Under the gaze of everyone, they saw the two heat rays surging and colliding, like two strong men desperately competing.

The companions around Yong Ye all stared at Yong Ye with their eyes wide open, not daring to take a breath, and their hearts were in their throats.

As for Charles and Hank.

His expression became much calmer.

Didn't feel worried at all.

The two of them know Rorschach very well. In the many battles they have experienced with Rorschach, as long as Rorschach is around, they have never defeated the enemy with overwhelming force!

No matter how powerful the enemy is, they are all vulnerable to Rorschach and are not worth mentioning. There are never any exceptions.

The two of them had already formed an almost blind trust in Rorschach.

And this is indeed the case.

However, after a brief confrontation between Rorschach and Yong Ye's heat rays, the situation quickly changed, and the two intertwined heat rays were constantly "shifting" towards Yong Ye.

Because Rorschach's heat rays are constantly "eating" Yongye's heat rays.

Yongye's heat rays are getting shorter, but Rorschach's heat rays are getting longer!

In this heat ray vs. heat ray battle, Yongye was obviously at a disadvantage.


Yong Ye let out a low roar and began to use all his strength to activate the heat rays to fight against Rorschach's heat rays.

However, it was of no use.

As Rorschach slandered, heat rays and heat rays are also different!

No matter how hard Yong Ye tried, his heat rays were still getting shorter and shorter, and eventually, they were completely swallowed up by Rorschach's heat rays.


At the moment when Yong Ye's heat ray disappeared completely, Rorschach's heat ray directly hit Yong Ye's face.


A muffled sound came from Yong Ye's mouth, and the person flew backwards like a lightning strike.

"how so."

"how so!"

An unacceptable murmur came from Yong Ye's mouth.

Why are the same heat rays so different?


Before the fight with Luo Xia, Yong Ye thought that with his many abilities, it would be easy to suppress Luo Xia, but reality slapped Yong Ye hard in the face!

In front of Rorschach, he could only barely hold on.


A sonic boom sounded, but Luo Xia's body disappeared directly on the spot. The next moment, he appeared next to Yong Ye like a ghost.

He raised one foot and stepped directly on Yong Ye's diamond head.

Its power suddenly exploded.

Click, click, click!

A large number of cracks immediately appeared on Yong Ye's diamond head.


A loud shout sounded, and at the same time, a sonic boom also came immediately after.

Accompanied by a dazzling light, a man bathed in light rushed towards Rorschach like a shooting star.

The other party can actually fly!

Different from the previous eagle-winged man in the Hellfire Club, this "Golden Man" is wingless like Rorschach, and his flying method is highly consistent with Rorschach.


The air vibrated, and a strong air flow rushed towards his face, blowing Rorschach's clothes and hair.

The man with golden light appeared in front of Luo Xia in the blink of an eye.

Terrible energy surged from his fist, and he hit Rorschach with thunderous force.

"Lord Leng Guang!"

Several mutants present were surprised and happy, and let out low exclamations from their mouths.

This golden man is none other than another knight among the three knights, Lord Lengguang!

Lord Lengguang ranks higher than Lord Yongye among the three knights!

Even when Mr. Rorschach was evaluating Rorschach's power, he used words like "almost the same as Cold Light" to describe it, which shows how powerful Cold Light is!


But at this moment, Luo Xia raised his head and glanced at the cold light with an extremely cold look, and swept it with his right hand.

Leng Guang's body flew backwards like a cannonball.

With a roar, it crashed through several walls one after another.


Those mutants from Leng Guang's group who originally had chrysanthemum smiles on their faces, all had their chrysanthemum smiles frozen on their faces.

Lord Lengguang was actually beaten away!


But soon, another golden light flashed through. The speed of the cold light also reached the speed of sound, and it appeared in front of Rorschach in the blink of an eye.

He looked at Luo Xia with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Rorschach, you really deserve your reputation!"

Cold eyes stared at Luo Xia, and he praised Luo Xia in a deep voice.

"Who the hell are you!"

Charles's voice sounded, and he looked at the cold light with a solemn face and asked.

After parting ways with Rorschach, Charles has been doing one thing: recruiting mutants.

Although the brainwave enhancer in its base is not as useful as the one in Rorschach's base, it is still a brainwave enhancer and covers the entire New York, so there is no problem at all.

Basically, all mutants in New York cannot escape Charles' detection. Even if he doesn't choose to recruit some people, he still knows them well.

But whether it was the diamond man under Rorschach's feet or the man in front of him with golden light all over his body, they seemed to appear suddenly!

Charles had never seen these people before.

But the strength of these two people was so strong!

However, considering that this base had means to block mental perception, Charles was somewhat relieved, but all these aspects could show that this base had a great background!

Behind it, there must be a very large force.

Just like the Hellfire Club at the beginning.

"You are not qualified to know our identity now."

Leng Guang snorted coldly and said to Charles with disdain, and then he directly retracted his gaze and ignored Charles.

Instead, he put his gaze back on Rorschach and said condescendingly: "You have successfully attracted my attention. You are qualified to be my opponent. Now, let go of Yongye and let me see what you are capable of!"


Before Leng Guang finished speaking, Yongye's head exploded directly.

It exploded into diamond fragments on the ground.

That's right.

Although Yongye's body has been turned into diamond, it is useless in the face of such a huge force.

Just like Eric used a few pieces of metal to shatter the diamond body of the White Queen, how could he withstand the normal thousand-ton force of Rorschach?

He was directly crushed.

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