American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 228 How many abilities does Rorschach have?

"Although your strength is stronger than Yong Ye and Leng Guang, it is only three points stronger."

"Yong Ye and Leng Guang were defeated so completely. Ji Mie, you are no match for him."

The red-haired man glanced at Ji Mie beside him, but shook his head, flatly rejecting Ji Mie's request.

Even if Nirvana is gone, it is meaningless.

"Sir, I..."

Ji Mie suddenly showed an unconvinced look, and he opened his mouth to refute subconsciously.

But when he finally opened his mouth, no words of rebuttal came out.

Emotionally speaking, he really couldn't accept that he was no match for Rorschach, and couldn't accept that his husband didn't think highly of him. But intellectually, he also knew that what his husband said was actually the truth.

Although the three knights have their own strengths and weaknesses, since they are collectively called the three knights, the overall strength is not very different.

Yongye and Lengguang were solved by that Rorschach so quickly. Even if he really faced that Rorschach, he was not very sure.

"Sir, you are right. From what I see now, you may be the only one who can suppress him, sir."

After regaining his rationality, Ji Mie nodded, glanced at the red-haired man next to him, and sighed.

A look of surprise flashed across his eyes involuntarily.

He never dared to imagine that besides that one, there was another mutant in the world who could reach the level of Mr.

Don't mention anything else, just looking at this point, that Rorschach is amazing enough.

"Sir, do you want to take action yourself?"

Immediately afterwards, Yan Mie showed a hint of incomparable expectation, looked at the red-haired man and asked.

"Do you think Rorschach is worthy of my action?"

The red-haired man glanced sharply at the silence around him.

Ji Mie's expression suddenly changed slightly, and he lowered his head: "Sir, I made a mistake."

"Remember, we are not reckless men who only know how to use brute force! Our goal has never been to appear powerful by defeating some seemingly powerful enemies, so as to satisfy our own petty vanity."

"Our goal is to get what we want at the lowest cost!"

"Our opponent has always been the only one!"

"Others are just tools for us to become stronger!"

"do you understand?"

The red-haired man withdrew his gaze and said these words to Ji Mie leisurely.

"Understood, sir!"

Nirvana's head lowered even lower.

"Now, you know what to do?"

"I understand, sir!"

Ji Mie responded, and then immediately took out a device similar to a walkie-talkie, but obviously much more advanced than a walkie-talkie, and began to issue orders.

"Initiate Plan 2 to capture Rorschach!"

"Plan No. 2?"

"It seems that Master Nirvana is not sure of defeating Rorschach!"

In the central control room, Schwarzenegger couldn't help showing a look of surprise when he heard Nie Mie's order.

Lord Yongye and Lord Lengguang among the Three Knights were both killed by Rorschach Thunder. According to the usual logic, shouldn't Lord Nirvana be the one to appear?

Master Nie Mie, how can he endure it when he sees the other two knights who are equally famous as himself being knocked down easily?

But by accident.

Lord Nirvana just didn't take action and instead asked everyone to adopt plan No. 2. It's hard not to make people have other speculations.


In any case, since Lord Nirvana has given an order, these little minions can only act according to the order.

Schwarzenegger didn't say anything nonsense. He immediately stood up, walked to a console near the south wall in the central control room, and began to perform some operations.

"So~this is plan number two?"

But what Schwarzenegger never expected was that his conversation with Ni Mie and his every move had been completely seen and heard by Rorschach.

"Plan No. 2?"

"Rorschach, what are you talking about?"

Hank's voice sounded, and he couldn't help but turn his head to look at Rorschach with some curiosity and confusion.

"The other party's second plan to deal with us."

Rorschach shrugged.

"How do you know they are going to use Plan 2 to deal with us?" Hank became more and more confused.

"Someone was discussing ways to deal with us, and I accidentally overheard it." Rorschach said lightly.

Overheard by accident?

Hank and Charles couldn't help but glance at each other, and then subconsciously looked around, only to see a long passage in front of them, empty.

Where is the person?

How did Rorschach hear what people were talking about?

It seems that Rorschach's hearing is also extraordinary.

Well, Rorschach, who was already full of superpowers, has a new ability that no one knows about.

Thinking of this, Charles and Hank couldn't help but become more and more speechless. How many abilities does Rorschach have that they don't know about?

It feels like various abilities are popping up endlessly, which is too exaggerated.

However, after complaining slightly, the expressions of Charles and Hank began to become serious. Although they didn't know what Plan 2 was, they thought it was definitely not a simple plan.

"Rorschach, what else did you hear? Plan No. 2, what exactly is it?"

When Hank's voice sounded, he couldn't help but turn his head, staring at Rorschach and asked.



Before Rorschach could answer, a sound of metal friction suddenly rang out, and he saw that several extremely heavy gates suddenly came down in front and behind his passage.

Rorschach, Charles and Hank were all trapped in a very limited space.

"Everyone be careful!"

Charles' face was full of vigilance, and he said to everyone in a deep voice.

Although they didn't know what they would face next, the other party must have a purpose in trapping them in this closed space.



Before Charles finished speaking, he saw a large amount of white gas spraying out from all corners.

In an instant.

The closed space was filled with thick fog.

"Not good!"

Charles and Hank's faces changed slightly, and they immediately closed their breathing, but they found that it was useless.

The moment the white smoke appeared, the two's hands and feet began to weaken, their brains became dizzy, and they couldn't even stand steadily.

"Don't waste your energy."

Schwarzenegger saw Charles and others' self-rescue actions through the surveillance, and couldn't help showing a sarcastic smile on his face, "Holding your breath is completely useless. These gases can automatically penetrate into the human body through the pores of the human body. Just fall down obediently!"


But Schwarzenegger had just finished saying this when he saw Rorschach in the surveillance video suddenly look up and glance at him.



Schwarzenegger suddenly felt his anus tighten.

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