American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 239 Red Tank breaks through Xavier Mutant Academy!

A week later, news came from Charles.

Jean Grey has successfully joined Xavier's School for Young Talents, and like the Ravager, Siren and others, she has become one of Charles' most valued students.

"This is interesting."

Rorschach couldn't help but shrug after hearing the news.

Whether in the comic universe or the movie universe, Phoenix and Cyclops are a pair, but now because of Rorschach's interference, the two who should have joined Xavier Academy are separated!

According to the plot in the comics, Phoenix and Cyclops came together, and Mr. Sinister actually pushed them behind the scenes.

Because Mr. Sinister firmly believes that the child of Phoenix and Cyclops will be the key to defeating Apocalypse!

But this is the movie universe after all. Although Mr. Sinister is also there, it is unknown whether Mr. Sinister's behavior logic will be consistent with that in the comics.

But in any case, Rorschach is still very interested in the future direction of Phoenix and Cyclops.

Of course, this is just Rorschach's malicious criticism, nothing more, Rorschach will not force anything for the sake of the two's CP.

Let everything go with the flow.

What neither Charles nor Rorschach knew was that not long after Jean Grey had just entered school, a very strong blond man also appeared outside Xavier's School for the Gifted!

Cain Marco!

The name Cain Marco may be ordinary and unrecognizable, but his other nickname is a well-known existence in the Marvel world.

Red Tank!

That's right.

The person who was quietly awakened by Mr. Sinister from the stolen country was Red Tank.

Red Tank's real name is Cain Marco, and he has a close relationship with Charles. He is Charles' half-brother, and the two grew up together.

However, the relationship between the two brothers is not very harmonious, because Charles has been extremely outstanding since he was a child, and he has crushed Cain Marco in all aspects, causing his father to often abuse and beat him.

As time went on, Cain Marco naturally hated Charles very much.

After his father died, he ran away from home.

This is why Raven grew up with Charles but never met Cain Marco.

However, when the Korean War broke out in 1950, Charles and Cain Marco were both drafted into the army. The two brothers reunited on the battlefield and started a short period of fighting side by side.

But this situation did not last long. Because of the war, the two were trapped in a forest in the country.

In order to avoid the enemy, the two accidentally discovered a cave and hid in it.

Unexpectedly, there was a temple in the cave, and a ruby ​​was enshrined on the altar of the temple.

Cain Marco caused the collapse of the entire temple because he touched the ruby.

Charles escaped in time, but Cain Marco was buried in it.

Originally, Cain Marco could have been sure of his own death, but he accidentally gained power from the ruby, which made him dormant all the time...

Until Mr. Sinister woke him up!

The previous Cain Marco was no longer there, and the Red Tank was born!

The first thing Cain had to do after waking up was to settle accounts with Charles.

Because Charles did not save his brother and let him decay and die in the cave!

Cain was furious.

"Xavier Academy for Young Talents?"

Cain looked up at the plaque hanging at the entrance of Xavier Manor and couldn't help being a little stunned.

When did his home become a school?

For a moment, he even felt that he had come to the wrong place. After all, it had been nearly 20 years since he left.

But anyway, this was also the place where he had lived for more than ten years, and Cain was still very familiar with it. He dispelled his doubts in an instant.

I didn't come to the wrong place!

Although I don't know how this place became a school, everything is not important anymore.

"Charles, here I come!"

Kain sneered, and then his mind moved, his body began to swell, and red armor appeared.

Red Tank, appear!


Red Tank did not hesitate, and punched directly, hitting the heavy door of Xavier Manor.

But there was a loud bang, and the door of Xavier Manor suddenly exploded, turning into slag and flying out.

Red Tank swaggered into Xavier Manor from the "door frame".

"What's going on?"

"What happened!"

Some mutants in the school were immediately alarmed and looked in the direction of the sound.

They saw a giant with an exaggerated body walking towards them, as if the earth trembled with every step.

Looking at it makes people gasp, and subconsciously feel scalp numb.

After all, the size of Red Tank is too oppressive.

"Oh my god, who is that?"

"Is it a monster?"

All the students in the academy were terrified.

"Charles, get out of here!"

Red Tank really ran over like a tank, completely ignoring those students, and walked forward with a rumble, while shouting at the top of his voice.

The rolling sound waves spread throughout the Xavier Academy like thunder.

"Who is here to make trouble? You've come to the wrong place!"

An angry snort sounded, and it was Alex the Destroyer who came first, and he shouted at Red Tank.

"Stop right now and report your identity, otherwise, I won't be polite!"

"Believe me, you don't want to see me angry."

The Destroyer continued to shout at Red Tank.

"Who are you, a little bug? You dare to yell at me? I'll crush you to death!"

Red Tank was still quite violent under the influence of the ruby, and immediately rushed towards the Destroyer with a murderous look on his face.

"Well, you asked for it."

The Destroyer shrugged his shoulders, and seeing the other party's look, he knew that the conversation could not continue, so he stopped talking nonsense.

He suddenly stretched out his hand towards Red Tank, and a red energy shock wave immediately hit Red Tank.

Red Tank seemed to see nothing, and only rushed towards the Destroyer, that's all, letting the energy shock wave hit him.

But the scene that the Destroyer imagined Red Tank being blown away by the shock wave did not happen. The shock wave only made Red Tank's body stagnate slightly, that's all!

But it did not cause any damage to Red Tank!


The Destroyer's face changed drastically. How could such a thing happen?

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