizations at all.

They were easily destroyed by those Decepticon fighters.

The distance of the eight Decepticon fighters was also far, which was beyond Eric's ability limit, and Eric had no way to deal with them.

They could only watch the eight Decepticon fighters being arrogant right under their noses, bombarding everyone with Gatling guns from time to time, and launching a few missiles from time to time. Although Eric couldn't hurt everyone, it made everyone sick.

"Damn, these guys, come down if you dare!"

Zhanbo, who was a little irritable, couldn't help but yell at the Decepticon fighters in the sky.

"Zhanbo, they are fighters, they are flying in the sky."

The Eagle patted Zhanbo on the shoulder and said jokingly.

"Then we can't do anything about them?"

Zhanbo said angrily.


At this time, Eric looked at Rorschach, who had been playing soy sauce in the crowd from beginning to end, "It seems that you can only do it."


As soon as these words came out, the eyes of Earthwalker, Zhanbo, and Eagle all looked at Rorschach involuntarily.

They were all a little stunned. Those fighters were flying in the sky. How was Rorschach going to deal with them?

But then, the scene of Rorschach destroying Fangs on the Blackbird fighter flashed through their minds, and they suddenly realized it.

Yes, there is a great god in their team!

"Leave it to me."

Rorschach nodded to Eric, and his mind moved.


The sound of the sonic boom sounded, and Rorschach's body rose directly from the ground, flew into the air, and disappeared.

The next moment.

Boom boom boom boom!

The Decepticon fighters in four different directions in the sky exploded almost at the same time, regardless of order.


The sonic boom sounded again, accompanied by a strong airflow, which made the mutants on the scene have difficulty breathing.

Everyone felt that their eyes were blurred, and Rorschach, who disappeared in an instant, appeared again in an instant.

It seemed that he just shook his body, but he had never left.

The scene suddenly became somewhat dead silent.

Everyone stared at Rorschach in astonishment, all of them were deeply shocked.

Not only Earthwalker, Chopper, and Hawk, who didn't know Rorschach, but also Eric, Charles, and other mutants who were familiar with Rorschach, were stunned.

Rorschach, this guy, has become even more perverted!

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