American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 213 Too brutal! One man truly swept the entire army

As that Decepticon said those sarcastic words, all the Decepticons couldn't help but smile with pride and irony.

They had received accurate information about Rorschach from Red Alert these days, and knew that Rorschach alone had killed a small team of Wiper, and in a very short time.

He was a very scary person.

But soon.

Such a scary person would die in their hands!

These Decepticons didn't believe it. Even if Rorschach could easily destroy a whole team of Wiper, could he still deal with a full 135 Decepticons?

Absolutely impossible!

On Earth, no, it should be said that there is no such a powerful creature in the entire universe!

It's just a joke.

They, the Cybertronians, are actually a powerful race in the entire interstellar space, and have even completed many invasion activities in the interstellar space and destroyed many planets.

They are actually very clear about the level of interstellar races.

Even the Kree and Skrulls, who are so famous that they shock the entire galaxy, are only so powerful in terms of individual combat power. It is nothing more than the powerful technology and profound foundation of these two races.

Not to mention that they are on a barren and desolate planet like Earth.

Rorschach was able to destroy a Decepticon combat team by himself, which was already amazing enough and beyond everyone's imagination. This person could not be more powerful, otherwise it would really be unreasonable.

"Do you feel like I'm going to run?"

In the extremely depressing and tense scene, Rorschach's voice sounded slowly.

He still looked so calm and confident.

It was as if more than 130 Decepticons were just an insignificant battle.

"You are about to die, but you are still pretending to be calm!"

A Decepticon snorted coldly, and then raised his hand without any nonsense.

He aimed the cannon in his hand at Rorschach.

Following the action of that Decepticon, the other Decepticons also raised their cannons without hesitation and aimed at Rorschach.

The air at the scene was stagnant.

Everyone felt as if a big stone was pressing on their chest, and even breathing became extremely difficult.

The cold sweat on his forehead was dripping down.

"All of you, do your best to defend, and leave the rest to me!"

But Rorschach suddenly spoke to the mutants at the scene.


Eric subconsciously wanted to say something to Rorschach.

But at this moment, Rorschach's body shook and he disappeared.


At the same time, the familiar sonic boom sounded.

Rorschach directly launched the sonic boom and launched a fierce attack on the Decepticons around him.


In just a dazzling moment, Rorschach flew in front of a Decepticon at a speed that no one could react to, and punched it mercilessly.


A loud noise.

The huge body of the Decepticon, which was more than six meters tall, seemed so weak in front of Rorschach.

The whole person flew backwards like a cannonball.

It was also at that moment.

The chest of the Decepticon exploded directly, and a big hole was hammered out. It was shattered, and I don’t know how many parts were hammered.

Even the fire was extinguished at the first time.

The moment the body flew up, the Decepticon had become a dead man!


Then, the body of this Decepticon hit the Decepticon behind it hard.

The other Decepticon was immediately knocked over.

This series of processes is not short to describe, but it actually happened in a short moment of lightning and fire.

Bang bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang bang!

Almost at the moment when the first Decepticon was smashed by Rorschach, a series of Decepticon explosions sounded one after another.

Under Rorschach's supersonic speed, six or seven Decepticons were destroyed in a flash.

In the eyes of those Decepticons, they just felt a flash in front of their eyes, that's all, and then six or seven companions exploded directly!

All the Decepticons were shocked.


This Rorschach is so cruel!

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

What else do you Decepticons have to hesitate for?

They all pulled the trigger in their hands at Rorschach at the first moment.

Countless shells and bullets, like a raging sea, swept towards Rorschach.

It's just a pity.

Rorschach's speed is so fast, so fast that these Decepticons can't catch Rorschach's shadow!

They can only feel a vague shadow rushing past them. They just adjusted their guns and cannons, and the shadow over there has already gone to who knows where.

Bang bang bang!

Under their violent attack, they didn't know whether Rorschach was injured or not, but the Decepticons around them were turned into ruins and flew backwards one after another!

"Eric, Liz, Vincent, defend with all your strength!"

At the same time, Charles shouted in a deep voice to the mutants around him.

Although the Decepticons focused their firepower on attacking Rorschach, there was nothing they could do. There were too many Decepticons, and they were all around them.

Even if they were not the main target, the "aftermath" alone could be called a hail of bullets.

That was not something that these mutants could bear.

Everyone was not a fool, and they all understood that the only way to survive this crisis was Rorschach.

Because no one except Rorschach could attack in this situation.

And the only thing they could do was to defend with all their strength and not hold Rorschach back, that's all!


At the moment when the Decepticons fired at Rorschach with all their strength, Liz had already gritted her teeth and shot out her blue energy, covering all the mutants.

Forming a 360-degree energy shield with no dead angles.

Eric was also not idle. Almost at the same time as Liz took action, he also used all his strength to stimulate his ability and included all the mutants in the protective circle.

Crack, crack, crack!

Vincent gave the last assist. He quickly created a large number of vines, forming a large green cocoon that surrounded everyone.

It was just like when Ronan's mothership crashed in Guardians of the Galaxy, and Groot used the tree trunk to surround everyone.

There were three layers of protection inside and outside, and finally they barely blocked the aftermath of the Decepticons' attack.

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