American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 219 The complete union of the three mutants

Establishing a country is not a simple matter after all. On the contrary, it is an extremely complicated and tedious matter.

Charles and Eric, who were originally planning to leave, had to temporarily change their plans after Rorschach confronted them.

They stayed in Rorschach's mutant base for seven more days.

During these seven days, the mutants in the three bases saw that their respective leaders basically gathered together secretly every day and did not come out all day long.

Although they did not know what the leaders of the three parties were doing, even if they thought about it with their thighs, they must know that they were plotting something big.

"There is no need to rush the site selection issue. We have a lot of time to slowly consider and discuss this issue. Now we urgently need to solve two other problems."

"Money and people."

"If you want to build a country, even if it is just a small country, the wealth required is incalculable. This is the important problem we need to solve first."

In Rorschach's office.

Charles, Eric and Rorschach gathered together again to discuss important matters related to the establishment of a country.

Charles was summarizing some programmatic issues related to Rorschach and Eric.

"It's unrealistic to want to accumulate enough wealth to build a country with just a few of us." Eric couldn't help shaking his head when he heard this.

They are just mutants, not businessmen. Even if they have some strange abilities, it is not easy to make money.

"As for wealth, I have accumulated some, but it should not be enough."

Rorschach spoke at this time and told Charles and Eric that he had already controlled the Volturi vampire family, the Mikaelson vampire family and his own Rorschach family.

That's right.

During this period of time, the Volturi family and the Mikaelson family have been completely taken over by Rorschach.

The other guards of the Volturi family had actually been found by Marcus and others and reported to Rorschach.

Rorschach didn't even take action himself, but just sent the White Queen, Copycat and a few other mutants to take over this famous vampire family.

As for the Mikaelson family, no mutants were used.

All the supremes of this family were dealt with by Rorschach. There were no powerful vampires at all. Marcus personally led people to take over this tribe smoothly.

These two tribes are much stronger than the Rorschach tribe, and their wealth accumulation over hundreds and thousands of years is still very, very amazing.

However, it is still far from enough to establish a country. It can only be said that a preliminary foundation has been laid.

"In fact, this kind of thing is also easy to solve. Charles only needs to use his ability to control some chaebol families, right?"

Eric immediately had an idea, looked at Charles and spread his hands, and proposed a plan that he thought was very feasible.

"Eric, we want to establish an upright country, and the money we use to establish the country must also be upright!"

As expected, this method was rejected by Charles.

Eric just shook his head slightly and didn't say much.

He knew Charles, and Charles' reaction was already expected by him.

Then everyone had a heated discussion on how to get money.

However, no definite ideas and methods were discussed for a while.

No matter when, making money is not an easy thing.

The next is the issue of people.

This issue is also divided into two aspects.

First, after all, a mutant country is to be established, so Charles needs to contact the mutants on the earth in advance, at least to communicate with each other.

Otherwise, when a country is suddenly established, the mutants are all caught off guard, not knowing what is going on, and even struggling whether to join. That would be a joke.

And this kind of thing must undoubtedly be done in secret, and intelligence cannot be leaked, so Charles needs to take action for this matter.

Another thing is those ordinary people.

Although everyone is preparing to establish a mutant country, this kind of thing is not just a matter for mutants.

When the country is established, the most ideal state for everyone is naturally to obtain universal international recognition.

Otherwise, if you establish a country and all countries do not recognize it, it will undoubtedly fail.

Apart from other things, at least you have to have a good relationship with the United States in advance. If you get official support from the United States when you establish the country, you will be halfway to success.

This kind of thing undoubtedly needs Charles to do.

"The Smiling Boy is a mutant himself. I think we can find a suitable opportunity to talk to the Smiling Boy."

Eric spoke to Charles again.

Charles nodded. On this point, he still agreed with Eric's opinion.

The president of a country is actually their compatriot. This can be said to be a very, very favorable situation for them, a major benefit.

Anyway, Charles' ability is psychic ability. If the negotiation fails, he can simply erase the other party's memory directly, and there is no possibility of any leaks.

From the perspective of operability, it is still worth a try.

"Rorschach, Smith and the others are leaving."

While discussing things with Charles, Raven came to Rorschach and spoke to Rorschach.

During the time when the mutants were fighting the Decepticons, those Lorraine people were not idle. With the help of the White Queen, Smith and Henry traveled across the country to find their compatriots.

So far, the nine key figures of the Lorraine, plus their nine guardians, have all been found and gathered in the mutant base.

And now that everyone has been found, they naturally have no reason to stay in Rorschach.

Smith and others said goodbye to Raven.

"Are you leaving?"

Rorschach nodded, then said hello to Charles and Eric, and then followed Raven to the base compound.

Looking around, I saw Smith, No. 6, Henry, No. 4, and a large number of other people already waiting there.

"Rorschach, on behalf of my people, thank you for everything you have done for us. Without you, we Lorraine people would not be where we are today!"

Smith spoke to Rorschach from the bottom of his heart, and then bowed deeply to Rorschach using Lorraine etiquette.

Following Smith's movements, all the Lorraine people behind him also bent down towards Rorschach.

"Everyone, take care!"

Rorschach also spoke sincerely to all the Lorraine people.

"Goodbye Rorschach!"


After saying goodbye, these Lorraine people left Rorschach's mutant base.

All those promiscuous movies have been explained here. I don’t know if you like to watch this kind of promiscuous movies. If you don’t like to watch them, I will concentrate on writing about Marvel. If you think it is okay, the Hellboy line has been laid out and I haven’t started writing yet. Woolen cloth.

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