American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 240 The strongest mutant is indeed worthy of his reputation!

Boom boom boom!

The earth was still shaking, but Red Tank's huge body was extremely flexible and much faster than the Destroyer. Can you believe it?

While the Destroyer was surprised, Red Tank was almost in front of him.

The Destroyer's anus shrank suddenly, and he didn't dare to delay. He gritted his teeth and shot several energy shock waves at Red Tank continuously.

But it only made Red Tank's footsteps a little messy, that's all.

It couldn't break the armor defense on Red Tank's body!

Not to mention, Red Tank was actually surrounded by a one-foot-thick energy field!

The Destroyer was a strong man among the entire mutant group, but he was really not good enough in front of Red Tank.

Not even close.

That's it.

Red Tank overcame all obstacles and rushed to the front of the Destroyer fiercely, and punched the Destroyer.


The body of the ravager flew backwards like a meteorite.


An angry shout sounded, but it was the Siren rushing over. He looked at the ravager who was knocked out and was immediately angry.


He opened his mouth and the rolling sound waves shot towards the red tank.

"Another one is looking for death!"

The red tank grinned fiercely, just against the sound waves of the Siren, rushed to the front of the Siren, and punched the Siren fiercely.

"Be careful!"

Darwin suddenly appeared at this time.

He raised his hands suddenly to block the fist of the red tank. At the same time, his whole person turned into an iron man like Colossus.


A sound of metal and iron sounded, Darwin's body shook violently, and the whole person flew backwards directly.

He didn't block the red tank at all.

He also knocked the Siren behind him away.

The two of them hit the ground hard in the distance, causing the entire ground to shake violently.

"Cough cough!"

A coughing sound was heard, and Darwin coughed up blood in agony.

Even his ability to survive the fittest could not withstand a punch from the Red Tank!

If he had not used it as a cushion, what would have happened to the Siren? It was simply unimaginable.


When Darwin thought of this, he became more and more worried.

Not long ago, the Destroyer was hit hard by this monster.

He looked around and saw that the Destroyer was lying on the ground motionless.

He did not know whether he was dead or alive.


An angry shout was heard, and Charles rushed over quickly with a gloomy face.

He looked at the three people lying on the ground, the Destroyer, the Siren and Darwin, and his face was extremely ugly.

"Charles, you cowardly turtle, are you finally willing to come out?"

The Red Tank finally saw Charles and could not help but laughed wildly.

There was also uncontrollable hatred and anger in the laughter.

"Who are you?"

Charles' brows were suddenly wrinkled like old chrysanthemums blooming in late autumn, and he stared at Red Tank with his eyes fixed on him.

The man in front of him was so angry with him, but he clearly didn't remember knowing such a person.

And for some reason, Charles found that his psychic ability didn't work on this monster at all, so he didn't know who this person was.

But no matter who this person is, he has such terrible combat power and is immune to his psychic ability. It will be a disaster for everyone!

Of course.

What Charles didn't know was that Red Tank didn't actually have psychic abilities. Charles' psychic ability didn't work on Red Tank, mainly because Mr. Sinister made a move in secret.

After all, Mr. Sinister's target for releasing Red Tank was Rorschach, not Charles.

If Red Tank was knocked down by Charles using his psychic ability here, what reason would Rorschach have to come here?

Following Charles' words, Red Tank's mind moved, and the armor on his body automatically retreated, and his figure quickly faded, and his original appearance appeared in front of Charles.


Charles was dumbfounded, and he couldn't believe it.

His brother, he is not dead?

For so many years, Charles has always thought that Kain is dead!

"Why, you can't imagine it?"

"Charles, you left me there to die, but I didn't die! But today, you will die!"

Kain gritted his teeth and shouted at Charles.

"Kain, listen to me."

"Now any quibbling is useless, no one can save you, including yourself!"

After saying this, Kain once again transformed into Red Tank and began to rush towards Charles.

Charles immediately put his hand on his temple and frantically launched his ability on Red Tank.

However, everything was in vain.

He could only watch Red Tank continue to enlarge in his pupils.



The Siren, Darwin and other mutants couldn't help but scream out in surprise.

The Red Tank's fist was simply terrifying. If it hit Charles, he would be blown to pieces!


But at this critical moment, a familiar sonic boom suddenly sounded.

Then a figure suddenly fell from the sky, like a god of war, landing in front of Charles.


The opponent threw a punch, and the huge body of Red Tank, which was really like a tank, flew backwards.

Boom boom boom!

Several walls were smashed through by Red Tank in succession.



Several surprised shouts rang out.

Darwin and Siren were extremely excited to the young figure who appeared in time.

"Great, it's Rorschach!"

"Rorschach is here, there will be no problem!"

The other mutant students who were originally trembling with fear by Red Tank, saw Rorschach appear in time and hammered Red Tank over, like a dead tree and rotten wood, and they were also very excited, surprised and happy.

The original worry and anxiety on their faces disappeared, and their faces turned into extreme enthusiasm and excitement.

Is this Rorschach, who is known as the strongest mutant?

He really lives up to his reputation!

"Rorschach, why are you here?"

Charles, who was still in shock, breathed a sigh of relief, looking like he had survived a disaster, and then looked at Rorschach in surprise and asked.

"Didn't you ask Emma for help?"

Rorschach also glanced at Charles in surprise.


Both sides showed a hint of vigilance on their faces.

They immediately realized that this time, the Red Tank's visit was a trap!

A trap to attract Rorschach!

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