"That's right, man, we're heroes now!"

The Destroyer nodded heavily, hugged Siren's shoulders hard, and pointed at the TV screen, "Did you just see that, I'm on TV!"

"What's there to be proud of? I'm on it too!"

"But I just had a close-up!"

"Really? Why didn't I see it?"

"You must have seen it, you just don't want to admit it!"

A group of young people were laughing and joking together.

Although he has gone through many battles, the young mind cannot be avoided after all.

"Eric, how do you feel now?"

Charles glanced at Eric at this time and asked meaningfully.

Eric has always disagreed with his ideas, but now, the ironclad facts are before his eyes.

A harmonious scene where humans and mutants live in harmony is completely possible!

"What do you want to say Charles?"

Eric's face was still stern. He didn't understand what Charles meant. "I really hope you won't be so naive and be deceived by the short-lived illusion in front of you."

"Eric, the facts are before your eyes, but you refuse to open your eyes and see." Charles shook his head in disappointment.

"No, you only choose to see what you want to see." Eric also looked disappointed.

These two guys are still the same as before, neither one can convince the other.

"Rorschach, what do you think?"

Charles looked at Rorschach again.

"I think... you must know what I want to say, so I won't waste my words." Luo Xia spread his hands.

Charles couldn't help but reveal a helpless smile.


Rorschach is just doing the same thing. He doesn't agree with his optimism, and he also doesn't agree with Eric's passivity. Instead, he neutralizes the "strengths" of the two of them. He is not too optimistic and blindly believes that mutants are coming. It's spring.

It's not like Eric, who is indifferent to changes in the current situation.

Everyone is already very familiar with this set of principles. Even if Rorschach didn't say it, Charles and Eric could only guess it.


Although we have been separated for such a long time, when we first met, we found that each of us seemed to have changed a lot, and we had indeed done a lot of things. However, after getting in touch with each other, we found that in fact, we still had not changed much.

"Okay, everyone has been tired for a long day. Let's not discuss such serious issues. Wouldn't it be better to relax and unwind?"

Rorschach then spread his hands, said hello to Charles and Eric, then walked directly to the sofa on the side and sat down comfortably.

Charles shook his head and said nothing more.

Although I still felt a little helpless, I also knew that talking more would be useless, so I started to reminisce with some of my old friends.

Generally speaking, the atmosphere at the scene was harmonious and lively.

"Your Majesty, dinner is ready."

After chatting for a while, Serena came to Rorschach to report.

"Everyone, I have prepared some simple meals for you. You must be hungry for a long time, right?"

As the host, Rorschach greeted the guests to the base restaurant.

Everyone had a delicious meal, so naturally it was no problem.

Early the next morning.

The combatants from the three bases once again quickly assembled in front of the Blackbird fighter jets.

After a night of repairing, everyone is now in full swing and full of energy.

"Okay, let's go!"

This was not the first battle, and Charles did not make any long speech again. He waved to everyone cleanly, and the group quickly boarded the Blackbird fighter plane.


Soon, the Blackbird fighter jet took off and disappeared.

Almost forty minutes later, the Blackbird fighter jet landed slowly on a street in Queens.

it's here.

More than a dozen Decepticons were fighting fiercely with military troops.

As always, the military troops were suppressed by the Decepticons and could only hold on with gritted teeth.

Not to mention how embarrassed he looked.

At this time, the familiar sound of breaking through the sky sounded, and everyone subconsciously looked up at the sky, and everyone was refreshed.


"The mutants are here!"

"Great, it's the end of these bastards!"

The soldiers who were gritting their teeth and supporting themselves all became energetic the moment they saw the Blackbird fighter jet.

The body that was originally exhausted seemed to have gained a lot of strength at this moment.

Yesterday, mutants and Decepticons achieved exciting victories in several battles. This matter has spread throughout the United States. Early this morning, almost all troops received messages from the upper levels. Order.

If you encounter mutant troops assisting in combat, cooperate fully!

That's right.

Officials have also acquiesced to the fact that mutants "intervened" in this battle.

So at this moment, facing the arrival of mutants, everyone's attitude is different from before.

"Look, it's a mutant!"

"The mutants are coming, our city can be saved!"

"Great! The savior is here!"

The ordinary citizens outside the blockade became even more excited after seeing the Blackbird fighter jets.

Although they did not dare to approach the battlefield at will and could only huddle in their own homes and on various other occasions, they were always paying attention to the battle ahead.

It can be said that they can see clearly how the army was beaten into Sun Tzu. If things are allowed to develop like this, the city they live in will be destroyed.

No one wants to accept something like this.

So when they heard on the news that the mutants showed off their might yesterday and defeated several alien teams one after another, they had long been looking forward to the mutant team.


Just like that, with everyone's attention, the Blackbird fighter slowly landed in an open space.

The three leaders, Rorschach, Charles and Eric, took the lead, followed by the other mutants. The group of people walked out of the Blackbird fighter majestically and rushed to the battlefield.

"Professor Charles!"

The situation was different from yesterday. This time, the local commander took the initiative to come over and negotiate with Charles.

"Lieutenant Colonel April!"

Charles lightly shook hands with the other party, and after a brief greeting, Charles said directly to the other party, "Leave it to us next."

"Then I'll leave everything to you!"

Lieutenant Colonel April had no nonsense. After communicating with Charles, he immediately gave an order to his people, "Everyone, start evacuating!"

The group of people began to retreat in an orderly manner, leaving the battlefield to the mutants.

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