Mr. Sinister, whose real name is Nathaniel Essex, is a genetics expert who lived in the same era as Darwin.

The field he studied has some similarities with Charles.

When Darwin first proposed the theory of evolution, it caused widespread doubts in the academic community because it was beyond the concept of the time, but Mr. Sinister proposed a theory that was even more absurd than the theory of evolution:

In the future, a large number of mutants will appear on Earth!

That's right, in such a distant era, Mr. Sinister had already predicted the emergence of mutants, which shows how terrible this guy's academic level has reached.

The result is naturally needless to say. In an era when even the theory of evolution cannot be accepted, Mr. Sinister's mutant theory was regarded as heresy.

But the facts proved that Mr. Sinister's theory was correct.

Because Mr. Sinister then met the world's first mutant: Apocalypse.

Mr. Sinister followed Apocalypse, and under Apocalypse's transformation, he became a powerful mutant.

According to incomplete statistics, Mr. Sinister's abilities include psychic abilities, telekinesis, flight, shockwaves, cell deformation, energy field, and so on.

This is just what is shown on the surface.

No one knows where the real upper limit of Mr. Sinister's strength is.

It can be said that apart from Apocalypse, this guy can be called the most powerful mutant, of course, that was before Rorschach appeared.

But later, Mr. Sinister betrayed Apocalypse for some reason, became Apocalypse's enemy, and stood on the opposite side of Apocalypse.

After using a trick to put Apocalypse into a deep sleep, Mr. Sinister only had one thing left in his long career: to find a way to defeat Apocalypse!

In order to successfully find this method, Mr. Sinister studied many mutants, including even Professor X and Magneto.

This is also an important reason why Mr. Sinister targeted Liz.

But no one expected that Rorschach, a mutant who had just been "born", also targeted Liz. Rorschach, just entered Mr. Sinister's sight.

After observing Rorschach for a long time, Mr. Sinister finally decided to capture Rorschach and began to study him seriously, which led to the White Queen and Copycat's capture.

However, what Mr. Sinister never expected was that Rorschach was much stronger than he expected!

Originally, he thought that his three knights were enough to take down Rorschach, but in the end, his three knights were nothing in front of Rorschach, and were easily defeated by Rorschach.

Even he himself was not Rorschach's opponent!

This kind of thing was something Mr. Sinister never expected.

But of course, it was also something Rorschach didn't expect.

Originally, Rorschach thought that he was a big trick and should not encounter any opponents in this era, after all, Apocalypse was still buried underground and had not revived, but...

He was slapped in the face.

"Mr. Sinister? It really lives up to his reputation!"

After recognizing Mr. Sinister's identity, Rorschach couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, he began to reflect seriously.


I was indeed a little floundering before.

I thought that I was a child of destiny after binding to the system, and I didn't take anyone seriously. As a result, I couldn't even travel through the 1960s.

Then what can I do in the superhero era officially opened by Iron Man?

Apart from other things, Mr. Sinister's lifelong enemy is Apocalypse, and Apocalypse can even be called Mr. Sinister's nightmare. As a result, Rorschach can't even beat Mr. Sinister, so how can he deal with Apocalypse?

There is no doubt that Rorschach now can't be a match for Apocalypse!

Comrades still need to work hard!

However, after reflecting on it, Rorschach also did not belittle himself. After all, he is indeed a cheater with advantages that others can't catch up with.

Yes, he is indeed not a match for Mr. Sinister now, but Rorschach believes that this situation will not last too long.

After all, he can add some upgrades!


Thinking of this, Rorschach quickly adjusted his state, and with a thought, he turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

The next moment.


Accompanied by the familiar sound of sonic boom, Rorschach's body fell heavily into the mutant base and came to the meeting hall.

Charles, Hank, Raven and the White Queen, a group of mutant elders, were gathering together to discuss the secret base.

The atmosphere at the scene was still quite heavy.


Seeing Rorschach come in, the White Queen immediately told Rorschach something in a heavy voice, "Everyone in that base is dead! Right under our noses! Charles and I both suspect that a psychic killed them."

"Yes, Rorschach, looking at the state of those people, it seems that they have suffered a mental attack and their brains have collapsed and died."

Charles added on the side.

This is also the reason why the atmosphere at the scene is so solemn. After all, psychics are too special and hard to guard against. There is no more effective way to restrain them.

If there is really an enemy who is proficient in psychic abilities, it will be a very troublesome thing.

"Are they all dead?"

Rorschach was not surprised to hear the news.

After all, he already knew the identity of Mr. Sinister, and Mr. Sinister had very powerful psychic abilities.

So it is reasonable that Mr. Sinister used his psychic abilities to kill the people in the base after seeing Schwarzenegger's cleaning process interrupted by Rorschach and failed.

"But Rorschach, we didn't get nothing."

Copycat added at this time, "We brought back some research materials. You must not believe how far that base has studied mutants."

When it comes to this, whether it is Copycat or Raven and other mutants, they feel extremely angry.

They can barely understand that ordinary people study mutants, but it is obvious that there are mutants behind that base!

Mutants studying their own compatriots is even more hateful and unacceptable to everyone.

"Rorschach, did you gain anything?"

Hank's voice sounded, and he stared at Rorschach with a serious face and asked.

The White Queen, Copycat and other people around Hank also looked over.

Rorschach had been out for half a day this time, so he hoped to gain something from such a long time.

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