American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 217 Rorschach’s Showdown: I want to establish a mutant nation!

Mutant base.

"Welcome back, hero!"

"Our great hero is back!"


Charles, Eric, Rorschach and other mutants just walked out of the Blackbird fighter, and there was a burst of warm applause around them.

All the young mutants looked at this mutant team with a fanatical and excited look, clapping their hands vigorously.

The mutants defeated the alien forces and received high praise from the whole country, which made them feel proud.

"We are just protecting our homeland and doing what we should do, that's all!"

Charles was relatively calm about this, and he said to everyone humbly.

Eric also did not regard this as his capital to show off, and was as cold as ever.

After everyone greeted the young mutants, they returned to the meeting hall one after another.

In the evening.

After everyone had eaten and drunk their fill and had a rest, Charles, Eric and Rorschach gathered together again and had a brief meeting.

Now the Decepticons have begun to evacuate and lie dormant, and the situation has reversed compared to before.

But for the mutants, the war is far from over.

No matter what everyone's original intention was, since they have fought with the Decepticons like this, it is already a situation of life and death.

There is no other way except to kill all the Decepticons.

Everyone understands this.

The three of them exchanged opinions briefly, reached a consensus, and rest assured.

In the following time, the battle between the mutants and the Decepticons continued, but the way of fighting has changed dramatically.

It is no longer that the Decepticons are making a high-profile fuss and the mutants rush to put out the fire, but the Decepticons are all lying dormant and hiding honestly, and the mutant team is tracking and killing the Decepticons all over the world!

It's just that Decepticons are not human after all. They don't need to eat, don't need housing, and can change their appearance at any time according to their needs.

Once they hide, it's really hard to find them.

The White Queen and Charles's psychic abilities are completely ineffective against alien creatures like Decepticons.

In the past, the White Queen could accurately locate the Decepticons through a brain wave enhancer, which was actually an indirect search method: reading the memories of those who saw the Decepticons.

Now that the Decepticons have retreated, the White Queen can't find them at all.

At the beginning, the White Queen could still find some evacuated and transferred Decepticons, but as time went on, the Decepticons entered a dormant state, and when there was no movement at all, everyone was completely helpless.

After all, how can you fight if you can't find them?

In this way, the battle lasted for almost seven days and gradually fell into stagnation.

Basically, the Decepticons were searched all over the world, but they couldn't find them at all.

However, in the past few days, the reputation of the mutant team has become louder and louder.

After all, from the Decepticons forcing everyone to breathe and the city facing the crisis of extinction, to the Decepticons hiding and not daring to come out, all these changes are seen by everyone.

Just as Rorschach had planned before, through this battle with the Decepticons, the public's view of mutants can be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

The situation of mutants before has been greatly reversed.

For this, whether it is Charles, Eric, or Rorschach, they are very satisfied.

"Rorschach, we should go!"

In this case, after another day of chasing the Decepticons without success, Charles and Eric came to Rorschach.

Say goodbye to Rorschach.

"Are you leaving? I guess it's only these two days."

Rorschach nodded, and he didn't feel any surprise about this.

The Decepticons always hide and don't come out, which is destined to be a long-term battle.

From now on, everyone should pay close attention to and pay attention to the relevant information of the Decepticons, and once they find them, they will strike with thunder.

But before that, Charles and Eric couldn't stay with Rorschach for a long time.

"Rorschach, I really hope you can come to my place and sit down. I think we should still have a lot to talk about."

Eric invited Rorschach meaningfully.

Although Eric knew that Rorschach didn't agree with his ideas, he couldn't help it. The strength shown by Rorschach in the battle with the Decepticons really shocked Eric.

Eric couldn't remain indifferent.

If someone with such ability was willing to stand on his side, Eric wouldn't have to worry about his great cause.

He couldn't help but think of Rorschach.

Charles glanced at Eric. He knew what Eric was thinking, so he exposed Eric: "Eric, stop trying in vain. The situation of mutants has changed. Ordinary people have accepted us. This is the result of our hard work."

"Do you really want to push us to the opposite side of ordinary people again?"

"Charles, why do we need their acceptance? We are a superior race to them!" Eric said with disapproval.

As always, Charles and Eric started to "fight" again.

Charles thought that the situation was the most favorable for mutants and the situation he had always dreamed of. Charles decided not to tolerate Eric's destruction.

Eric was naturally the same as before, thinking that Charles was too naive and too idealistic.

"Charles, Eric."

Rorschach smiled and watched the two quarreling for a while, then suddenly spoke and interrupted them.

Until the two looked at him, Rorschach said to them leisurely, "Haven't you always wanted to know what I'm doing? I think it's time to tell you now."

With Rorschach's words, both Charles and Eric showed seriousness on their faces.

Although they didn't know what Rorschach was planning, they both knew that what Rorschach wanted to do must not be a small matter.

Mostly some big deal.

"I plan to build a country!"

"A mutant country!"

Facing the gazes of Charles and Eric, Rorschach slowly said this sentence.

That's right.

Rorschach showed his hand to Charles and Eric.


"Rorschach, you!"

Even Charles and Eric, who had been prepared for this, were shocked when they heard it.

Building a mutant country, Rorschach really dared to think about it!

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