American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 231 A super mutant who is not inferior to Rorschach


Accompanied by the rumbling sound of an earthquake, Jiemie's body was buried directly under the collapsed ruins.


But soon, the ruins suddenly exploded, and a figure shook off the rocks that pressed him down, and climbed out with great effort.

It was Jiemie.

But seeing Jiemie at this moment, he was in such a mess.

Needless to say, he was covered in dust, and the key point was that there was shocking blood everywhere on his chest and mouth.

His face was pale, his breathing was rapid, and his eyes looking at Rorschach were full of endless shock!

Seriously injured!

He was actually seriously injured by Rorschach's punch!

When the red-haired man told Jiemie that he was not Rorschach's opponent before, Jiemie was still a little unconvinced.

But now, Jiemie was completely convinced.

Not just convinced, but unacceptable at all!

He was the strongest among the three knights, but he couldn't even block Rorschach's punch!

Is Rorschach's strength so strong?


He couldn't help coughing, and his figure staggered and almost fell to the ground.

But he gritted his teeth, bounced on the ground, and blasted towards Rorschach again.


Rorschach just tilted his head slightly, and two heat rays greeted him.


Jiemie's body flew backwards like a cannonball again, and slammed heavily into the ruins.

But this time, Jiemie couldn't stand up again.

It was like a stone thrown into the sea, and it was submerged in the ruins.

No movement.

However, Rorschach, who had super hearing, could clearly hear Jiemie's heartbeat coming from the ruins.

He knew Jiemie was not dead.

Rorschach was still a little surprised by this. You know, he didn't hold back in his two consecutive attacks. Most people, let alone the second time, would be blown into slag by Rorschach with the first punch.

But this Silence survived two heavy blows from Rorschach, and his strength is indeed not to be underestimated.

Stronger than most mutants.

However, although he has not yet killed Silence, Rorschach did not take Silence to heart.

For him, Silence is still an ant, just a stronger ant, that's all.

Rorschach's attention at this moment is all on the red-haired man in front of him.

But the red-haired man is actually like Rorschach, standing in the void, slowly floating in the air.

His face was straight, staring at Rorschach with a stern look.

"Young man, I have been very polite to you, is this your reward to me?"

The red-haired man spoke in a cold voice, bringing people an unspeakable oppression, "You should know that Emma and Vanessa are still alive, all because of you!"

Rorschach was almost laughed at by the red-haired man. He captured his own people, but in the end it seemed like a great favor!

This is fucking weird, his brain circuit is so strange?


Rorschach didn't bother to say any more nonsense to the red-haired man, his eyes slightly glared, and two extremely blazing heat rays shot directly at the red-haired man.


The red-haired man snorted coldly, without dodging or avoiding, he stretched out his hand calmly and stretched it out to Rorschach.

An invisible power barrier suddenly appeared, and Rorschach's heat ray was immediately blocked by the power barrier.

And looking at the red-haired man, it seemed that it was effortless.

"Since you don't know what's good for you, then I have to teach you a lesson!"

The red-haired man snorted a little unhappy, and his other hand suddenly grabbed Rorschach.

Rorschach immediately felt that an extremely huge force was crushing him in an instant.

It was like a car was crushing him, crushing him from all directions without dead angles at 360 degrees.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have exploded into slag under that terrible power.


Rorschach raised his eyebrows and showed a hint of surprise on his face.

The previous "Diamond Man" was like this, and the current red-haired man is also like this. They both have more than one superpower, so what is going on with this organization?

Thinking of this in his heart, Rorschach himself did not stop his actions. He immediately opened his telekinesis and pushed out the power that the red-haired man used to crush him.

The two telekinesis just competed and collided with each other.

Fortunately, after such a long period of hard training, Rorschach's telekinesis has been greatly improved and has become very strong.

Otherwise, it is not certain that he can resist the telekinesis of the red-haired man.


"You still have telekinesis?"

Now it was the red-haired man's turn to be surprised.

According to his intelligence, this Rorschach already possessed many abilities, such as steel body, flight, heat ray, speed, perspective, suspected psychic ability, etc., which was already terrifying enough.

But in the end, he found that Rorschach also had telekinesis!

This is fucking amazing!

It's even more exaggerated than himself!

Thinking of this, the red-haired man stopped talking nonsense, his eyes fixed, and immediately used his psychic ability on Rorschach.

As it turned out, his psychic ability, which was stronger than Charles', had no effect on Rorschach at all.

Now it was confirmed that the other party also had psychic abilities!

"Rorschach, you surprise me more and more!"

"Let me see how many surprises you can bring me!"

The red-haired man's voice sounded, and he suddenly stretched out his hand to Rorschach and hit him through the air.


A layer of extremely powerful shock waves suddenly vibrated towards Rorschach.

Crack, crack, crack!

At this moment, the area covered by the shock wave shot by the red-haired man seemed to have an earthquake.

The mountains collapsed, the earth and rocks collapsed, and everything was destroyed!

The shock wave was so strong that it was so strong.

Even Rorschach felt a sense of suffocation, a feeling of overwhelming.

And this feeling, since he was reborn into this world, he has not experienced it for a long time.

Even Rorschach's abnormal physical quality could not be ignored as before. This huge shock wave was enough to injure Rorschach's body.

It could even penetrate Rorschach's skin and muscles and directly injure Rorschach's internal organs!

And this was the third ability used by the red-haired man.

To be precise, it was actually the fourth ability, because Rorschach could not feel it because of the psychic ability!

This was an all-round super mutant who was not inferior to Rorschach in all aspects, and was also the most powerful enemy Rorschach had encountered since his rebirth.

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