American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 207: Sweeping the Enemy, the Fear of Being Dominated by Rorschach


At that moment, a blue special energy shield instantly covered all the mutants.

But the blue was not like Lizzie's blue, it was a regular blue that everyone could see.

Rorschach's blue protective shield can only be seen by Rorschach himself.

Boom boom boom!

Almost at the moment when Rorschach stretched out his hand, the energy cannons fired by the Decepticons from far away hit Rorschach's telepathy hard.

"Blocked... blocked?"

Wiper and the other Decepticons were all dumbfounded.

According to the previous information from the Eviscerate Knife, these mutants were indeed very powerful, each possessing extraordinary abilities. Wiper did not expect to kill them all with just such a wave of attacks.

But even so, such a level of shelling would cause extremely serious casualties to the opponent anyway, right?

The results of it?

The other party was actually unscathed!

One of the guys just stretched out his hand casually and completely blocked their bombardment!

So effortless and effortless.

How is this possible?

They made the Decepticons look like trash.

"It's Rorschach!"

A Decepticon's voice sounded, with unconcealed surprise in it. The other party scanned Rorschach's appearance and immediately recognized Rorschach's identity.

"This guy seems to be really not that simple."

Another Decepticon echoed in a deep voice.

this moment.

The attitude of all the Decepticons towards Rorschach immediately changed 180 degrees.

The previous indifference, thinking that Megatron was exaggerating, wanting to compete with Rorschach, and many other thoughts disappeared in an instant.

All that's left is fear.

Deep fear!

They finally understood why Megatron was so afraid of that Rorschach. It turned out that the other party was really too perverted.

"Rorschach, is this your new ability?"

It was not just the Decepticons who were surprised, the mutants were also stunned by Rorschach's move.

Blocking the artillery attack with a flip of his hand, as cool as picking a flower, the visual impact of this scene is needless to mention.

Anyone who sees this scene will be moved.

Alex the Destroyer couldn't help but looked at Rorschach and asked.

Charles, Eric, Darwin and other former friends of Rorschach all have almost the same expressions as Alex.

Rorschach, are you being a bit unreasonable?

Is it really okay for you to keep awakening new abilities all day long?

Have you considered everyone’s feelings?

When they were at the CIA's secret base, Charles and Eric went to the Soviet Union, that's all. As a result, when they came back, Rorschach awakened to the heat ray.

Then the Cuban Missile Crisis, Rorschach awakened to flight.

Finally, see you again this time, telekinesis?

"Sorry Alex, I woke up again accidentally."

Rorschach explained to the ravagers lightly while resisting the bombardment of the Decepticons in the distance.

The ravager: "..."

Charles: "..."

Eric: "..."

other people:"……"

Listen, do people say it?

Little did he know that this was really not Rorschach's pretense, the awakening of Rorschach's power was really accidental.

Boom boom boom!

The roars continued one after another, but Wiper and the other Decepticons did not stop attacking because of Rorschach's ability. They continued to fire at the mutants one after another.

They still don't believe it. If Rorschach can block it for a moment, can he block it indefinitely?

If you continue bombing like this without stopping, you will always bombard the opponent to death.

But Rorschach is not a fool, so why would he just stand there waiting to be bombarded?

He quickly used his telekinesis as a cover, led everyone to evacuate and transfer, and successfully hid behind the bunker.

After doing all this, Rorschach made a decision.

His initial plan was to try not to get involved or interfere, so that the world could truly realize the power of mutants.

But now, the time has come for the mutants to be frustrated.

This is not what Rorschach wants to show others.

And the battle has progressed so far, Eric and the others have successfully eliminated a Decepticon team in an almost perfect manner, which has already demonstrated their power.

The purpose has been achieved.

So now, it seems it's time to take action myself.

"I'll be back as soon as I go!"

Rorschach said hello to the mutants, then swayed, a sonic boom sounded, and his entire body disappeared instantly.

"Everyone, Rorschach has taken action, so we won't have anything to do, but there is a good show to watch!"

Vincent said to everyone enthusiastically, and then quietly put his head out, looking like he was watching the fun.

He has stayed in Rorschach's base for such a long time and has a deep understanding of how perverted Rorschach really is.

Just a while ago.

A real demon from hell, he was beaten like a third grandson by Rorschach!

Those aliens called Mauga were killed by Rorschach alone!

Luo Xia took action, how could it be covered?

Zhan Bo, Earth Walker, and Eagle all raised their heads after hearing this.

They really wanted to see what kind of brilliant performance this strongest mutant who had just been recognized by them could have.


With the sound explosion, the Decepticons only felt a blurry shadow flashing before their eyes.

Then Rorschach appeared in front of them.

"What a fast speed!"

All the Decepticons were shocked.

Combined with the information that Rorschach could fly, it seems that it was Rorschach who killed the four people in the rearview mirror.

This guy is so damn tough!


"Kill him!"

While being shocked, the Decepticons also felt boundless anger and pressure.

And all of this turned into invisible artillery fire in their barrels.

Bang, bang, bang!

One energy cannon after another, bombarded Rorschach at such a close distance.

However, Rorschach.

He did not dodge or evade, as if he had not seen it at all.

He let those powerful bombardments hit him without any injury, without even blinking an eye!

It was as if those terrible bombardments were just a breeze.


Zhanbo, Tuxingzhe and others could not help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, and they were grinning.

It was fine to be bombarded like that, steel is not that hard, right?

Is this really a human body?


Under the gaze of everyone, Rorschach stood there with two extremely blazing heat rays bursting out of his eyes.

He cut the Decepticons around him fiercely.

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