"Come on!"

But it is precisely because of this that the long-lost fighting spirit in Luo Xia's heart was completely aroused.

It is not that Luo Xia is pretending. Since his rebirth, except for the Black Emperor Xiao, he has basically killed everyone he met in seconds.

This kind of One Punch Man-style battle is domineering and handsome, but it is indeed impossible to enjoy the fun of fighting.

Others naturally cannot experience the distress that only the strong will have.

But now, Luo Xia did not expect that he would actually meet an enemy who looks not weaker than himself and can let him fight to his heart's content!

In this case, let's have a hearty fight!

A high fighting spirit burned in Luo Xia's eyes, and he immediately used telekinesis to wrap himself up from head to toe, forming an indestructible defense to resist the shock wave from the red-haired man.


At the same time, Luo Xia launched at the speed of sound and shot directly at the red-haired man.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the red-haired man, raised his fist and hit the red-haired man fiercely.

The red-haired man saw that his shockwave did not stop Rorschach at all, and he did not feel any surprise.

He snorted coldly and punched Rorschach as well.


With a dull sound, Rorschach and the red-haired man's fists collided fiercely.


The two of them stood still, looking at each other fiercely, but with the fierce collision between the two, a powerful energy wave spread in all directions.

That was due to the huge energy explosion.

It was like in Avengers 2, when Hulk and the anti-Hulk armor fought hard and shattered all the glass of the surrounding buildings.

"Being called the strongest mutant by everyone, do you really think you are the strongest?"

The red-haired man snorted coldly, then suddenly opened his mouth and roared at Rorschach.


A sonic attack similar to that of a siren suddenly came towards Rorschach.

Of course, this sonic attack was much stronger than that of a siren. The siren's ability was nothing compared to that of the red-haired man.

Rorschach, who was standing in front of the red-haired man, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Another ability!

Another new form of power!

Is this red-haired guy a little too powerful?

One ability after another, just like he didn't need money to use it?

Could it be that this guy was bound to the system like himself?

At this moment, Rorschach finally felt what the Destroyer Siren and other people felt when they saw him constantly using new abilities.


Facing this new form of energy attack from the red-haired man, Rorschach didn't have any good way to resist it, so he had to use telekinesis again.

It formed an invisible energy barrier in front of him.

Fortunately, Rorschach's telekinesis was indeed powerful enough to resist all the sonic attacks from the red-haired man.


While the red-haired man was attacking Rorschach with sonic waves, Rorschach was naturally not idle either. He also shot two heat rays at the red-haired man.

But the red-haired man also has telekinesis!

Just like Rorschach blocked the opponent's sonic attack, the opponent also used telekinesis to block Rorschach's heat rays!

In this fierce battle, Rorschach and the red-haired man can be said to have fought evenly, 50-50.

No one could do anything to the other.

And the fighting spirit and competitive spirit of both sides can be said to have been fully aroused.

Everyone didn't believe that they couldn't defeat the other side!

Boom boom boom!

Bang bang bang!


An increasingly fierce battle began.

Rorschach and the red-haired man fought from the ground to the sky, from the sky to the ground, and their battlefield spanned hundreds of miles in radius!

They fought for more than four hours, but they still couldn't tell who was the winner.

After such a long battle, both Rorschach and the red-haired man changed from being unwilling to accept it at the beginning to facing the reality helplessly:

At this stage, neither of them could do anything to the other.



Accompanied by these two explosions, Rorschach and the red-haired man fell to the ground fiercely.

Both sides stood with their horses and swords, staring at each other, their faces were solemn, but they did not rashly attack each other.

"Rorschach, you are as strong as me, this is something I never expected!"

"I have always thought that I have looked up to you enough, but I didn't expect that I still underestimated you in the end."

The red-haired man stared at Rorschach with his eyes fixed, and spoke in a voice that could not hide his shock.

Even though he had secretly observed Rorschach for so long and had a very intuitive and comprehensive understanding of Rorschach's strength, he did not expect that Rorschach's true strength would be so strong.

It's not weaker than himself at all!

It seems that Rorschach had never encountered a truly powerful enemy before, so he had never shown his full strength.

"Same here, you surprised me as well."

Rorschach also looked at the red-haired man and sighed from the bottom of his heart.

You have to know what time period it is now?

The 1960s!

It is not the superhero era opened by Iron Man, so how could such a perverted super mutant appear?

Judging from the long time that Rorschach has fought with him, the other party has at least five or six abilities.

And each ability is very powerful, and the overall strength is not inferior to Rorschach!

Throughout the history of mutants, it seems that there are no mutants with such cheats, right?

So who is this guy?

During the whole battle with the red-haired man, Rorschach has been thinking about this question.

But after thinking about it, he couldn't think of any mutant who fits the image of the red-haired man in front of him.

"Rorschach, we will meet again in the future!"

The voice of the red-haired man sounded, and after he said this meaningfully to Rorschach, he flew into the air and disappeared.

Rorschach just watched the red-haired man leave in front of him, and did not stop him.

Because he knew that it was meaningless.

At present, he really didn't have the strength to defeat the red-haired man.

Rorschach just stood there, lost in deep thought.

Who was that guy?

Could it be...

After a long time, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed through Rorschach's mind, and Rorschach finally remembered a person who fit the image of the red-haired man.

That person was a super villain in Marvel: Mr. Sinister.

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