"In that case, the rest of the time... is up to you."

When John Grey saw Jean Grey appear, he greeted all the mutants at the scene, and then left with his wife.

Jean Grey sat down on the sofa opposite Charles, Eric and Rorschach.

Although she was only a child of about thirteen or fourteen years old, she was calm and composed when facing three "weird uncles" alone, without any panic.

She looked at the three people in front of her calmly, and then said: "I know you, it was you who led the mutants to defeat the aliens, you."

At this point, Jean Grey set her eyes on Rorschach, "You are also called the most powerful mutant."

"Yes, Jean, we are indeed mutants."

Charles nodded, it seems that Jean Grey understood everything, so the next thing will be easy to talk about.

"We are mutants like you." Charles added to Jean Grey.

But Jean Grey didn't say much, but directly conducted a mental investigation on the people in front of her.


Jean Grey was slightly surprised, because her mind-reading skill, which had never failed, failed at this moment.

She couldn't detect even one of the three people in front of her.

"Jin, it's not polite to read other people's consciousness without their permission."

At the same time, Charles' voice sounded in Jean Grey's mind.

"Jin, your parents think you are sick, they can't accept who you are, but us?"

Eric took the opportunity to speak to Jean, "We are your compatriots, your kind!"

"We can understand and identify with you, and we will accept you!"

"Because we are all the same people!"

"Really? I doubt it!"

Jean Grey curled her lips, and a hint of disdain appeared on her young face.

Although she saw Charles, Eric and others lead the mutants to defeat the aliens on TV, and knew that the people in front of her were not simple characters, she did not take them seriously.

Because Jean Grey knew very well how powerful she was!


After she finished speaking, her ability was immediately released, and she saw that the two rows of cars parked on the road outside flew directly into the air.

Looking around, there were more than 30 cars!

"Very impressive!"

Rorschach couldn't help but speak, full of praise.

It can only be said that Phoenix Girl is worthy of being Phoenix Girl.

Although the ability to control more than 30 cars is nothing in Rorschach's eyes, don't forget how old Phoenix Girl is now?

You know, even Eric, who has already grown up and just joined the CIA mutant base, can't do this.

From this point of view alone, Phoenix Girl has already blown Eric into slag.

"Charles, Rorschach, I like this kid!"

Eric looked at the car floating in the air outside, and couldn't help but said meaningfully to his two companions.

"Jane, you have more power than you think."

Charles took the opportunity to speak, "The real question is, can you control the power in your body? Or can you only be controlled by your ability?"

Charles' question can be said to be directly to the crux of the problem.

Hit the nail on the head.

The reason why Jean Grey is regarded as a monster by everyone and said to be sick by her parents is because she can't control the power in her body.

"So, what about you?"

Jean Grey is still very opinionated. She was not fooled by Charles in a few words, but raised her eyebrows and asked back.

Rorschach couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

But he saw that he gently stretched out his hand to the floating cars outside the window at this time, and telekinesis was used.

Clang clang!

The car that was originally just simply and roughly floating in the air immediately started to move and performed a "fancy show".

However, the cars were sometimes arranged in a row, sometimes in a line, sometimes in a five-pointed star, and sometimes in a tornado that kept spinning...

In short, Rorschach played them in a variety of ways.

Even the most ignorant people could see that Rorschach's trick was much better than Jean Grey's floating car.

Jean Grey's eyes widened slightly, and she put away her previous arrogance.

"Rorschach, I didn't expect you to have this trick." Even Eric was shown off by Rorschach.

In the past, Eric still had some advantages over Rorschach, after all, the ability of magnetic control was something Rorschach had never had.

But now?

What Eric could do, Rorschach could do too!

Eric was shocked.

"Although I don't want to brag, Rorschach has also received my training."

Charles spoke at the right time, "Jean, I founded a school full of mutants. We live and study together. I believe you will like it there."

"Are you also in that school, Rorschach?"

Jean Grey looked at Rorschach and asked.

The names of these three people, Charles, Eric, and Rorschach, have become known to everyone through the battle with the Decepticons, so it is not surprising that they were called by Jean Gray even though they did not introduce themselves. things.

"No, I have already graduated." Rorschach smiled, "But you will be the best student there."

"OK! Charles, I agree."

After Jean Gray pondered for a while, she finally nodded to Charles.

Charles couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief in his heart.

Next, Charles called John Gray and his wife out and told each other about Jean Gray's attitude, and the two parties began to discuss Jean Gray's enrollment.

Soon, everything was finalized.

Things are still going very smoothly.

"Well Qin, see you in a few days!"

After saying hello to John Gray and his wife and Jean Grey, Charles and the others said goodbye to each other and left Jean Grey's house.

The trip was fruitful and Charles was in a very, very good mood.

"Charles, Qin's potential is greater than I thought. Are you sure you can control her?"

On the way away, Eric showed a hint of worry, turned to look at Charles and asked.

"No, Eric, what I want to do is not to control her, but to teach her how to control herself!"

Charles said to Eric with a serious face.

But having said that, Charles was still full of worry in his heart.

The energy in Jean Gray's body, when he felt it face to face, was so terrifying that he was shocked!

Can Jean really control that power?

Charles has no confidence!

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