American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 229: All methods are ineffective against Rorschach!


The next moment.

A familiar sonic boom sounded, and Rorschach's body disappeared from the spot, leaving a trail of afterimage.


At the same time, the two gates that blocked the passage flew out.

They flew far away, smashing the passage into a mess.


Another sonic boom sounded, and Rorschach, holding two people in one hand, rushed out of the white fog area in an instant and came to other areas that were not covered by the white fog.

"What's going on?"

"TT6 actually... has no effect on Rorschach at all?"

"How could this be?"

Schwarzenegger was dumbfounded.

TT6 is a weapon they specially developed to deal with mutants. The gentleman has done special tests. Even the three knights will lose their combat effectiveness in an instant under the effect of TT6.

Become a lamb to be slaughtered.

Can only be slaughtered!

But now, that Rorschach is completely unaffected by that gas!

This situation is the first time Schwarzenegger has encountered.

"What on earth is wrong with this guy!"

Then, cold sweat suddenly flowed down Schwarzenegger's forehead, and his face was slightly pale. He had an indescribable fear of Rorschach.

First, Thunder defeated two Knights, and the tried and tested Plan No. 2 was completely ineffective, and these methods were originally their most reliable reliance!

"Lord Jiemie, Plan No. 2 is completely ineffective!"

"Repeat, Plan No. 2 is completely ineffective!"

"Excuse me, what should I do next!"

After coming to his senses, Schwarzenegger quickly asked Jiemie's opinion in the communication channel.


Rorschach's heart moved, and he remembered this name deeply in his heart.

Then he took Charles and Hank to find the White Queen without making a sound, while continuing to secretly monitor the conversation between Schwarzenegger and Jiemie.

For Rorschach, Schwarzenegger was just a small follower, nothing more, and Jiemie was the person who was valuable to Rorschach.

"What? Plan No. 2 doesn't work?"

"What's going on?"

Hearing Schwarzenegger's report, Jiemie frowned and asked in a deep voice.

Could it be that Rorschach had rushed out before the gate was completely closed?

With the opponent's speed, it is indeed possible to do this.

But if that's the case, Schwarzenegger can completely "crush" the entire base with TT6, why would he report to me?

It seems that things are not as simple as I imagined.

"I have trapped Rorschach with TT6, but he is really not affected at all and easily destroyed the gate and escaped."

"His two companions were affected by TT6 and almost fainted, but at the critical moment, they were rescued by Rorschach."

Schwarzenegger reported the whole thing to Jiemie.

Jiemie's brows were suddenly wrinkled like an old chrysanthemum blooming in late autumn.

TT6 actually has no effect on Rorschach!

What's wrong with that guy?

Jiemie didn't say anything more nonsense, and immediately reported the news to the red-haired man beside him.

The red-haired man also showed a look of surprise on his face.

"It seems that this Rorschach is more unfathomable than I thought. I underestimated him before."

The red-haired man couldn't help but say so.

"Sir, if TT6 doesn't work, I'm afraid no one in the base can stop Rorschach."

Jiemie's voice sounded, and he said to the red-haired man with a serious face.

Even people like Yongye and Lengguang quickly fell into Rorschach's hands. Although there is still a good defense force in the base, it is impossible to stop Rorschach.

The red-haired man is naturally very clear about this.

"We underestimated Rorschach at the beginning. Let's give up this base!"

The red-haired man said to Jiemie lightly.

It seems that the base is just a trivial thing for the red-haired man, and he can abandon it at any time.


Jiemie nodded.

The red-haired man's decision was not unexpected.

"Start the cleanup procedure!"

So Jiemie took off the headset on his ear without saying anything, and squeezed it lightly with his hand, and directly crushed it.

Completely ignoring the voice of Schwarzenegger that continued to come from it!

"Lord Jiemie!"

"Lord Jiemie!"



Hearing the sound similar to a disconnected line coming from the headset, Schwarzenegger's face suddenly became ugly.

No, it should be said that it was extremely ugly!

The cleanup procedure not only includes the relevant information in the base, but also includes all the people in the base!

Also, it includes Schwarzenegger himself!

"Cleanup procedure?"

Rorschach raised his eyebrows, and his heart moved, because the meaning of this word is actually very obvious.

Then Rorschach used his perspective eyes to observe and found that Schwarzenegger was destroying relevant data files and burning some corresponding paper documents.

These things are not allowed by Rorschach.

Rorschach was still very interested in the details of this base.

"Charles, Hank, I'll be back soon!"

After saying hello to Charles and Hank, he immediately launched his sonic speed and disappeared with a bang.



Then, Charles and Hank heard faint groans and screams, as well as the sound of objects colliding.

It turned out that Rorschach had eliminated all the armed personnel who might pose a threat to Charles and Hank on his way to stop Schwarzenegger.

The whole process took only a dozen seconds.

The scene was cleared so quickly.

After confirming that everything was safe, Rorschach broke through the doors one by one, appeared outside the control room in a fierce and domineering way, and punched the door of the control room away.

"You, don't come over here!"

Schwarzenegger, who was destroying data, was almost scared to death when he saw Rorschach's figure.

But before he could finish his sentence, he felt a flash in front of his eyes, and he knew nothing, and fell to the ground.


Rorschach ignored Schwarzenegger, and disappeared again with a shake of his body, appearing in front of Charles and Hank.

Needless to say, Rorschach, Charles and the other two came to the "glass compartment" where the White Queen and Copycat were imprisoned very smoothly.

They easily broke the compartment and released the White Queen and Copycat.

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