American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 220 The mutant's nightmare: Sentinel robots go online

Not long after the Lorraine people left, Charles and Eric also came to Rorschach to say goodbye.

The establishment of a country is not something that the three of them can discuss together for ten days or eight days. It is destined to be a long and complicated process.

In the future, the three of them will have a headache.

"Charles, Eric, are you leaving?"

Raven looked at Charles and Eric, and a trace of reluctance appeared on her face.

Charles, Eric and Rorschach have fought side by side for a while, which made Raven feel like she had returned to the past.

Now Charles and Eric are leaving suddenly, and Raven is really reluctant.

Deep in her heart, she actually hopes that this situation will continue like this.

Hank adjusted his glasses. Although he didn't say much, it seems that his thoughts are the same as Raven's.

"Raven, we will come here often in the future."

Charles smiled at Raven and said to Raven meaningfully.

"That's right, Raven, I know you really want to hear this news. Yes, Charles, Rorschach and I are on the same front again."

"In the future, Charles and I will come here often."

Eric also smiled at Raven.

"Really? That's great!"

Raven's eyes lit up, and she couldn't suppress her excitement no matter what.

The same was true for Hank on the side, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.


Cyclops Scott walked to Rorschach's side at this time. After some consideration, he carefully made such a request to Rorschach, "I want to stay with Charles for a few days. How about it? Alex has invited me several times."

During the days of fighting the Decepticons together, Cyclops and the young people in Charles' base can be said to be fighting extremely hot.

Maybe because of the presence of his brother, or because of the same age, the few people quickly became very good friends.

So the Devastator and the Siren and others began to strongly invite Cyclops to visit their base.

"Of course, no problem, Scott."

Rorschach readily agreed. He naturally had no reason to refuse such a thing.

Anyway, from now on, he and Charles can be regarded as people in the same camp.

Scott was overjoyed when he heard this, and so were the Ravager, the Siren and others.

"So Rorschach, what agreement did you reach with these two guys?"

After Charles and Eric left, the White Queen and the Copycat immediately came to Rorschach and looked at him curiously to ask.

These three people have been in the room every day to discuss matters, and it has lasted for so many days. It is obvious that there is something very important.

And with Rorschach's terrible ability, he still needs to be treated so seriously. The White Queen and others are really curious about what kind of big thing it is that can make Rorschach so concerned.

Rorschach did not hide it anymore and told these core members about the establishment of a mutant country.

There is no doubt that the core members were also shocked.

Establishing a mutant country, Rorschach's move is a bit too big!

However, while being shocked, several mutant backbones also instantly felt that they were full of energy.

Full of fighting spirit!

Even the White Queen and Copycat were like this.

In the past, these two only agreed to work for Rorschach because Rorschach was too strong, that's all.

But now, the big pie that Rorschach described made them feel very yearning.

They also regarded the establishment of a mutant country as a cause worth fighting for.

"Okay, Emma, ​​the mutant country is a long-term project, which cannot be completed overnight. It's not too late for us to plan it slowly."

"Now, tell me what the situation is now."

After Rorschach waited until several mutant backbones regained their composure, Rorschach waved his hand and stared at the White Queen and asked.

The battle between mutants and Decepticons has indeed changed everyone's view of mutants. The news media has also praised mutants, but that is only a superficial level.

After all, the media is just a fishing reel controlled by the upper echelons, nothing more.

It is impossible to know what the real thoughts of the upper echelons are like by watching TV. The White Queen has to use the brainwave enhancer to check it out.

It is not just the thoughts of the upper echelons, but also the thoughts of the ordinary people.

After all, how many people can express what they really think on TV?


The White Queen shrugged and told Rorschach some of the situations she observed through the brainwave enhancer.

"First of all, I am quite relieved that your hard work and efforts in the past few days have not been in vain."

"Basically everyone knows that it was the mutants who saved the country and changed the fate of the earth being invaded by aliens."

"In the folk, everyone's attitude towards mutants has changed a lot. Although there are still a few discordant voices, the mainstream attitude is to accept and support mutants."

"But in the official..."

The White Queen paused when she said this, and a hint of sarcasm appeared on her lips, "Most of them are not grateful to the mutants. What they saw in this war was not that the mutants defeated the aliens." It’s the fact that mutants have terrible power!”

"What they see is the potential threat posed by mutants!"

"They increasingly regard mutants as monsters!"

"Why am I not surprised at all?" Raven spread her hands, "Those politicians have always behaved like this."

The official and private attitudes were not beyond everyone's expectations.

For ordinary people, mutants allow them to live a peaceful and stable life and protect everyone from alien threats, and they are naturally grateful.

But for politicians, the emergence of mutants is not conducive to their rule.

They were naturally disgusted.

"Also, Rorschach, I even saw some people, driven by various promoters, secretly researching weapons to deal with mutants."

"For example, this person."

At this time, the White Queen slapped a piece of information in front of Luo Xia.

"Bolivar Teslak, this is the world's top weapons expert!"

The White Queen was extremely angry.


Luo Xia couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

He was familiar with this guy. It was this guy who developed the sentinel robot that would be the nightmare of mutants in the future.

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