Under Schwarzenegger's gaze, Rorschach brought Charles and Hank to the door of the secret research base.

Such a secret research base should be heavily guarded, with sentries guarding the door.

But the fact is that there was no one at the door.


Not only that, the door of the villa was opened on its own initiative!

Charles and Hank looked at each other subconsciously, and saw a solemn look in each other's eyes.

The other party knew they were coming a long time ago!

And... they took the initiative to let them in!

Things seemed more and more unusual.

"Playing tricks."

Rorschach sneered, without any nonsense, and walked in with Charles and Beast Hank.


The door behind him closed again.

A few people looked at it and saw a long passage in front of them, which was the only way to enter the base.

The few people walked forward along the passage without saying anything.

After passing through the passage, everyone's vision was wide open, and they saw a very spacious square in front of them.

In that square, a group of people were waiting there early.

These people were leaning or standing, men and women, and each of them looked defiant. Some of them looked at Luo Xia with endless sneers and provocations.

"Well, rare guest, this is really a rare guest!"

At the front of the crowd stood a middle-aged man with a golden slicked back hair and a handsome appearance. The other party raised his eyebrows and spoke to Luo Xia first.

"Rorschach, you have a body of steel, can fly, can reach supersonic speed, have laser eyes, can see through things, and are suspected to have psychic abilities... Wow, no wonder many people call you the most powerful mutant. To most mutants, you really seem to be from another dimension!"

"But, as I said, it's to most people. Unfortunately, I don't belong to that majority."

The blond man spoke without hesitation, and he had such accurate information about Rorschach.

But as he said, his attitude towards Rorschach seemed much more casual.

"Who are you?"

Charles spoke at this time, staring at the blond man with a serious face, "You are obviously mutants, why do you attack your compatriots?"


Who would have thought that after hearing Charles' question, the blond man couldn't help but sneer with disdain, "What qualifications do those inferior weaklings have to be my compatriots?"


As soon as the words fell, a sonic boom suddenly sounded, and a huge airflow burst out at the same time, pouring into the mouth of the blond man.

It made the blond man's breathing extremely difficult.

At the same time, the blond man also felt that his eyes were blurred, and Rorschach in front of him had disappeared. A feeling of extreme danger suddenly hit his heart.

All the hairs on the blond man's body immediately stood up!

"Not good!"

At that critical moment, the blond man secretly cried out in his heart that it was not good, and almost instinctively activated his ability.

His body turned into a shiny color in an instant!


The blond man actually turned his body into diamond.


At the moment when the blond man just completed the diamondization, Rorschach's fist fell on the blond man.

Accompanied by a dull sound, the blond man's body was directly ejected backwards like a cannonball.

With a bang, a wall was smashed alive.

The ground beneath everyone's feet seemed to shake violently.

"Weaklings are not qualified to be your compatriots? Do you think you are strong?"

Until this time, Rorschach's figure appeared again, and he was seen standing in the place where the blond man was originally, looking at the blond man with a sneer on his face.


The blond man got up from the ground in a miserable state. Although his body was made of diamond, the shock on his face was clearly displayed in front of everyone.

"How is it possible!"

The blond man looked down at the cracks on his chest and murmured in a shocking voice.

He is now a diamond body!

It was cracked by a punch?

What a joke!

When did the body of steel become harder than the body of diamond?

And the opponent's strength also made the blond man feel suffocated. He is indeed a terrible mutant who can beat the Decepticons!

"This, this..."

Not only the blond man, but also the companions around him, opened their mouths wide, unable to believe their eyes.

This Rorschach is even more terrifying than the rumors say!

It's simply exaggerated!

Even Lord Yongye was knocked down by Thunder.

You should know that Lord Yongye is one of the three knights under the master!

He was transformed by the master himself, and his strength is unfathomable. This time he was sent by the master to deal with this Rorschach!

But now, it seems that he is not the opponent of that Rorschach at all.

"Diamond body?"

Hank couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Why did another diamond body appear in front of him?

You know, mutants rarely have the same abilities. Considering that this is a secret base for studying mutants, Hank had a bad guess in his heart.

"It's worthy of being Rorschach!"

The blond man Yongye, no, it should be called the diamond man Yongye at this time. He came back to his senses, but a trace of madness appeared on his face, "This way, I can feel a little excited!"


After saying this, Yongye's eyes actually shot two heat rays directly at Rorschach.

What's going on!

Rorschach was stunned for a moment.

Charles and Hank were also confused.

Heat rays have always been Rorschach's iconic ability, and are regarded as ceiling-level offensive skills by all mutants.

It was not until the appearance of Cyclops Scott that Rorschach's "monopoly" was broken.

But apart from this, no one has ever seen a third mutant with similar abilities.

And now.

There is another one!

Even when he can turn his body into diamond!

This guy, like Rorschach, has multiple abilities!

"Is this what you think you can do against me?"

But soon, Rorschach smiled, his smile full of disdain.

They are both heat rays, but heat rays are different from heat rays!


Rorschach did not use any other moves, and also shot out two heat rays.

The heat rays of both sides collided fiercely.

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