American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 209 Megatron's shock: Rorschach is so scary?

Broken Neck Mountain, one of the seven famous mountains in New York.

On the top of the highest peak, there are two huge monsters made of iron lumps, standing facing each other.

They are the two highest leaders of the Decepticons on Earth: Megatron and Starscream.

"Master, Wiper and his army have been wiped out."

Starscream spoke in a solemn voice and reported to Megatron.

"What? Wiper and his army have been wiped out?"

Megatron's face showed a very surprised look, "In such a short time?"

How long has it been since Wiper and his army set out?

They were wiped out?

"Are those mutants so powerful?" Megatron frowned and his voice became solemn.

Ever since they were severely defeated by Rorschach in the SHIELD base, the mutant group has entered Megatron's sight.

According to the investigation, this group is a group of humans with some special abilities, much stronger than ordinary humans, and Megatron still pays attention to them.

However, since he launched the attack on the earth, he has not encountered any mutants that are too powerful.

Occasionally, some mutants resisted, but they were easily killed by the Decepticons.

Megatron did not take this group too seriously. In his eyes, except for that one Rorschach, this group has nothing to worry about.

But now.

Megatron found that he seemed to be wrong.

He seemed to have underestimated the mutants.

In such a short time, he was able to wipe out the team led by Wiper. This combat power is already stronger than his old rival Optimus Prime's team!

"It seems that I underestimated them before." Megatron couldn't help but sigh.

"Master, it was not the mutants who wiped out Wiper and his group, but Rorschach." But at this time, Starscream added, "Only Rorschach."

"What! Rorschach?"

Megatron's voice suddenly rose an octave.

He had personally experienced Rorschach's power, but he was still shocked to hear this news.

Rorschach could be so powerful?

The team of Wiper was full of powerful Decepticons, not just trash!

Originally, in Megatron's estimation, this battle was enough to eliminate Rorschach and the mutant team.

But who would have thought that, let alone destroying the mutant team, even Rorschach could not be destroyed!

"Are you sure that Rorschach did it alone?"

After a pause, Megatron's voice sounded again, and he asked in disbelief.

"Master, although it is hard for me to believe this, it is indeed done by him alone." Starscream's voice was also unable to remain calm.

Judging from the strength that Rorschach has shown so far, he is already much stronger than Megatron.

Even with Megatron's powerful strength, he would have to kneel down if he met the Wiper Squad, not to mention destroying the Wiper Squad.

"How could this happen?"

"How could the human race give birth to such a terrible person!"

Megatron exclaimed in shock, with excitement and unacceptability.

A race like an ant gave birth to a strong man that he had to look up to. What a joke?

"Master, things are starting to get a little troublesome."

Starscream waited until Megatron's mood calmed down a little before speaking again, speaking to Megatron in a deep voice.

With Starscream's words, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became dull and depressing.

Although Megatron was reluctant to admit it, he had to admit that with the intervention of mutants, things really began to become tricky.

Especially that Rorschach, who can easily wipe out the entire team of Wiper alone. I'm afraid that no Decepticon team on the entire earth can stop him.

You know, there are only a few hundred Decepticons on the entire earth!

"Master, I just got the news that another team of ours was wiped out by mutants."

At this time, Red Spider suddenly spoke again and reported to Megatron.

"It's absurd, have the mutants officially declared war on us?"

Megatron couldn't help but snorted coldly, feeling very angry.

Some ants on the earth actually began to resist!

Not only resisting, but even these ants that he completely despised caused him such a setback.

This is something Megatron is unwilling to accept no matter what.

"Master, what should we do?"

Red Spider asked again in a deep voice.

"What else can we do? Of course, we should concentrate our strength to deal with those mutants first!"




A dazzling half-moon slash passed by, with an indescribable beauty, drawing a graceful trajectory, and cut diagonally through the body of a Decepticon.

It was really a path of sparks and lightning.

The Decepticon was already wounded, and the last slash of the slash could be said to have given the opponent a fatal blow.

A big hole was cut in the chest of the Decepticon, and even the fire was extinguished in an instant.


The opponent's huge body fell directly to the ground, splashing smoke and dust.


Zhanbo clapped his hands, and a flash of excitement flashed across his face, "The last one, done!"

Looking around, there were Decepticon corpses lying all over the ground. The Decepticon just now was the last one.

With the opponent being killed, the Decepticon team here has been completely wiped out.


"YES! These hateful alien monsters have finally been wiped out!"

"We won!"

There were even more excited and excited cheers around, but those ordinary troops who had been struggling to resist the Decepticons almost cried with joy.

However, while they were happy and excited, their eyes looking at the mutants were also somewhat complicated.

Considering the relationship between ordinary people and mutants, they could never have imagined that at the critical moment, it would be the mutants who saved them.

"Thank you!"

"Thank you very much!"

After quickly calming down, the commander walked up to the mutants and thanked them.

"You're welcome. This is what we should do."

Others were too lazy to pay attention to the commander, but Charles waved to them with a smile on his face.

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