American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 236 Omega-level mutant Phoenix appears online

Stealing the country.

A lush forest that looks refreshing.


A faint sound of breaking through the air was heard, and a figure flew around in the dense forest. It was Mr. Sinister.

While Mr. Sinister was flying over the dense forest, he stared at the ground, as if he was looking for something.


Mr. Sinister's expression moved, revealing a slight excitement: "This is it!"


The next moment, Mr. Sinister's body landed directly and hit the ground hard.

In front of Mr. Sinister, there was a small hill that looked inconspicuous.

But if someone looked carefully, they would find that there seemed to be some relatively regular broken walls and ruins in the rocks of the hill.

It seemed that it was the ruins of some collapsed buildings.

That's right.

This is actually not a small hill at all!

In other words, the small hill is just a superficial cover. In fact, there was originally a huge cave, and inside the cave, there was a magnificent palace!

But now, for some reason, the palace collapsed together with the cave, buried each other, and formed the small hill today.

The inside of the small hill is actually a different world!

If Rorschach was here, he would find that in the cave that had become a ruin, there was actually a person lying there!

A Western strong man with light golden hair and about 1.9 meters tall!

The strong man lay quietly buried in countless rocks and ruins, his expression was so peaceful and serene. If it weren't for his weak heartbeat, I'm afraid everyone would think he was a dead person.

But obviously, this strong man is not.

It is even more obvious that Mr. Sinister came from America to the Stealing Forest thousands of miles away just for this strong man.

"Wake up!"

At this time, Mr. Sinister used his psychic ability to suddenly make a deafening roar in the mind of the golden man.

The man, who had fallen into a deep sleep, suddenly opened his eyes.

The man's face first showed some confusion, and then he found that he seemed to be buried in countless rocks and debris, and his face subconsciously showed a trace of panic.


"I don't want to die here!"

"I don't want to die!"

The man roared in a low voice, and his body changed with his roar.

The man's already strong body swelled up like a balloon, and all the muscles in his body became very exaggerated like in the comics.

Just one look makes people feel scared.

Even if Dwayne Johnson came, he would be a little brother in front of the man at this moment.

Ka Ka Ka!

Not only that, pieces of crimson armor fragments also began to cover the strong man's body, especially the pot-lid-like helmet, which was even more eye-catching.


The strong man's body shook at this time, and a huge force burst out in an instant.

The whole hill exploded directly, and even the whole earth shook violently, as if there was an earthquake.

The strong man's body was revealed just like that!

"This, this..."

The strong man looked up at the movement he made around him, and subconsciously looked at his body, and couldn't believe it.

Did he actually have such a powerful power?

What's going on?

Could it be...

Because of the ruby ​​in the temple?

It was because he privately touched the ruby ​​that seemed to be worshipped that caused the collapse of the temple!

It must be like this!

The strong man reacted immediately.


"God will not kill me! I, Cain Marco, am back again!"

"Charles, you wait for me!"

The next moment, Cain Marco's wild laughter spread throughout the forest.


Mutant base.

Training ground.


A light shout sounded, and Rorschach waved his hand violently, waving at the "big iron block" with a side length of almost two meters in front of him, and his telekinesis was used.

The heavy iron block was like a light building block, and Rorschach "played" with it at will.


Rorschach's expression suddenly condensed, and his hands suddenly made a fist gesture.


The big iron block was like a sponge, and it deflated directly!

It was squeezed into a ball by Rorschach's telekinesis!

It can be seen how powerful Rorschach's telekinesis is now.

But Rorschach is still a little dissatisfied with this.

It is true that his telekinesis can easily lift hundreds of tons of objects, and can even explode with thousands of tons of force. The data alone is still very terrifying.

But through the battle with Mr. Sinister, Rorschach realized that he was not invincible even in the 1960s.

He needs to improve his strength as soon as possible!

Just as he was about to continue training, Rorschach's ears moved, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He threw the big iron ball to the ground.

He clapped his hands, picked up his coat, and walked out of the training room.

"Supreme, Charles and Eric are here."

As soon as I walked onto the playground, I met Selina, who immediately reported to Rorschach respectfully.

"I see."

Rorschach nodded casually, which was exactly why he stopped training.

When I arrived at the meeting hall, bursts of laughter came out, and I saw Charles, Eric, and Hank Raven and other elders talking and laughing.

Without the opposition of completely different positions, with a common goal, everyone seemed to have really returned to the past.

The atmosphere was very good.

Rorschach also joined in with a smile.

"Rorschach, Charles and I found a very special mutant. To be honest, I have never encountered such a special existence, even compared to you."

After a brief greeting, Eric talked to Rorschach about business.

"That is a power I have never seen before. Before this, I didn't know that mutants could have such a powerful power."

Charles also spoke on the side to echo.

Charles and Eric, as the two leaders of the mutants, gave such high praise to that mutant at the same time, which can be said to have whetted the appetite of everyone present.

Rorschach was also a little stunned at first, but he thought about it carefully and soon had a guess.

"Charles, Eric, you are not talking about the little girl named Jean Grey, right?"

Rorschach raised his eyebrows and asked.

In my impression, the person Charles and Eric went to invite together was Phoenix Girl.

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