American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 234 There are perverts like Rorschach in the world

"Well, I do have something to tell you."

Under everyone's gaze, Rorschach slowly opened his mouth and briefly recounted his fight with Mr. Sinister.

Everyone at the scene was stunned and dumbfounded.

Are there actually mutants in this world who are not weaker than Rorschach?

And fought with Rorschach for four whole hours without losing?

How is this possible!

If Rorschach hadn't told it himself, no one would have believed it.

The name Nathaniel Essex was deeply remembered by all the mutants present.

"Although we are not yet sure what Nathaniel's purpose is, one thing is certain. Nathaniel has captured a large number of mutants for research."

"Like the mutant research base we discovered today, there is not just one, but many."

"And now, I have become one of his research targets."

"As for who else among you will become his research target, everyone, it depends on your luck."

After everyone digested it for a while, Rorschach spoke again and told this very painful thing to such a person.

"A mutant lunatic as powerful as Rorschach is targeting us, fine. That's pretty cool."

Imitation Cat spread its hands, "Emma and I have been caught once. I wonder if that lunatic will stop here?"

"Am I actually being targeted? This is really the first time." The White Queen showed a strange look.

However, neither of them showed too much panic. After all, they were old people and would not be easily frightened.

"Mr. Sinister, this is that guy's nickname. His purpose of arresting you two was to lure me into taking the bait, so you should be fine for the time being."

Luo Xia spread his hands and said to the two of them.

But apart from the White Queen and Copycat, Rorschach couldn't say for sure.

No matter what, a powerful enemy like Mr. Sinister is like a sharp sword hanging over everyone's head, like a knife in the throat, so that everyone never dares to take it lightly.

"Go to the brainwave enhancement room!"

At this time, Charles made a suggestion, "We need to find that guy."

Such a dangerous guy must be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

"Charles, according to my understanding, Mr. Sinister has a variety of superpowers, including but not limited to flight, shock waves, telekinesis, etc., which should also include psychic abilities."

"Didn't you suspect that everyone in that base was killed by people with psychic abilities? I think that person is probably Mr. Sinister."

Rorschach reminded Charles from the side.

With one sentence, everyone at the scene was shocked again.

"You can fly, you can read power, you can use shock waves, you are proficient in so many abilities, Rorschach, are you serious?"

"Besides you, is there such a pervert in the world?"

Raven stared at Rorschach in disbelief and screamed in disbelief.

This kind of mutant is completely beyond common sense, okay!

The word "pervert" is not an exaggeration to describe it.

At first, everyone thought that Rorschach was an exception to this kind of perversion, but who would have thought that another one would appear!

In the end, he is still an enemy!

This incident is really a big deal.

But even so, after some thinking, everyone decided to let Charles go to the brainwave enhancement room to try to see if he could find that guy.

After all, what if Rorschach was mistaken too?

"Should" have psychic abilities, Rorschach isn't so sure!

Whether or not Mr. Sinister has psychic abilities is a very important matter, and everyone must confirm it in person.

The group of people immediately came to the brainwave enhancement room without any nonsense.

Charles quickly put on a brainwave enhancer and started searching.

Soon, Charles shook his head slightly frustrated.

Sure enough, what Rorschach said was correct. He couldn't find anyone who matched Rorschach's description at all.

It seems that Mr. Sinister does have psychic abilities.

Everyone's expressions also darkened slightly. This was not good news for everyone.

"Everyone, although Mister Sinister is strong, there is no need to worry too much."

Luo Xia saw that his morale was slightly heavy, so he couldn't help but say, "Although I am not his opponent, he is also not my opponent!"

"Yes, Rorschach is right!"

Raven immediately echoed Rorschach, "If Mr. Sinister wasn't afraid of Rorschach, he wouldn't have used Vanessa and the others as a trap, but would have directly attacked Rorschach."

"That person is indeed worthy of our vigilance, but he will not cause us to lose our position!"

Charles also nodded: "We have defeated many powerful enemies along the way. Maybe one day we will be defeated by a certain enemy, but that day will not be now, and that enemy will not be Mr. Sinister. "

Everyone said something to each other and quickly adjusted their mentality.

"Okay Rorschach, it's time for me to go back."

After briefly communicating with Rorschach about other matters, Charles said hello to Rorschach and left the mutant base.

"Okay, everyone, go do what you should do!"

Rorschach also clapped his hands and said to everyone, and also left the brainwave enhancement room.

However, after leaving, Rorschach immediately called Selina over.

He told Selina to use all the energy she controlled to investigate Mr. Sinister.

Now the Rorschach tribe is not a small tribe like the original Marcus tribe. After annexing the Ancestor Family and the Volturi Family, the power of the Rorschach tribe has become very, very terrifying.

Rorschach's order was not conspicuous, but the energy it contained was extremely huge.

Even if Mr. Sinister could not be found using the brainwave enhancer, Rorschach believed that as long as Mr. Sinister lived in the secular world and left traces, his tribe would definitely find some clues.

Of course.

In addition, Rorschach also specifically instructed the White Queen to use the brainwave enhancer frequently to investigate in the future, just in case.

"Rorschach, do you have time now?"

After Rorschach had given some instructions, Hank pushed his glasses with great interest and came to Rorschach.

Rorschach and Hank were already very familiar with each other. When he saw Hank like this, he knew that Hank must have researched something good.

He immediately showed an expression of expectation on his face.

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