
"You and I finally meet again!"

Mr. Sinister looked at Rorschach condescendingly with a victor's smile and said.

In fact, Mr. Sinister rarely shows such a proud gesture under normal circumstances. After all, he is a very high-ranking boss.

However, Luo Xia's opponent is really extraordinary. He is not weaker than himself in every aspect. He can be said to be the most powerful opponent besides Apocalypse.

Even Mr. Sinister felt a huge sense of accomplishment after defeating such an enemy.

"You, you are despicable!"

"You actually used this method to plot against me?"

"If you have the ability, you and I will have a fair fight!"

Rorschach roared in an extremely angry tone, staring at Mr. Sinister.

When Mr. Sinister heard this, he just curled his lips and sneered, not even bothering to say anything to Rorschach.

Young people are young people, they are too naive, why do they care about being dignified when dealing with enemies?

It’s really hilarious.

Since they are enemies, they must defeat them by any means necessary!

Talking about means?

Not a kid!


Mr. Sinister then took out a "collar" and fastened it around Rorschach's neck.

Didi didi!

The indicator light on the collar suddenly lit up, which meant that the collar was fully functional and Rorschach's mutant abilities were completely locked.

Mr. Sinister finally breathed a sigh of relief.

You're done!


There was a loud noise, but the ruins in front exploded again, and the huge body of the red tank jumped out from the ground, as angry as a mad beast.

"Who are you?"

"Damn it, you all deserve to die!"

"Fuck them all!"

Amidst the angry roar, the red tank began to open up again, charging towards Mr. Sinister.

Mister Sinister acted as if he hadn't seen Red Tank, and used his psychic powers instantly, causing Red Tank to faint on the ground.

The armor that was originally on his body disappeared, and the extremely exaggerated muscles that were seriously out of proportion also disappeared.

Kain's true form appeared again.


He just fell to the ground and rolled forward on the ground.

Because the red tank's charge was so fierce, it still rolled and hit Mr. Sinister.

But the red tank in this state had no effect on Mr. Sinister. The other party gently raised his foot and stepped on Kain's feet.

The danger of the red tank was thus resolved.

【Special energy source detected! 】

[Energy source analysis in progress...]

[Energy value: 2000 source points, status: extractable. 】

Rorschach was just secretly happy for Mr. Sinister's assist and didn't think much of it, but who could have expected that when the red tank fell in front of him, Rorschach's mind suddenly rang out like this The beep comes.

Special energy source!

Rorschach's eyes suddenly couldn't help but light up.

This is a good thing.

He immediately began to observe carefully and calmly, only to see that the scanning vision from the system appeared, marking a ruby ​​on Kain's body.

There is actually a gem on the red tank?

Rorschach thought about it carefully and recalled that it seemed to be true. Red Tank was not a mutant. All his abilities came from the evil ruby ​​created by an evil god.

Obviously, it must be the ruby ​​Rorschach saw just now!

What an unexpected surprise!

This is a complete surprise!

One minute ago, Rorschach was still having a headache on how to deal with such a troublesome guy as Red Tank, but a minute later, Red Tank gave him such a big gift!

No, it should be said that Mr. Sinister gave himself such a great gift!

A total of two thousand origin points!

If you get these two thousand origin points, Rorschach's unlocking progress will reach 100% and he will become a true citizen of the motherland!

This is what Rorschach dreams of.

Mr. Sinister is really a good guy.

Even with Rorschach's current rank, he couldn't help but get a little excited.


Just as those thoughts flashed through Rorschach's mind, Mr. Sinister grabbed Rorschach's shoulders casually: "Now, you are mine!"

What an imaginative line this is!

Amidst Rorschach's complaints, Mr. Sinister grabbed Rorschach, and his whole body suddenly stood up from the ground.

It flew into the air and disappeared.



Siren, Darwin and others immediately shouted anxiously.

But reluctantly, they could only watch Rorschach being captured by Mr. Sinister, but they could do nothing.

Hoo ho ho!

High in the sky, a strong wind blew against my face.

"What are you going to do to me?"

Rorschach, who was being held hostage by Mr. Sinister, looked at Mr. Sinister and asked in a calm and calm tone.

"If you want to know if I will spare your life, then I can tell you for sure, no."

Mr. Sinister said to Rorschach expressionlessly, "You are indeed of great use to me. My original intention is not to kill you, but there is no way. Once an enemy like you is retained, there will be endless troubles."

In fact, according to Mr. Sinister's original intention, if you encounter a powerful mutant, staying with him and using him for your own use is the best option to maximize your benefits.

But unfortunately, Luo Xia's strength is too strong.

So strong that even Mr. Sinister is afraid of him!

He didn't dare to stay by his side at all.

Mr. Sinister had already made a decision to kill Rorschach as soon as his research on Rorschach made some progress.

Even if Rorschach is not dead, he still feels uneasy.

"It's very reasonable. If I were you, I would do the same." Luo Xia nodded with deep understanding.

"But unfortunately, you are not me."



With such a sound, Mr. Sinister's body trembled suddenly, and his whole body fell from the air like a kite with its string broken.

It hit the ground hard.

"How, how is it possible!"

Mr. Sinister lay weakly on the ground, his eyes wide open, his face full of shock and disbelief. He stared blankly at Rorschach in front of him and murmured in surprise.

In front of him, he saw Luo Xia standing with a golden sword, holding a heart in his hand!

Mr. Sinister's heart!

I can only say that Mr. Sinister is indeed Mr. Sinister. His heart was ripped out by Rorschach, but he didn't die immediately. It's really abnormal.

"Your ability has been blocked by me. This... this is impossible!"

Mr. Sinister simply couldn't believe it, couldn't understand it.

Why is Rorschach still so powerful after his abilities are blocked?

This is impossible!

Wasn't his ability blocked at all?

In an instant, Mr. Sinister understood everything.

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