American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 221 He is the world's first mutant!

Of course.

Even for an internationally renowned weapons expert like Teslak, it is not easy to develop a weapon that can truly act on mutants.

In the original plot, Teslak's previous research had been at a standstill. It was not until Mystique Raven assassinated him and was accidentally caught that the turning point in history came.

Although Teslak died, other scientists continued Teslak's research and successfully developed the Sentinel robot based on Mystique's genes.

The mutant's nightmare was born.

In the next few decades, sentry robots will almost kill mutants to extinction!


These are the original historical tracks.

But this established trajectory is no longer possible with Rorschach's time travel.

If nothing else, there's no way Mystique would fall into the hands of those scientists again.

But even so.

Rorschach still didn't intend to let go of Teslak.

"Emma, ​​except Teslak, I want you to find everyone else, everyone like Teslak who secretly researches weapons to deal with mutants!"

Rorschach said to the White Queen in a deep voice.

Not only Trask, but also other similar people, Rorschach does not intend to let go!

"What will happen after you find it, Rorschach? What are you going to do?"

The White Queen raised her eyebrows and glanced at Luo Xia seriously.

"Of course I'll get rid of it!"

Rorschach said without hesitation, "Emma, ​​Vanessa, this matter is left to you two. Other people are needed. You can deploy it yourself."

"But leave this Teslak to me."

Rorschach's decision still surprised the mutants present.

"Rorschach, do you think too highly of Teslak? Wherever you are needed, Emma and I are enough!" Copycat couldn't help but said to the side.

"This person is special, I will do it myself."

Rorschach was very insistent on this.

Considering the impact of the Sentinel robot in the future, Rorschach thought it would be better to be cautious about this matter.

Only by doing it yourself can you feel more at ease.

"If Rorschach takes action himself, this Strass can die in peace."

The White Queen spread her hands, and then told Rorschach the specific location of Straker without any nonsense.

"I'll be back as soon as I go!"


Before he finished speaking, Luo Xia's body disappeared.

But just a minute later, Rorschach's body reappeared.

Although the time was short, Rorschach did a lot of things.

Needless to say, Straker was killed by Rorschach. Rorschach also killed all the researchers at his secret research base.


When leaving, Rorschach also set fire to the opponent's research base.

It can be said that Straker's research results were basically wiped out from the bud by Rorschach, not even the dregs were left.

"I still don't believe it. Can the Sentinel robot be born like this?"

Rorschach clapped his hands and couldn't help but think in his mind.

"Well, since Rorschach is so efficient, Vanessa, we can't slack off too much."

The White Queen greeted the imitating cat beside her, then quickly turned around and walked out.

Rorschach has made a good start, and she is about to ruthlessly attack those secret research institutions!

New York.


In a seemingly ordinary manor, in the quiet and quiet garden pavilion, stood a man who was obviously not very strong, but gave people a vague sense of oppression.

But I saw a man with black and red hair, very eye-catching, wearing a red robe that ordinary people would never wear, only those superheroes or super villains would wear.


There is also a red square mark on his forehead!

It’s unforgettable once you take a look at it.

Rorschach would not know this man if he were here, but in fact, this man and Rorschach had dealt with him before.

He was actually the guy Rorschach had fought against in the air when he went to recruit Liz!

The other party used his psychic abilities to control Hawkeye, and then killed Hawkeye in front of Rorschach.

"Sir, the Decepticon war is completely over. Megatron and the remaining Decepticons have shrunk and never dare to show their faces again."

"The mutants won this war."

Next to the man, a person wearing a suit, who could tell at a glance that he was not a simple character, reported to the man respectfully.

His respectful posture made him look like the red-haired man's subordinate.

It is worth mentioning that "Decepticon", three words that even the officials did not know, were mentioned here accurately.

"It actually took such a short time. I have to say, this is really beyond my expectation."

The red-haired man nodded, with a look of surprise on his face, "In my long career, except for that guy, mutants have generally been disappointing. Now, finally, two decent ones have emerged. ”

"The victory in this war is mainly due to Rorschach's contribution."

"If it weren't for Rorschach, Eric and his team would not have won this war."

The subordinate said on the side.


The red-haired man murmured the name and nodded, "Killing 135 Decepticons with his own strength, even I can't ignore such a brilliant record!"

"Sir, maybe he is the answer you have been looking for."

The subordinate thought about it for a while, and then carefully told the red-haired man some of his thoughts.

"Rorschach's current strength is indeed surprising, and it can even be said that he is the most amazing mutant in so many years, but it is far from enough to deal with that person."

The red-haired man shook his head.

"Sir, is that person really that powerful?" The subordinate couldn't help but look at the red-haired man and asked in an incredible tone.

With the strength shown by Rorschach, it can be said that he is the most powerful mutant he has ever seen, and he is so powerful in all aspects that it is shocking.

Of course, the subordinates have never seen Mr. Red Hair take action, so this ranking automatically excludes Mr. Red Hair.

But even so, it is only a far from adequate evaluation?

"Why else do you think I have been working so hard for so many years?"

The red-haired man sighed, "Anyway, he is also the world's first mutant!"

"Sir, what should we do next?"

The subordinate then glanced at the red-haired man and asked respectfully.

"Don't worry, let's see how powerful this Rorschach is first!"

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