American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 212: Ambush, the mutant team faces life-and-death crisis

As in the previous battles, the Decepticons did not obstruct the departure of ordinary humans.

The Decepticons did not care about the ant-like things, dead or alive.

Since the moment the mutants appeared, the attention of all the Decepticons has been on the mutants.

"Mutants, it's you again!"

A solemn voice sounded, but it was a dark green, seven-meter-tall Decepticon, looking down at everyone and shouting.

"Yes, it's us again!"

Zhanbo laughed coldly, "Don't worry, we will send you on your way soon!"

"No, this time, it will be your end!"

The dark green Decepticon snorted coldly.

Then he immediately reported the news of the mutants to Red Spider without any nonsense.

"Master, mutants have appeared again!"

On the top of Broken Neck Mountain, Red Spider reported the news to Megatron the moment he received the message from the dark green Decepticon.

"Haha, they finally appeared?"

"I've been waiting for this moment!"

Megatron couldn't help but sneer.

"Those mutants who don't know how to live or die must be wiped out this time!"

"That's right, we can't let them run away this time!"

As Megatron said this, there were echoes and sneers around him.

Looking around, he saw that Megatron was surrounded by Decepticons!

There were as many as 120!

There were almost 100 more Decepticons than the team led by Wiper last time.

These Decepticons were specially summoned by Megatron to deal with mutants like Rorschach.

To be precise, they were used to deal with Rorschach.

After all, although the mutants were strong, the wipers had beaten them so badly that they dared not show their heads.

Such a terrible battle was mainly because of Rorschach.

"Okay, let's start!"

Megatron glanced at the Decepticons at the scene and gave orders in a deep voice.

Several of the Decepticons looked at each other, nodded, stood up, and walked to a specific position.

Then they all stretched out their hands.

When the hands of several people were facing each other.



The dazzling electric light flashed continuously, like a raging lightning, and the wind began to blow. A huge energy flashed out of thin air.

In an instant, it covered all the Decepticons around.

And those Decepticons covered by the electric light and special energy disappeared.

Space transfer!

That's right.

This is the space transfer technology mastered by the Decepticons!

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

While the Decepticons on Broken Neck Mountain were disappearing one after another, on the battlefield, one Decepticon after another appeared out of thin air like dumplings, and then fell heavily to the ground.

The whole earth began to tremble, as if there was an earthquake.

At this moment, the shadows of Decepticons flashed everywhere in the sky and kept falling to the ground.

They were so dense that it was dazzling.

Even the originally spacious ground suddenly became crowded.

The reason was that there were too many Decepticons.

And looking at the posture, the Decepticons' "falling from the sky" continued!


"What's going on?"

"These Decepticons... are there too many?"

The mutants who were originally confident and full of confidence all changed their colors.

Even Rorschach couldn't help but be stunned.

Of course, Rorschach was not afraid, but was shocked by the Decepticons' hand.

There were only a dozen mutants in total, but the Decepticons took such pains to ambush hundreds of them.

They really looked up to them.

"What, what's going on!"

"So many Decepticons, it's bad."

"It's over! I'm afraid it's over!"

The military troops who had just evacuated and the ordinary citizens watching the battle outside the blockade were completely dumbfounded and began to gasp.

This is too exaggerated, isn't it?

These huge mechanical aliens actually rely on human wave tactics to deal with some mortals?

Shame on them!

It's just that everyone is scolding and angry, but they are really worried from the bottom of their hearts.

With so many Megatrons, everyone is a little overwhelmed. Can those mutants really handle it?

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

As everyone watched, the ground kept rumbling and shaking, like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's mind.

When all the sounds faded away, we saw that the mutants were surrounded by dense Decepticons.

The scene was like more than a hundred wolves surrounding a dozen little sheep.

The huge visual impact brought about by the huge gap in power between the two sides cannot be described in words.


The sound of swallowing saliva was heard, and the mutants at the scene froze.

They were sweating and pale.

Everyone stared at the steel wall made of Decepticons, and their brains were all down.

"This, this is a big deal."

The Siren murmured, "How can we fight this?"

"This is troublesome."

Darwin's face kept twitching, and he also echoed.

Even the unruly guys such as Zanbo and Earthwalker were completely out of their original posture at this time, and they were all panicked.

Even Charles and Eric had sweat all over their foreheads.

The Decepticon formation in front of them was completely beyond their response range.

"Rorschach, go! Now! Only you can leave here!"

Charles quickly glanced at the dense Decepticons around him, and then said to Rorschach with a serious face.

The situation was very clear. Except for Rorschach who could fly and had the speed of sound, none of them could run away.

They would all die here!

Including Eric!

Although Eric could control metal and was a natural nemesis of the Decepticons, there were too many Decepticons in front of him, far beyond Eric's ability.


A Decepticon couldn't help laughing out loud, "Is it too late to run now?"

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