
It can be said that the scene suddenly became quiet.

Everyone looked at the diamond debris on the ground and Yong Ye's headless body, and they were a little unable to react.

That's a diamond head!

He was actually trampled to death!

How much strength is this?

And a big shot like Master Yong Ye actually died like this?

No one can accept such a scene.

As for Leng Guang himself, his whole person was shaking with anger.

He just said to let go of Yong Ye, but before he finished speaking, the other party killed Yong Ye directly and brazenly.

The slap in the face was so slap-happy.

"Do you know what you did!"

In the quiet scene, Leng Guang's extremely angry voice of gnashing teeth rang out. The guy glared at Luo Xia, and let out such a low roar from between his teeth.


Rorschach didn't say any more nonsense to Leng Guang. He glared and fired two extremely blazing heat rays directly at Leng Guang.

"This move is of no use to me!"

Leng Guang snorted coldly and did not dodge or dodge. With a thought, a circle of golden energy appeared in front of him.

Completely blocking Rorschach's heat ray.

Both Charles and Hank were stunned.

Almost no mutant's body can withstand such a powerful attack from Rorschach. Ceiling-level attack power is no joke.

But the person in front of him actually blocked it so lightly without dodge, and his strength was too astonishing.

Think again of the "Diamond Man" who was killed by Rorschach. Although the opponent was also killed instantly by Rorschach, his strength cannot be underestimated and is far superior to the vast majority of mutants.

What on earth is this place!


Before he finished speaking, Leng Guang's body turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Luo Xia with lightning speed.

A long golden tail was pulled out by it.

It's really beautiful.

There is a different kind of beauty.

In the blink of an eye, the cold light went up against Rorschach's heat ray, rushed in front of Rorschach, and slammed into Rorschach like a meteorite.


But there was a soft sound right after, and Luo Xia suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched Leng Guang's neck.

Just like that, he lifted the cold light into the sky!



This vague sound of pain came from Leng Guang's throat, and his whole body struggled crazily in Rorschach's hands. He was helpless, but could not break free from Rorschach's clutches.

How can it be!

how come!

Leng Guang's eyes were wide open, and his face was full of shock. He couldn't believe the scene in front of him at all.

Even though Rorschach had just punched Leng Guang away before, Leng Guang never really thought that Rorschach would be his opponent, but now Leng Guang realized that he was wrong, how wrong he was.

In Rorschach's hands, he was as weak as a baby.

I can’t afford any waves at all!

The other party just casually grabbed it with one hand, leaving Leng Guang unable to deal with it!

How can it be.

How could there be such powerful mutants in the world!

"Is this your true strength?"

Rorschach's voice sounded, and he glanced at Leng Guang with a sarcastic face, "I almost thought you were Captain Marvel."

I have to say that Leng Guang's extremely cool appearance really shocked Rorschach at the beginning.

The figure bathed in golden light was so similar to Aunt Marvel that Rorschach naturally made a subconscious comparison between this person and Captain Marvel.

Not to mention that this guy has the abilities of Captain Marvel, even if he is only half as powerful as Captain Marvel, he is not something Rorschach can deal with.

However, after taking action, Rorschach realized that he had completely overthought it. This person only had good special effects, nothing more.

His strength was almost the same as that of the diamond man he trampled to death, just a little stronger.

"I do not believe!"

"Other than sir, there can't be such a powerful mutant in the world!"

Leng Guang's eyes widened as he continued to burst out such shocking and unbelievable words from his throat.


Rorschach's brows raised. He heard the name again, and his inner interest could be said to be completely aroused.

In the eyes of this "pirate Captain Marvel", that gentleman is actually as powerful as himself?

In this time period, there is still such a powerful person?

It's not that Rorschach is blindly confident and thinks he is invincible. It's actually that as a reborn person, based on the memory in his mind, he can't think of any great god who fits his personality.

"Would you mind telling me who your husband is?"

Luo Xia asked with his eyes piercing the knife, directly hitting Leng Guang's face.

Leng Guang just stared at Luo Xia with a look of shock, fear, and unyielding. That was all, and he did not answer.

"All right."

Rorschach shrugged and used his right hand to slam Leng Guang on the ground.

With a loud noise and an earthquake-like tremor, a large pit was smashed out of the ground in front of Luo Xia. Leng Guang's whole body lay motionless in the pit.

But Leng Guang did not die, Luo Xia chose to keep Leng Guang alive.

Because Rorschach still needs to get some necessary information from Leng Guang.

As for now.

Of course, we have to rescue the White Queen and Copycat first.


Rorschach shook his body, a sonic boom sounded, and he quickly turned around in place. The enemy mutants who were originally standing in front of him were easily killed by Rorschach.

"Let's go in!"

After doing all this, Rorschach greeted Charles and Hank as if he had done something insignificant, and walked towards the hall in front of him.

What Rorschach didn't know was that the scenes of his Thunder killing Yongye and knocking down Leng Guang had been seen clearly by a man far away in Orniba.

That's right, it was the red-haired man!

The red-haired man just stood on the balcony, with his hands behind his back, looking into the distance, as if he was looking at the scenery.

But in fact, the red-haired man was observing Rorschach from a distance!

"Yong Ye and Leng Guang are so vulnerable in his hands!"

The red-haired man couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

"Sir, Yong Ye and Leng Guang failed?"

The man in a suit next to the red-haired man couldn't help showing a look of surprise when he heard it, "That Rorschach is so powerful?"

After a pause, the man in a suit immediately suggested, "Sir, I'll go!"

The man in a suit was the strongest knight among the three knights under the red-haired man, Jiemie.

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