American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 242: Mr. Sinister appears, Rorschach's plan

"You really pissed me off!"

Red Tank, who was blocked by Rorschach again, was completely furious. He roared like a beast and growled at Rorschach.



With a shake of his body, he turned into a tank and rushed towards Rorschach at lightning speed.

This is the "Red Tank Charge"!

It is also one of the powerful abilities of Red Tank. Once it charges in a certain direction, there is almost no force that can stop it.

This charge is not just a simple collision!


Rorschach, who was targeted by Red Tank, immediately felt a huge airflow coming at him, which made his breathing stagnant.

Red Tank, go big!

If the battle was in other places, Rorschach might have dodged it directly. There was no point in fighting with someone like Red Tank. Anyway, he had the advantage of air superiority, so he could just fly in the air and attack Red Tank.

Red Tank can't fly, and can only bounce like Saitama or Hulk to deal with aerial targets.

His strength will naturally be discounted.

But Rorschach didn't hide at the moment, because if Rorschach did that, it is estimated that few of the students hiding in the room behind him would survive!

Anyway, Rorschach would not be defeated by Red Tank, so it doesn't matter if he fights back.


Rorschach launched at the speed of sound and rushed towards Red Tank like a meteor.


Accompanied by a terrifying energy wave, Rorschach's body finally flew backwards like a cannonball.

He knocked over a wall behind him.

Red Tank also flipped over and knocked over five or six walls in succession.

In this head-on collision, although Red Tank was at a disadvantage again, it was still meaningless.

The opponent was still unharmed!

"Rorschach, the brainwave enhancer is no longer usable!"

At this time, Rorschach's super hearing also heard Charles' words.

This made him frown slightly.

Without the brainwave enhancer, it would be very troublesome to deal with the Red Tank.

And until now, Rorschach has not seen the White Queen using the brainwave enhancer to help, so he naturally guessed that the brainwave enhancer in his base was also destroyed.

Because after he came to help Charles, the White Queen could not help but use the brainwave enhancer to check.

If she saw such a difficult enemy as the Red Tank, she would not stand idly by.

"Mr. Sinister, this guy is really good at calculating!"

Rorschach snorted coldly.

He subconsciously looked up at Mr. Sinister, who was drinking coffee leisurely outside, but saw that the other party smiled at him confidently.

"Jiemie, this guy's strength is stronger than we thought!"

"The plan is very successful!"

Mr. Sinister was in a very good mood, and couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth.


He then gently put down the coffee in his hand and stood up, "I've watched enough of the show, it's time to take action!"

Rorschach's super hearing clearly heard the conversation between Mr. Sinister and Desolation, and he immediately showed an extremely vigilant look.

Could it be that Mr. Sinister wanted to join forces with Red Tank to deal with him?

If so, Rorschach is really no match!


When these thoughts flashed through his mind, Red Tank once again shot towards Rorschach.

With a huge body and a sonic-level ejection speed, it arrived in front of Rorschach in the blink of an eye.

Rorschach had to temporarily put away those distracting thoughts and concentrate on the enemy.


He punched Red Tank and blasted Red Tank away.


But at the same moment, almost at the moment when Rorschach threw his punches, several "bombs" exploded directly around Rorschach.

Because the timing of the bomb explosion was so precise and accurate, Rorschach didn't have time to dodge and was completely covered by the bomb's explosion range.

However, what surprised Rorschach was that after the bomb exploded, there was no ordinary explosion shock wave, but a group of special "electromagnetic waves".

Not a tangible body!

But an energy wave mixed with electromagnetic waves and light waves.

"What are these?"

As those thoughts flashed through Rorschach's mind, he became more alert.

Obviously, those special bombs must have been prepared by Mr. Sinister specifically for him.


Sure enough.

When Mr. Sinister saw that the explosion energy wave successfully covered Rorschach, he immediately showed an excited look on his face!

Rorschach guessed correctly, those bombs were indeed specially used to deal with him!


At the moment when Rorschach had doubts, he instantly felt that his mutant ability had disappeared!

It turns out that those "bombs" are artifacts that are specially used to deprive people of their abilities!

Mister Sinister is really good at scheming!

Rorschach couldn't help but silently give Mister Sinister a thumbs up in his heart.

This series of tricks is really too clever.

It's just a pity that Rorschach is not an ordinary mutant!

Although his ability as a mutant was indeed suppressed and could not be used, it had almost no effect on Rorschach's strength.


A subtle sly smile flashed across Rorschach's eyes.

Since Mr. Sinister had put so much effort into it, how could he not give Mr. Sinister a little surprise?

"My ability..."

"Mr. Sinister, what did you do!"

"What on earth did you do!"

Rorschach then showed a panicked look on his face, shouting in the direction of Mr. Sinister.

The smile on Mr. Sinister's face became more intense.


With a loud noise, Juggernaut transformed into a humanoid tank again, crushing towards Rorschach.

It is worth mentioning that Juggernaut is not actually a mutant, and all his strength comes from that deadly ruby, so Mr. Sinister's "bombs" have no effect on Juggernaut.

Facing the Red Tank's attack again, Rorschach showed a panic on his face.

He wanted to resist the Red Tank, but found that he had lost his powerful strength. He wanted to dodge, but he couldn't even escape in such a panic.

He could only watch himself being blown into slag by the Red Tank.


But at this time, a figure flashed, and a figure fell from the sky and punched the Red Tank from a distance.

Crack, crack, crack!

A huge shock wave burst out in an instant, and the earth collapsed.

Along with the momentum of the landslide, the whole Red Tank was overturned.

Mr. Sinister, with an extremely domineering posture, slowly landed beside Rorschach.

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