American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 206 At the critical moment, we still have to rely on Rorschach

"Isn't that too exaggerated?"

In the quiet scene, Earth Walker's murmuring voice rang out, and everyone including Zhan Bo and Eagle beside him looked at Rorschach as if they had seen a ghost.

This process only takes one second, right?

The four Decepticon fighter jets hovering in the sky were just killed?

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe this sensational scene. Even if they saw it with their own eyes, they would still feel extremely unreal.

this moment.

The guys at Polka Dot finally understood why this extremely young guy was recognized by everyone as the strongest mutant.

"Beautiful, Rorschach!"

Eric's voice sounded, and he couldn't help but laugh with approval when he saw Rorschach easily getting rid of those annoying flies.

"what happened?"

"The four of them in the rearview mirror were killed?"

"How did you get killed?"

The Decepticons on various roads in the distance were all dumbfounded and did not even realize what was going on.

How come in just a blink of an eye, four of his companions were killed?

The key problem is that they don't even know how they were killed!

"It seems like someone has flown into the sky?"

One of the Decepticons couldn't help but guess cautiously.

Just now, there seemed to be a vague shadow flashing past.

Could it be that that shadow was actually a person?

"Flying into the sky? Could it be...that guy named Rorschach?"

"What! Is it actually Rorschach? I didn't expect him to be there too!"

"Is he the one who makes the master fearful?"

"I really want to see how powerful he is!"

When Rorschach's identity was recognized, it immediately caused an uproar among the Decepticon groups.

The name Rorschach is still very famous among the Decepticons.

There is no other reason. Megatron once took the initiative to explain to all the Decepticons that this man is a very, very dangerous person who cannot be dealt with unless a large number of Decepticons can deal with him.

Once you encounter this person, call for reinforcements.

Right away!

Megatron is the current supreme leader of the Decepticons. Of course, the real supreme leader is actually Fallen King Kong, but Fallen King Kong has been huddled on Mars to recuperate and has not shown up for thousands of years. Everything has been handed over to Megatron handled it.

Therefore, Megatron can be said to be the veritable supreme leader of the Decepticons.

A person of this level is actually so afraid of a mere Earthling. How can this make the Decepticons not curious?

But for most of the Decepticons, it was precisely because of Megatron's words that they wanted to experience Rorschach's power even more.

Rather than being as fearful as Megatron thought.

Everyone wants to see who the guy named Luo Xia is and how much he weighs!

But who would have thought that it has been several days since the Decepticons launched an all-out attack on humans, but that Rorschach never appeared!

Even once!

It made some Decepticons feel itchy.

But who would have thought that at this unexpected juncture, they would meet that Rorschach.

"I know what you are thinking!"

However, at this moment when everyone was in turmoil, the Decepticon leader of these reinforcements, Wiper, spoke to everyone in a deep voice.

"Remember our mission and don't think about those messy thoughts!"

"Ebony Knife and his team were actually wiped out by a few mutants. This is simply a great shame!"

"Lord Megatron cannot afford to disgrace this man!"

"We Decepticons can't afford to lose this person either!"

"Our mission this time is to destroy that group of mutants with the power of thunder, not to deal with Rorschach, do you understand?"

With the words of the wiper, the originally noisy scene became quiet.

All the Decepticons have become more honest.

"Follow the plan, everyone, stop moving forward!"

Wiper issued another command at this time, and then the Decepticons that were rushing towards the mutants all stopped.


Charles felt slightly surprised, and then quickly reacted, "Eric, your information about the battle just now has been learned by them."

The only reason Charles could think of for the Decepticons to stop was that they were afraid of Eric's ability!

Because in the battle just now, Eric's ability to control metal objects, which is the ability to defeat Megatron, has been exposed in all directions and 360 degrees without blind spots.

"These guys react really quickly."

Darwin's expression began to turn slightly solemn, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Because if this is the case, it means that the Decepticons have already adopted corresponding plans for mutants like them.

I'm afraid it's not just Eric, but them too.

"They are so far away, it's really hard for us to hit them."

Cyclops Scott couldn't help but frowned. Such a long distance was really beyond their reach.

Although Cyclops, Devastator, including Kraken or Chopper, all have energy attacks that can carry out long-range attacks, there is no doubt that long-distance combat is extremely inconvenient for them.

So what about the Decepticons?

"Everyone, fire!"

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Following the wiper's command, all the Decepticons raised their arms that turned into cannon barrels and fired mercilessly at the mutants.

And it’s an energy cannon!

Since they had already obtained Eric's abilities from the boning knives, how could they come in a hurry without making any preparations?

Accompanied by the dull sound and dazzling light, it looked like fireworks rising up, and it seemed to have a different kind of beauty.

But for the mutants, it means extreme danger.

"No, it's an energy attack!"

At the first moment when the cannons fired, Eric subconsciously planned to use his abilities to intercept those shells, but suddenly found that his abilities were of no use at all!

Those shells have no warheads!

That's not a conventional attack at all, but an energy cannon!

"Liz! It's on you!"

Vincent's anus suddenly tightened, and he couldn't help shouting nervously to Liz.

With this kind of intensive artillery attack, they will be blown to pieces, right?

"I-I'll try my best!"

Liz said sweating profusely.

Of course she has no problem with one or two shots, but right now, it's a full twenty or thirty shots!

It was beyond her capabilities.

"No need to be nervous."

But at this time, Luo Xia's calm voice sounded.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand in front of him, and used his telekinesis directly.

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