American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 208 The despair of the Decepticon team: He destroyed an entire army by himself!


The extremely blazing heat ray first swept across the Decepticon closest to Rorschach.

The extremely hard mechanical body that was strong enough to withstand the attack of modern thermal weapons was cut in half in front of Rorschach's ray like fragile tofu dregs.


The upper body of the Decepticon fell to the ground fiercely, and then its lower body shook and fell to the ground as well.


The Decepticons including Wiper were all shocked. The rays shot out from the opponent's eyes were so terrifying?

They would die if they were touched?

Even the most powerful weapons of humans that they had faced since they fought with humans in the past few days were inferior to them!

All the Decepticons felt their anus tighten. That thing was really terrible.

In an instant.

The Decepticons no longer dared to face Rorschach's heat rays and began to dodge them at the first opportunity.

But in front of Rorschach, could they hide?

After all, no matter how fast they are, they can't be faster than Rorschach's speed of turning his head, right?

While the Decepticons were dodging, one Decepticon after another was killed by Rorschach.

It made Wiper's eyes bulge.

Their powerful attacks couldn't hurt the opponent at all, but the opponent's attacks could cause a devastating blow to them like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

How to fight this?


"I don't believe it!"

Wiper roared angrily and unwillingly, and fired at Rorschach desperately, hoping that the continuous attacks could break through Rorschach's "defense threshold".


It didn't work at all.

In the midst of all the Decepticons' bombardment of Rorschach, one Decepticon after another seemed to be harvested by a swinging sickle, falling down one after another and turning into scrap metal on the ground.


Then, a familiar sonic boom sounded again, and Rorschach's body disappeared again.

"Not good!"

The Decepticons such as Wiper secretly cried out in their hearts that it was not good. Rorschach's speed was so fast that even they felt terrified.

Because of such a fast speed, even they were far from reacting.



The sound of objects colliding sounded, but it was the entire body of Wiper that exploded directly.

It was not the kind of explosion attacked by hot weapons, but because of the excessively strong external force, the body of Wiper collapsed and disintegrated.

Because Rorschach punched Wiper.

That's right.

With Rorschach's current strength, one punch can blow up a Decepticon!

Bang bang bang bang!

After Wiper, the scene almost sounded the sound of objects colliding, but the remaining Decepticons all flew backwards one by one.

People were still in the air, and they were completely turned into discus and slag.

When they all fell to the ground, the whole scene had become silent.

Because all the Decepticons were killed by Rorschach.

The Decepticons who beat the mutants so hard that they couldn't even show their heads and could only hide behind the bunkers were all killed by Rorschach in just a few minutes.

So relaxed.

"Isn't this... too exaggerated?"

In the distance, Earthwalker swallowed hard and muttered such a sentence.

Zhabo and Eagle beside him were also dumbfounded and speechless.

What is killing the enemy like killing a chicken?

This is killing the enemy like killing a chicken!

Those Decepticons who are extremely scary to ordinary people and extremely powerful to them are simply weak chickens in front of Rorschach.


The sonic boom sounded again.

The mutants at the scene suddenly felt a huge airflow coming, and then there was a flash in front of their eyes. It turned out that Rorschach used the speed of sound to return.

His expression was normal and calm, as if he had just gone out to smoke a cigarette instead of destroying a Decepticon squad.

"OK, it's done."

Eric spread his hands, "The battle is over."

"This battle is over."

Charles spoke and corrected Eric's words, "But we still have many other battles to fight next. This is just the beginning, but I have to say, this is a very good start."

Then Charles looked at Rorschach again, with an unconcealed smile on his face, "Rorschach, well done!"

After winning the first battle, Charles was in a very good mood.

"Dean, you were so cool just now! Is this your true strength? It's too exaggerated, right?"

Vincent ran to Rorschach with excitement, his face flushed red, looking so excited.

It was as if he was the one who just killed the Decepticon team instead of Rorschach.

Cyclops Scott's reaction was quite restrained, but from his appearance, it was clear that he couldn't remain calm.

They all knew that the dean was very strong, but they didn't expect that the dean's strength could be this strong.

"Everyone, how do you feel? Do you need to rest?"

Charles' voice sounded again, and he glanced at the mutants and asked.

"We are just warming up!"

"Charles, how can we get there?"

"No need at all!"

Everyone responded, and their enthusiasm was unprecedentedly high. The victory of the first battle made everyone's morale reach a peak.

Charles saw this, and there was no more nonsense. He contacted the White Queen directly: "Emma, ​​please tell us where the next battlefield is."

The White Queen immediately found another place where the Decepticons were rampant through the brain wave enhancer.

The mutants did not delay anything, and one by one they boarded the Blackbird fighter planes, and rushed to the next battlefield in a heroic and high-spirited manner.


With the roar of the air, the Blackbird fighter plane quickly disappeared from the spot, as if it had never appeared.

Only the Decepticon corpses were left lying all over the ground.

Colonel Akins returned to the battlefield with his soldiers at this time to carry out a series of follow-up work.

He looked at the "robot ruins" lying on the ground one after another, and the shock in his heart could not subside for a long time.

Is this the power of mutants?

It is too terrible.

However, if these terrible mutants take action, then the crisis brought by UB6 should be able to be safely overcome, right?

Although considering that the awkward relationship with mutants will bring a series of embarrassing problems after the war, Colonel Akins is generally in a very good mood now.

He is full of expectations for the mutants to eliminate the Decepticons.

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