American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 241 Rorschach takes action and crushes Red Tank

"Rorschach, be careful!"

Charles said to Rorschach with a serious face, and at the same time he released his psychic abilities and explored the entire Xavier Academy.

As a result, his face suddenly turned ugly, and his psychic abilities were blocked.

It was as if it was sealed in a box by an invisible barrier, making it impossible to investigate at all!

"It's Mister Sinister!"

Charles also made this judgment immediately.

The only one that Charles can think of at the moment who can do this is Mr. Sinister.

Since Mr. Sinister has interfered with Charles's spiritual exploration, it can only mean one thing: the other party has indeed prepared a "big gift" for Rorschach!

Right within this Xavier Manor!

Other "big gifts" besides his brother Kain!

Charles couldn't help but start to worry about Rorschach.

While Charles was using his psychic abilities to investigate, Rorschach was also not idle. He also used his super hearing and clairvoyance to explore the entire Xavier Manor and nearby areas.

Sure enough, we discovered that Mr. Sinister was in a cafe on a commercial street outside Xavier Manor!

He was drinking coffee leisurely.

Next to Mr. Sinister, standing respectfully was Nirvana, who had been ravaged by Rorschach.

The eyes of the two people collided with each other from a distance of several kilometers and several walls.

Mr. Sinister also raised the coffee in his hand, raised it slightly to indicate to Rorschach, and then took a leisurely sip.

He looked like he was drinking coffee and watching the excitement.

Rorschach didn't respond, just sneered, that's all, and immediately withdrew his gaze.

Right now, he doesn't have time to deal with Mr. Sinister yet.

After all, the red tank is also a very strong enemy!

In any case, this is also a being who can stand up to the Hulk, even though it has never been able to stand up to the Hulk several times.

Whether Rorschach is willing or not, he must solve the problem of the red tank first, otherwise Charles will be dead.


As these thoughts flashed through Rorschach's mind, there was a loud noise, and a red tank burst out of the ruins.

He dusted himself off and looked calm and calm.

Although the visual effect of Rorschach's punch was very eye-catching, it did not cause any damage to the red tank.

First of all, the red tank itself has an energy field and armor, and its physical quality is also very, very amazing.

Secondly, on the basis of such abnormality, the red tank actually has the ability to heal itself!

Although not as good as Wolverine, it's not too different.

This is also an important reason why red tanks are so difficult to deal with.

"Not bad, Charles, you actually have such a friend?"

The red tank came roaring like a tank, glanced at Charles in great surprise, and finally his eyes fell on Rorschach.

He smiled coldly, "From your perspective, it should be able to bring me some fun. I hope you won't disappoint me."


Before he finished speaking, Red Tank kicked his legs violently on the ground, and a big hole was immediately dug out by Red Tank.


The man suddenly jumped hundreds of meters, like a meteorite, and hit Rorschach hard.


Rorschach's body also swayed, sonic speed spread out, and he rushed towards the red tank.

The two bodies collided violently in the air.

Then followed by a thunderous roar, it broke apart at the touch of a button.


The red tank's body once again hit the ground like a cannonball, creating a large crater several meters deep in the entire earth.

The cracks are spreading in all directions.

The mutants in the distance could clearly feel the earth shaking violently.

As for Rorschach.

His body suddenly fell back more than ten meters, but he quickly stopped the car and floated in the air.

"As expected of a red tank."

Rorschach just looked down at the red tank that he had hammered into the ground, and sighed with a solemn expression.

Through the hard work just now, Rorschach also has a general understanding of the strength of the red tank.

The opponent's strength is almost a thousand tons, so naturally he is not as good as Rorschach.

But Rorschach's power is only 1,400 tons, which is not enough to constitute an overwhelming advantage against the red tank.

The red tank's own defense is no worse than Rorschach, and even its self-healing ability is much stronger than Rorschach!

Moreover, the Red Tank also has one advantage that Rorschach does not have at all, and that is the "life" of the Red Tank.

This guy doesn’t need to eat, drink, or have any other energy input because he can generate his own energy!

To put it simply, it is a perpetual motion machine.

Never get tired!

You can consume Rorschach and Rorschach forever!

So overall, the red tank thing is very troublesome.

It is very easy for Rorschach to suppress the opponent, but it is almost impossible to kill the opponent.

The only way to defeat Red Tank is Charles' psychic ability!

However, it is obvious that Mr. Sinister intervened in this battle and restricted Charles's psychic abilities. Otherwise, Charles would not have been able to let Red Tank be so unrestrained.

but if……

What if Charles's psychic ability is enhanced?


Rorschach called Charles and glanced in the direction of the brainwave enhancement room.

Charles immediately understood, nodded to Rorschach, and without any hesitation, turned around and rushed towards the brainwave enhancement room.

Although Charles felt that things should not be so easy, after all, Mr. Sinister had painstakingly designed Rorschach, and he would not leave such a big loophole.

But in any case, this matter must be tried.


Accompanied by the tremors of the earth, Red Tank jumped out of the underground pit with a bang, and roared at Charles: "Charles, where are you going to escape?"


Red Tank turned into a meteorite and catapulted towards Charles.

But with Rorschach there, how could Red Tank succeed?

He stretched out his hand to the bottom, and a huge telekinesis was released. An invisible energy smashed like a mountain, blocking Red Tank in an instant.

Charles handed the Red Tank to Rorschach with confidence and quickly rushed towards the brainwave enhancement room.

"Want to enhance your psychic abilities?"

"You underestimate me too much, don't you?"

In the cafe outside Xavier Manor, Mr. Sinister saw Charles's actions and couldn't help but sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Not to mention that he had studied Charles before, just to say that this time he used Charles to set up a trap against Rorschach, how could he not know Charles's details in advance?

The brainwave enhancer had been destroyed by him long ago.

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