American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 210 Reputation reversal: Mutants are heroes!

"I will report what happened today truthfully!"

After a pause, the commander spoke to Charles and the mutants with a serious face.

Charles' face showed a more and more relief.

It seems that he did not misjudge ordinary people. There are indeed some people in this group who are extreme and full of prejudice against mutants, but that is only temporary after all.

As long as the mutants are willing to release their goodwill, they will definitely be accepted by everyone.

"Don't get me wrong."

Eric couldn't help but snorted coldly, "I'm not here to save you, but to save our compatriots! You don't deserve us to do this!"

Charles' mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help but glance at Eric beside him with some resentment.

This great atmosphere was ruined by you, Eric.

The commander felt a little embarrassed, but didn't say much.

After all, the person in front of him is the famous Magneto!

He has been causing trouble with mutants all day long. Now that the other party has not attacked him, he is being polite.

"It was the mutants who defeated the aliens!"

"What the government cannot do, the mutants did!"

"Great, these mutants did a great job!"

"So in the end, were we saved by the mutants?"


While the commander was talking to Charles and others, the ordinary people who watched the battle outside the blockade in the distance were also talking and discussing.

After being oppressed by the Decepticons for these days, everyone was actually desperate and numb, and did not have much hope.

But who would have thought that things would turn around in the end.

UB6, which had made the human army breathless and unable to raise their heads, was defeated!

This scene was so exciting.

It was as if the sun finally shone in when the rain and fog that had covered the city for days was about to suffocate people!

Because the distance was a bit far, Charles did not have any super hearing, so he naturally could not hear what everyone was saying.

Fortunately, Charles has psychic abilities, which is not difficult for him at all.

He activated his abilities a little, and the reactions of the people around him were all known.

The smile on Charles's mouth became more and more eager.

He wanted to contact the White Queen again and rush to the next place to continue to eliminate the Decepticons, but Charles glanced and found that most of the people around him were exhausted.

After careful calculation, this is the fifth battle everyone has experienced!

Looking at the sky again, it is almost dark.

Although he is very eager to kill all the Decepticons, Charles also understands that haste makes waste.

He could only shake his head helplessly and glanced at Charles and Rorschach: "It seems that we can only stop here today."

Eric heard the words and glanced around, seeing everyone's tired state. He knew that Charles was right.

As for Rorschach?

He didn't care about it at all.

Even from the perspective of maximizing the effect, the longer the battle to eliminate the Decepticons lasts, the more beneficial it is for enhancing the prestige of mutants.

After all, it takes time for news to spread and word of mouth to ferment.

In this way, the leaders of the three camps had a brief exchange and soon reached a consensus.

Instead of continuing to fight, they took Hank's Blackbird fighter and returned to Rorschach's mutant base.

"Back! They are back!"

"It's the dean and his men!"

"Finally back!"

When the Blackbird fighter slowly landed in the mutant base, all the young mutants were excited and surrounded by them, as if welcoming a triumphant hero.

Rorschach and his men were busy dealing with the Decepticons outside and had no time to take care of other things, but during this day, the news that mutants repeatedly eliminated aliens had spread throughout the United States through news media reports!

That's right.

Now the "special operations team" led by Rorschach, Charles and Eric can be said to be completely popular.

It went viral.

"Rorschach, everyone, great job!"

"You guys did a great job this time."

Arriving at the meeting hall, Mimic Cat greeted everyone with a smile, and his face was full of excitement and excitement.

The White Queen standing on the side was the same.

Although these two people seemed to be indifferent to this battle from the beginning, they were also proud of their great victory and fame.

"You guys are famous."

The White Queen pointed to the TV in the meeting hall at this time, and everyone's eyes were attracted to it.

Sure enough, on the screen, it was the figures of these mutants.

"For everyone, today is undoubtedly an exciting day, even an exciting day,"

"The UB6 combat team, which the government and the army are helpless against, finally met its opponent. We can see from the live pictures that they are always in a state of defeat in the battle with the mutants."

"It is reported that before this, this mutant team had fought with UB6 in many places such as the Bronx and Brooklyn, and won all the battles!"

"These victories are of great significance to all of us!"

"After experiencing the oppression of UB6 for many consecutive days, we finally saw the hope of victory for the first time!"

"Yes, mutants have always been a sensitive topic, and many people have a very complicated attitude towards mutants, but no matter what, on this day, at this moment, they are all heroes!"


After changing several channels in a row, basically all channels are reporting that the mutants have eliminated the Decepticons and won.

Although there are a few discordant voices, such as questioning why the mutants did not take action earlier if they have such strength, etc., the mainstream attitude is basically to praise the mutants.

They all seized the victory of the mutants in the battle and boasted and exaggerated.

There is no way.

The whole of America has been depressed for too long, and the people of this country have lost hope in the country and the future. Everyone needs a victory.

A victory is needed to regain the people's hope.

Otherwise, something will happen.


The siren couldn't help but shrugged, "Although it sounds good, why do I still feel a little weird?"

After thinking about it carefully, it may be that the siren never thought that there would be a day in his life when he would be called a hero.

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