American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 235 Mr. Sinister: Rorschach is the answer I'm looking for

"Of course, Hank, are there any surprises waiting for me?"

Rorschach raised his eyebrows, looked at Hank expectantly and said.

"There is indeed a new breakthrough, let me show it to you!" Hank also looked very interested.

What else is there to say about Rorschach?

Follow Hank directly to the other party's laboratory.

Looking around, I saw all kinds of messy instruments and equipment. Although they looked a bit rough due to the limitations of the times, for Rorschach, there was still an unknown feeling.

However, Rorschach did not stop in front of the instruments and equipment, but followed Hank directly to another specialized laboratory.

And in the center of the laboratory, a mechanical claw plate fixed with a cube glowing blue: the Cosmic Cube!

"Hank, is this what you want to show me?"

Hank pointed at the Cosmic Cube and his eyes couldn't help but shine.

Isn't this a big deal for Hank?

Actually researched the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and produced some results?

Rorschach became more and more looking forward to it.

"No, Rorschach, this cube is a very magical energy source. I am still conducting some tests and data analysis, and have not conducted a real experiment yet. What I want to show you is this."

After Hank said this, he walked to the other side of the workbench and picked up an energy gun that looked very cool.

It's just that there is a "tube" branched off from the energy gun, which is connected to the claw plate holding the Universe Rubik's Cube.

Bang bang bang!

As Hank pressed several switches one after another, Rorschach saw the light of the Cosmic Cube begin to shine brighter and brighter.

Those blue rays of light followed the wires and were directly input into the energy gun.

The energy gun also suddenly lit up.

Even a "non-scientist" like Rorschach could tell at a glance that Hank was using the Cosmic Cube to charge the energy gun.

"Can you believe it? Rorschach, this little thing can blow up a tank with one shot!"

Hank said to Rorschach with bright eyes.

Luo Xia couldn't help but secretly gasped after hearing this.

It can only be said that the combination of alien technology and the Rubik's Cube is abnormal, and even big killers like tanks can be easily destroyed.

"The energy source problem has been solved."

Hank continued to introduce Rorschach, "With this cube, it is no longer a problem to copy the firearms of the Mauga people."

In fact, Hank has already understood the technology of the energy guns of the Maojia people, but the most critical problem has never been completely solved: the battery, or energy source.

Hank conducted a lot of experiments and research, and the battery he created could only provide a very limited output.

A gun will become useless after just a few minutes of use.

Although the power is very impressive, it can only be used as a trump card.

But now, this problem does not exist at all.

The more difficult problem of energy source was perfectly solved by the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

No matter when it is placed, this is a huge technological breakthrough. Hank is naturally very excited and can’t wait to share it with Rorschach.

"Great, good job, Hank!"

Rorschach also showed a very satisfied look, patted Hank's shoulder heavily and said.

This means that these energy guns can be mass-produced, which will be one of the important armed resources for Rorschach to build a country in the future.


In another secret base.

Mr. Sinister stood in the spacious hall with a solemn expression. Next to Mr. Sinister, there was Nirvana who was knocked down by Rorschach.

During the four-hour battle between Rorschach and Mr. Sinister, which spanned hundreds of kilometers, Nirvana, a tiny ant, had long been forgotten by Rorschach.

Long before the battle between the two sides ended, Nirvana had left on its own.

Even now, Ji Mie's face looks very pale, like a patient who has not recovered from a serious illness.

There was no way, Rorschach's two blows were so powerful that they almost destroyed Nirvana.

Even if Nirvana's resilience is very strong, he is not Wolverine after all.

There is no way you can return to your peak condition within ten days and a half.

"Sir, is that Rorschach really as powerful as you?"

In the quiet scene, Ji Mie's extremely shocked voice sounded. He looked at Mr. Sinister in disbelief and asked.

Although he was defeated by Rorschach twice and was shocked by Rorschach's power, he never expected that Rorschach was as strong as Mr. Sinister!

That’s unimaginable!

"I fought with him for four hours, and we couldn't decide the outcome." Mr. Sinister said with a solemn expression.

Nie Mie was his most trusted confidant. Although this kind of thing was not very glorious, Mr. Sinister did not hide it from Nie Mie.


Ji Mie opened his mouth and whispered, completely speechless.

Besides that guy, there are actually such powerful mutants in the world!

If Mr. Sinister hadn't admitted this kind of thing himself, Nirvana would not have believed it at all.

"But sir, since Rorschach is so powerful, he might be the answer you are looking for!"

But after being shocked, Ji Ming's eyes suddenly lit up and he said to Mr. Sinister.

"I don't know if he is the answer I am looking for, but it is undeniable that he is indeed the person who is closest to the answer I have been looking for for so many years."

Mr. Sinister nodded seriously.

"Sir, he must be the guidance given to you by God, otherwise, how could there be such a powerful mutant in the world besides you?"

Death was very sure about this, and his voice was slightly excited.


Mr. Sinister couldn't help but sneer. One of the images of that guy is God!

He has played many roles in the process of reincarnation, and Jesus Christ is just one of them.

So Mr. Sinister doesn't believe in God at all.

"Whether he is the guide or not, I have to get his DNA! He will be the biggest stepping stone for me to become stronger!"

Mr. Sinister then said meaningfully.

I hope that by studying that Rorschach, I can get some useful things, so that I can become stronger and defeat Apocalypse in one fell swoop!

"But sir, Rorschach is so strong, what should we do?"

Death was very excited to see Mr. Sinister full of fighting spirit.

But after a pause, he asked Mr. Sinister a very crucial question.

You can't even beat that Rorschach, how can you capture him for research?

"I have my own way!"

"There is a gift, I think, he will be surprised."

Mr. Sinister grinned meaningfully.

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