American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 224: Opponents beyond Rorschach's control

"I am coming too!"

Ruiwen immediately took a step forward, not wanting to lag behind.

"Riven, the base still needs someone to guard it. Emma and Vanessa are not here, and Hank and I have to go out, so the base can only be left to you."

Luo Xia said to Raven seriously.

Ruiwen opened her mouth, but in the end she couldn't say anything. Although she was a little reluctant, what Luo Xia said was also true.

As for the other X-Men except Raven, it stands to reason that this should be a good opportunity to train them, but after some thought, Rorschach also decided not to take anyone with him.

Even the White Queen and the Mockcat "lost contact" silently, and they couldn't even send a message to Charles, which shows how dangerous that place is.

Although Rorschach thinks that his current strength is enough to dominate the world, he is not so arrogant that he thinks that he is invincible. If there is a danger that even he cannot take care of, and the X-Men come in, then It's called losing more than you gain.

From this perspective, the fewer people there are, the better.

If an accident occurs, it will be easier for him to rescue him.

After making the decision, the few people didn't talk nonsense and immediately took Hank's Blackbird fighter plane and quickly left the mutant base.

Almost an hour later, the Blackbird fighter jet stopped in a very remote suburb with no human habitation at all.

Looking around, you can see the vast and traceless grassland and woods. Only a few kilometers in front of a few people, there is a low-key and luxurious "villa".

"This is the place."

Charles looked at the houses and said to Rorschach and Hank beside him.

As he spoke, Charles put his right hand on his temple and once again tried to use his psychic abilities to explore.

It's a pity that his abilities are still blocked just like before in Rorschach's base.

"I still can't see inside."

Charles lowered his finger a little dejectedly.

"Charles, are you sure it's the mutant's ability or related equipment?" Hank couldn't help but ask at the side.

Charles shook his head again, his expression could be said to be very ugly.

With his powerful psychic ability, it was rare enough for him to be blocked by others, but in the end, he couldn't even figure out how others blocked him.

This is indeed a bit too shocking.

Hank's face also darkened slightly.

This is not good news for them. Regardless of whether the other party is a mutant or the equipment used, it is enough to attract everyone's attention.

But at this time, Rorschach had already used his clairvoyance ability and clearly saw the situation in the entire villa.

The figures of the White Queen and the Imitation Cat also caught Rorschach's eyes.

But at this moment, the White Queen and the Copy Cat were both locked in a special "glass compartment", and both of them wore a collar that was constantly flashing light around their necks.

Although this is the first time Rorschach has seen this collar in this world, it is obvious that there is a 90% possibility that this collar is a collar used to inhibit the abilities of the White Queen and the Mimic Cat.

Calculate carefully, how long has it been since mutants entered the stage of history?

This kind of collar that specifically suppresses mutant abilities has actually been developed?

Rorschach was still very surprised by this.

After all, this kind of invention needs to be based on a large amount of research on mutants to be successful. However, mutants have been known to everyone for such a short time, and Rorschach shocked the officials and made them restrain themselves by killing them in the Hexagon Building. A lot.

So who is it that actually researched this kind of thing?

Rorschach's expression couldn't help but become serious.

No matter who the person behind the scenes was, Rorschach felt that he was completely unexpected and beyond his control.

And with Rorschach's current ability, it is still very, very rare to feel this way.

"Rorschach, what's wrong?"

Hank's voice sounded. He saw Rorschach seemed to have discovered something, so he couldn't help but ask beside him.

"We've come to the right place!"

Rorschach spread his hands and said to Charles and Hank beside him, "Emma and Vanessa are here. Although the condition is not very good, there is no danger."

Both Charles and Hank couldn't help but feel refreshed.

Although Charles and Hank didn't know why Rorschach was so sure, Rorschach's abilities had always been unpredictable. Since Rorschach was so sure, Charles and Hank also believed in it.

"Rorschach, let's go there quickly."

Charles greeted Rorschach, and then everyone started walking quickly towards the villa in front.

"Hank, you brought your weapons, right?"

As Rorschach walked, he glanced at Hank.

The "weapon" he talks about is not an ordinary weapon, but a new version of the energy gun that Hank improved based on the energy gun of the Mauga people and is suitable for use by people on earth.

"I hope it won't be needed."

Hank nodded and said a silent prayer.

A few people stopped talking nonsense and walked on silently.


After walking a few steps, Luo Xia couldn't help but look slightly moved.

Because he suddenly discovered that someone was actually watching him in that villa!

The other party also has the same clairvoyance ability as himself!

That was a sturdy man who looked about forty years old, with a short haircut, like Schwarzenegger.

The other party was looking at the direction of Rorschach and the others with a solemn expression, his eyes passing through countless buildings and colliding with Rorschach's eyes.

"Shit, he can really sense me!"

"No, he can even see me as well!"

Schwarzenegger suddenly showed a look of surprise, and then quickly said to a bronze-skinned sturdy man beside him, "Hurry up and report to the sir, Rorschach is here!"


Rorschach's super hearing heard the conversation between Schwarzenegger and the bronze-skinned sturdy man clearly, and he noticed this "sir" at once.

Could this person be the mastermind behind the capture of the White Queen and Copycat?

However, Rorschach didn't think much about the fact that the other party recognized him.

After all, through the battle of the Decepticons, Rorschach's current popularity is still very high.

Especially among the mutant group.

Being recognized by mutants is normal.

However, there is one thing that Rorschach paid special attention to. He did not expect that there were mutants working in this mysterious place where the White Queen and Copycat were captured.

In this way, it can be explained why the White Queen and Copycat were captured.

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