American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 218 Charles Eric and Rorschach's Deep Cooperation

Building a mutant nation has never been easy.

Even though Rorschach is now in great trouble and his strength has far exceeded the limitations of the 1960s, he still can't play it.

After all, this thing cannot be solved by brute force.

So Rorschach still needs someone to help him.

There is no doubt that Charles and Eric are Rorschach's most suitable assistants no matter how you look at them.

It's just that the time was not ripe in the past, so Rorschach did not show off his cards to the two of them.

But now, Rorschach decided the time was right to bring Charles and Eric on board.

After all, after the battle with the Decepticons, the two leaders of the mutants, Charles and Eric, have long become the focus of attention and have extremely high prestige among mutants.

At this time, it is naturally the most appropriate time for the two of them to climb up and call all the compatriots.


Rorschach has just obtained some black technology weapons from the Mauga people, and also obtained the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. These trump cards are also the confidence and support for Rorschach to establish a mutant nation.

The powerful abilities of mutants are important, but these force guarantees are equally important.

"A country of mutants, Rorschach, are you serious?"

Charles' surprised voice sounded again. He looked at Rorschach with wide eyes, unable to believe his ears.

"Rorschach, you're not joking, right?"

Eric also had trouble staying calm.

"What do you think?"

Facing the surprised looks of the two, Luo Xia spread her hands, glanced at them leisurely and asked.

The two of them naturally knew that Rorschach couldn't be joking when he said such things. The reason why they repeatedly asked for confirmation was just because they were too shocked.

After all, this kind of thing sounds too crazy at first glance.

"Rorschach, you must be crazy!"

Seeing Rorschach's serious face, Eric couldn't help but shake his head and sighed.

"Rorschach, I have to say, even I was shocked by you!"

Charles also exclaimed.

It took a long time for the two of them to finally regain their composure and become calm.

At this time, the two of them carefully sorted out Rorschach's audacious plan, and their eyes couldn't help but light up.

Because Rorschach's method, for these two people, can perfectly echo their own ideas!

For Charles, what has always been a headache for him is the coexistence of mutants and ordinary people, and he has always wanted to resolve the sharp opposition between mutants and ordinary people.

But what if, according to what Rorschach said, a country composed exclusively of mutants was established?

All the problems he was worried about no longer existed.

It can even be said that the problem was eliminated immediately!

After all, Charles is not a fool. He understands that ordinary people and mutants are limited by their attributes. No matter how hard he tries, he cannot completely eliminate the gap between them. The opposition between the two sides will definitely exist for a long time.

cannot be completely eliminated.

The only difference is that the opposition is strong and weak.

But what if the two sides are completely isolated?

Charles was really moved.

The same is true for Eric. He has always believed that mutants are the evolutionary future of mankind and more advanced humans, so he looks down on ordinary people and thinks he is superior to ordinary people.

This is also the fundamental reason why Eric was extremely angry when he saw the unfair treatment of mutants.

What right do a group of low-level humans have to look down on them, high-level humans?

What qualifications do you have to be on an equal footing with them higher-level humans?

Now, it seems like a good choice for advanced humans like them to establish a more advanced country.

And if this country is really established, even if he wants to take action against ordinary people, it will be much easier, instead of just the small fights now.

"So, Charles, Eric, tell me, are you willing to help me?"

After seeing Charles and Eric digesting the news, Rorschach looked at them seriously and asked.

"Rorschach, I saw you right."

Charles smiled at this time and looked at Rorschach with a sigh on his face, "Although our philosophies have always been different, I have always had the highest expectations for you, and you, my friend, you really pointed out for us mutants The most perfect path.”

"You asked me if I would help you? Why not!"

Hearing this, Luo Xia couldn't help but reveal a very gratified and happy smile on his face.

"What about you, Eric?"

Rorschach once again focused on Eric.

Charles, who was beside Rorschach, also looked at Eric with expectant eyes.

"Well, Rorschach." Eric also smiled at this time, "Although I am not a person who is easily convinced, but this time, I have to say that I am convinced by you!"

Both Charles and Rorschach could not help but smile.

Rorschach was actually not that surprised by the decision of Charles and Eric. After all, in the comics, the two men joined together to establish a nation of mutants.

Although this is the movie universe, not the comic universe, how should I put it? The personalities and styles of Charles and Eric are pretty much the same.

They can be used for reference.

Moreover, Rorschach and Charles and Eric have known each other for so long, and with the movie plot as a reference, they are very familiar with each other.

The plan to establish a mutant country can be said to be very consistent with the demands of the two. Rorschach thought to himself that if he stood in the perspective of Charles and Eric, he would not find a reason to refuse.


At this time, Rorschach smiled and nodded to Charles and Eric, "Charles, Eric, welcome to join us!"

"I am also looking forward to accomplishing something great with you!"

Charles was in a good mood, and said to Rorschach with endless expectations for the future and uncontrollable excitement.

"I originally thought that fighting against the Decepticons was just a short-term alliance between us. After the Decepticon issue is resolved, we will go our separate ways and go our separate ways again."

"But now it seems that I was wrong."

"Charles, Rorschach, we will fight side by side again!"

Eric glanced at the two old friends beside him and grinned with emotion.

The three of them looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, everyone seemed to have returned to the past, back to the days when they worked hand in hand and fought for the cause of mutants together.

And now.

Everyone has a common goal that will no longer create barriers between each other. Although they can't really go back to the past, some familiar feelings have really been found.

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