American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 222 Rorschach officially forms the X-Men

Mutant base.

Training ground.

Rorschach stood in a corner of the training ground.

Beside Rorschach were Mystique Raven and Hank, two veterans of the mutant base.

As for the other two veterans, White Queen and Copycat, they were not there. They had just received a difficult task from Rorschach and were busy these days.

They were often not at the base.

In front of Rorschach, Raven and Hank were Liz, Vincent, Scott who had returned from Charles's visit, and all the other young mutants.

The atmosphere at the scene was solemn.

All the mutants stood straight, with solemn expressions, expectations and tension in their eyes, staring at Rorschach.

Under the gazes of everyone, Rorschach finally stepped forward and spoke slowly.

"I believe everyone has heard some rumors these days, and some people have privately verified them with Raven and Hank. Now, I will give a formal response to those rumors."

"Yes, the rumors are true. I plan to set up a mutant special forces team! The name of the special forces team is X-Men!"

"So why do I want to set up the X-Men, and what can the X-Men do?"

"It's simple. When the Decepticons appear again next time, we can have a team to fight against the Decepticons!"

As soon as Rorschach said this, the scene immediately became noisy, and all the mutants could not remain calm.

Mutant Special Forces!


This is a great honor for these mutants.

Until now, everyone still can't forget the scene of seeing Cyclops and others in the crowd walking up to the Blackbird fighter plane in a heroic manner, and the scene of watching the mutant team fighting the Decepticons on TV!

What a glory it is!

In an instant, all mutants had a goal in their hearts, they must join the X-Men!

"The X-Men have just been formed, but everyone, I believe that in the future, the name of this special forces will resound throughout the world."

"It will become a symbol of mutants."

"Tell me, do you want to be a member of the X-Men?"

Rorschach's voice sounded again, his eyes swept across the faces of the mutants, and he asked softly.

There was no long speech, no inflammatory speech, but the atmosphere on the scene can be said to be completely mobilized.

Because the iron-clad facts have penetrated into the hearts of all mutants.

The honor of the mutant team fighting the Decepticons is the desire of everyone.

No need to say more.

"I want to!"

The sonorous voices rang out in unison, and everyone answered loudly.

Raven and Hank stood beside Rorschach, and seeing this scene, they couldn't help but smile.

Looking back to the past, when these fledgling mutants went to Cuba to deal with Black Emperor Shaw, Raven called themselves the X-Men in a joking manner.

Who could have thought that this product of Raven's whim would now officially enter the stage of history.

Raven believes that with the leadership of people like Rorschach, the X-Men will surely shine in the future.

"Very good!"

"I see your determination, but I have to tell you with regret that most of you are not qualified to join the X-Men at present."

"But opportunities will not reject those who work hard. As long as you train hard and improve your strength in the future, the X-Men will always have a place for you. It depends on whether you can grasp it."

"Also, as I said just now, most of you are not qualified to join the X-Men, but there are a few who have this qualification."

"Next, I announce the first batch of X-Men team members."

When Rorschach said this, the breathing of all the mutants on the scene began to become heavy, and they dared not breathe. It can be said that they were extremely excited.

It was like the moment of checking the results after the college entrance examination, waiting for the moment when the scores popped up.

"Rorschach, Raven, Hank, Emma, ​​Vanessa!"

These veterans of the base, who have been training and teaching everyone, and life housekeepers, are undoubtedly on the list of X-Men, which is not beyond everyone's expectations.

Everyone wants to know who else can "make the list" besides these people.

"Liz Sherman!"

In the spotlight, Rorschach gently uttered such a name.

Everyone immediately showed envy to Liz, but no one expressed any objection to this.

Although Liz has joined the base the shortest time, her strength is still very, very strong.

In addition, she was already a battle-hardened warrior before, so naturally she is not comparable to these young people.

"Scott Summers!"

Everyone was not surprised that Cyclops was on the list.

Although Cyclops is almost the same age as them, Cyclops' strength is indeed very strong.

"Vincent Korfa!"

Vincent is a person that all the elders, including Rorschach, are optimistic about, and he has great potential.

Moreover, in this battle against the Decepticons, he has indeed demonstrated his strong strength and extremely high potential.

Being included in the first batch of X-Men members is well deserved.

"Okay, this is the list of the first batch of X-Men members!"

"Don't be disappointed, as I said, I have reserved a seat for everyone in the X-Men, but whether you can seize the opportunity depends on you."

"That's it, everyone disperse!"

After saying this to everyone, Rorschach turned around and left.

The young people at the scene suddenly exploded at this time.

They surrounded Liz, Scott and Vincent and chattered non-stop.


A voice sounded, and Charles' figure appeared in front of Rorschach, "Rorschach, I didn't expect you to be a nostalgic person."


Raven saw Charles coming and immediately showed joy and greeted him.


Charles also smiled and nodded to Raven.

However, as a friend who grew up with Charles and was very familiar with him, Raven keenly noticed the worry behind Charles' smile.

Raven immediately knew that something must have happened.

"Let's go in and talk."

Rorschach greeted Charles casually, and the two of them came to the meeting hall while exchanging greetings.

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