American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 230 Rorschach, you surprised me again


"I knew you would come to save us."

The moment the White Queen saw Rorschach, she said in a very confident tone, not feeling any surprise at all.

Although her final interrogation of Charles was interrupted at the critical moment, no message was conveyed.

But the White Queen knew that Charles would definitely inform Rorschach, and with Rorschach's incredible abilities, he would definitely be able to save her.

Therefore, even though the White Queen was trapped in the enemy camp and her abilities were blocked, she was not worried at all.

This is not true.

How long has it been?

Rorschach came to the two of them.

"Emma, ​​are you okay?"

Rorschach glanced at the White Queen and Copycat and asked.


Copycat nodded, "They just locked us up temporarily. Maybe they had other purposes, but you didn't give them time to implement them."

Luo Xia was completely relieved.

Then he said to several mutants: "Leave this to you first. After you are done with it, just go back to the base. I will go back to the base to join you."


After saying these words to several people, Luo Xia swayed and disappeared.

All the defense personnel in this base have been defeated by Rorschach, and they do not pose any threat to Charles and the others. Rorschach does not have to worry that everyone will make the same mistake as the White Queen and the Copy Cat.

"This guy is mysterious all day long."

Copycat looked at the direction in which Rorschach disappeared, and couldn't help but rant.

"Okay Vanessa, let's start working, I'm really holding in my breath!"

The White Queen snorted coldly at this time, "I want to see what this base is all about!"

The few people stopped talking nonsense and began to explore this secret research base.

As for Rorschach?

As early as when the imitating cat complained about his mystery, he had already appeared in Olniba.


The dull and suppressed sound of breaking through the air spread far away.

The red-haired Mr. and Nie Mie were immediately attracted by the sound of breaking through the sky.

The two couldn't help but subconsciously raise their heads and look in the direction of the sound.

I saw a shadow flashing through the air, and then with a bang, it landed heavily on the yard outside.

But he saw that it was an extremely young figure, with his hands behind his back, he raised his head and looked at the two of them expressionlessly.

"Found you!"

This sentence came out softly from the young man's mouth.


A look of shock suddenly appeared on Ji Mie's face, and he murmured a cry of surprise.

He never imagined that Rorschach would find them!

how so?

Didn't the secret research base where Rorschach's men were captured have already started a cleanup process?

Could it be that the cleanup process was interrupted by Rorschach, that some people fell into Rorschach's hands, and some files fell into Rorschach's hands?

With Rorschach's ability, it's not too unexpected for something like this to happen.

But the key problem is that there are no clues in that base that can lead to here!

Could it be... cold light?

Thinking of this, Ji Mie's face couldn't help but turn gloomy.

He was almost certain that it was Leng Guang at once, because they were the only three knights who knew this place.

However, Yongye among the three knights had been killed by Rorschach, while Lengguang was the only one who was spared a small life by Rorschach.

There is no longer any doubt about the matter.

But Ji Mie subconsciously glanced at the red-haired man next to him, and saw a look of astonishment also appearing on his face.

Even Sir, he did not expect Rorschach to find this place.

"Once again! Rorschach, once again you exceeded my expectations."

The red-haired man's voice sounded. He stood on the balcony, looking down at Rorschach, with undisguised surprise and approval in his voice, "Can you tell me how you found me?"

Unlike Nie Mie who suspected that Rorschach found this place through cold light, the red-haired man knew that this was not the case at all.

Because the red-haired man was monitoring Rorschach from a distance the whole time and knew Rorschach's every move.

He knew very well that Rorschach did not torture Leng Guang.

Just knocked the cold light out and left it in place, that's all!

So the question is, how did Rorschach find him?

Regarding this question, the red-haired man was also puzzled.

What he said was indeed true to his heart, Rorschach once again surprised him.

So how did Rorschach find this place?

it's actually really easy.

It's just a lock on super hearing.

Just like when he locked Hawkeye's position before, Rorschach used the sound in Schwarzenegger's headset to locate the sound of silence, and then used his super hearing to locate the source of the sound of silence.

It's that simple.

"You caught Emma and Vanessa just to lure me into the trap, right?"

Rorschach did not pay attention to the red-haired man's words. With a thought, the person stood up and floated in the air, rising to the same height as the red-haired man.

He asked with his eyes like daggers hitting the red-haired man in the face.

Naturally, Rorschach didn't know this at the beginning, but by monitoring the conversation between Schwarzenegger and Nirvana, he still didn't understand it.

"That's right!"

The red-haired man nodded. He did not deny this. "I have listed you as a research target a long time ago. I have been silently paying attention to you and observing you, but I have not taken any substantive measures against you."

"It turns out that I was right about you. The first time I took measures against you, you immediately saw through it. This is something that no one else has ever done."

The red-haired man's words revealed a very important clue to Rorschach: he had conducted research on many other mutants.

"I guess you won't just tell me everything I want to know, right?"

Luo Xia raised his eyebrows, sneered in his mouth, and rushed towards the red-haired man.


A sonic boom suddenly sounded.


Ji Mie let out a sharp shout and stamped on the ground, causing the entire balcony to collapse.

It shot towards Rorschach like an arrow from a string.


Its speed was so fast that it also left a sonic boom in the air.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Rorschach appeared in front of him.

His fist was swung out, as if it had immense power, and it hit Rorschach fiercely.

"Get away!"

Rorschach let out a low drink and pumped his hand casually.


Ji Mie's body flew out like a cannonball, causing half of the villa behind it to collapse.

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