American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 237 Super Nuclear Bomb among Mutants

After Rorschach and Charles Eric parted ways, he, like these two, also carried out the recruitment of mutants. Naturally, he paid attention to Phoenix.

But how can I put it, Phoenix Girl is really special.

On the one hand, her hooks are too big, and on the other hand, the Phoenix Girl cannot be fully used, so the Phoenix Girl has become a super time bomb.

No, it should be timed nuclear bombs.

Once it gets out of hand, it's a complete disaster.

Looking at the Phoenix Girl in the movie universe, no matter which version it is, the harm it brings far exceeds its value.

——Of course, except for the time when he killed Apocalypse.

No matter who wants to recruit the Phoenix Girl, they have to consider a fatal problem: Once the Phoenix Girl turns dark, she is really, really dangerous!

Even if she doesn't turn black, Phoenix Girl will lose control from time to time, causing the entire base to experience the feeling of an earthquake.

The value brought by the normal Phoenix girl is completely unequal to such a huge risk.

It's really a bit tasteless.

It is precisely because of comprehensive consideration of these circumstances that Luo Xia has never recruited Phoenix girls.

After all, he has no psychic abilities.

In the movie universe, even if Charles watches Phoenix all the time, Phoenix will lose control from time to time, not to mention Rorschach, who has no psychic abilities.

Of course, the White Queen has psychic abilities, but the White Queen's psychic abilities are naturally incomparable to Charles's.

Rorschach was not willing to take the risk.

To be honest, except for Charles, no one else is really suitable for recruiting Phoenix girls.

"Rorschach, I knew you were also paying attention to her."

Charles smiled at this time, and he was not surprised that Rorschach guessed Jean's identity at once.

After all, he and Eric noticed that special girl at the same time, so Rorschach naturally had no reason to ignore each other.

"It seems that this saves us from wasting our time introducing her."

Eric also spoke on the side, "Rorschach, we planned to go meet the girl together, but Charles thinks we need to take you with us."


Hank couldn't help but asked curiously.

Does a little mutant girl actually want to alarm the three leaders Rorschach, Charles and Eric at the same time?

Is this too exaggerated?

"Because Charles believes that the potential threat of that girl must be offset by Rorschach." Eric glanced at Hank and explained to Hank.


Hank was a little dumbfounded.

Raven, White Queen and Copycat were also stunned when they heard this.

According to Eric, that little girl's strength is actually on the same level as Rorschach?

Even better than Charles and Eric working together?

Is this a bit too exaggerated?

"So who are you talking about? Jean Grey? Who is she!"

Rui Wen couldn't help but asked out of curiosity.

"Like I said, she is a very special mutant with huge potential."

Charles thought for a while and said to everyone seriously, adding, "Her potential is even higher than Rorschach."

"I don't believe this." The White Queen subconsciously shook her head.

Rorschach is the most powerful and perverted mutant the White Queen has ever encountered, and has simply redefined the meaning of the word mutant.

Compared with other ordinary mutants, they are completely in another dimension.

The White Queen doesn't believe that someone can reach a higher level.

That would be too ridiculous.

Several other mutants also felt that what Charles said was too exaggerated.

But no matter what, everyone suddenly became very interested in the little girl named Jean Gray.

"How about Rorschach, are you interested in taking a walk with us?"

At this time, Charles extended an invitation to Rorschach.

"why not?"

Luo Xia spread his hands and said with great interest.

In any case, she was the Phoenix girl, so Luo Xia naturally didn't want to miss it.

Naturally, there was nothing to say next. Rorschach, Charles and Eric immediately got up and left the mutant base with a few followers.

Almost an hour and a half later, a car with several people stopped in front of a rather exquisite-looking house.

It was a two-story single-family house. Judging from its decoration style and the cars parked in the yard, it could be judged that Phoenix Girl's family conditions were pretty good.

Dang Dang Dang!

Charles went to knock on the door and briefly revealed his identity to the Phoenix girl's parents, explaining that he was a teacher in a special school and wanted to invite Qin to enroll.

Phoenix girl's parents immediately showed great enthusiasm and invited several people in politely.

Unfortunately, this kid Qin is suffering from some strange disease. He is able to do some strange things and scare his classmates and teachers so much that no school will accept him.

Now that she has finally found a school that is willing to accept Qin, Qin's parents are simply overjoyed.

"I'm sorry, Professor Charles, what kind of school do you belong to?"

Jin's father, John Grey, asked about business after simply entertaining a few guests.

"Xavier Academy for Young Talented People, believe me, Mr. Grey, our academy is exactly what Jean needs."

Charles said to John Grey with a smile, and took out a school brochure that had been prepared long ago and handed it to John Grey and his wife.

It must be said that Charles was quite well prepared.

The couple began to get together and carefully studied the brochure.

While reading, they nodded frequently.

If nothing else, just looking at the scenery and scale of the school, it is like an aristocratic school, and the couple is still very satisfied.

"A very good school."

John Grey nodded, but then asked a little worriedly, "But what about Jean's illness?"


Eric on the side was a little unhappy, "Do you think your daughter is sick?"


Jin Grey's mother immediately reminded John Grey in a low voice.

In fact, the couple knew deep down that Jean Grey was a mutant, but they didn't want to admit it anyway.

She had been deceiving herself, deceiving herself that Jean Grey was ill.

"Excuse me, can we talk to Jean alone?" Charles immediately made such a request.

"Of course." Jean Grey's mother responded readily, then turned her head and shouted to the second floor, "Jane, can you come down?"

Before she finished speaking, a little girl slowly walked down the stairs.

It was Jean Grey.

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