American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 244: Ruby is obtained, greatly enhancing strength!

"What a Rorschach!"

After realizing everything, Mr. Sinister couldn't help but have an incomparable exclamation on his face, "I lost..."


Mr. Sinister was only halfway through his words when his whole body exploded.

But it was Rorschach who stretched out his hand towards Mr. Sinister, and his huge telekinesis instantly acted on Mr. Sinister, crushing him to pieces.

This is not an exaggeration, but an objective description.

Mr. Sinister's whole body really exploded.

It exploded into a puddle of mud.



A roar of sadness, anger, and murderous intent sounded out, but it was like a red tank. It bounced across a distance of several hundred meters and landed in front of the paralyzed flesh.

Kneeling there helplessly, his whole body began to tremble.

It was like seeing his biological father and mother explode and die on the spot.


Luo Xia didn't say anything nonsense. He stretched out his hand to hold Nie Mie again. The huge power of thought was released, and Nie Mie's whole body exploded.

Go and follow your dear Mr. Sinister.

This guy narrowly escaped with his life in the hands of Rorschach last time, and now he jumped out again. Of course Rorschach would not hold back.


Clapping his hands, as if he had done something trivial, Luo Xia didn't even look at the two puddles of meat on the ground. He spread out at the speed of sound, rose up from the ground, and disappeared.

But what Rorschach never expected was that after his figure completely disappeared, one of the puddles of mud on the ground actually started to squirm!

Like a disgusting monster in a horror movie, it slowly condensed and took shape. Finally, Mr. Sinister appeared again.

This guy is not dead yet!

Rorschach thought that no matter how strong he was, Mr. Sinister would not be able to survive after he exploded him into a pulp, but unfortunately, Mr. Sinister did not die!

Because Rorschach didn't actually explode Mr. Sinister into a pulp!

While being attacked by Rorschach's powerful telekinesis, Mr. Sinister actively cooperated with Rorschach and transformed himself into such a ghostly appearance!

This is one of Mister Sinister's abilities, cell transformation.

He looked down at his empty chest. There was supposed to be a heart there, but now it was just a big hole.

With a thought, Mr. Sinister's cell deformation ability was activated, and the flesh and blood in his body wriggled and reorganized, and a heart suddenly "grew" out.

It can only be said that it is really abnormal.

However, it is worth mentioning that Mr. Sinister's cell deformation ability is completely different from Wolverine's super self-healing ability.

Wolverine's self-healing is true self-healing, but Mr. Sinister's transformation is to replace one wall with another, which is very, very costly to himself.

So now Mr. Sinister is extremely weak.

Not to mention Rorschach, any mutant can kill Mr. Sinister.

But unfortunately, there are no such coincidences in the world.

Mr. Sinister quickly left the scene with staggering steps.

As for Rorschach?

His figure had already appeared in Xavier Academy for Geniuses, and he had no idea that Mr. Sinister was alive again.

"Rorschach, you're okay!"

"Great Rorschach, you really scared me to death just now!"

When Siren and Darwin saw Rorschach, who had just been captured, appear again, they were all surprised and happy, and gathered around them.

"Are you guys okay?"

Rorschach also glanced at his two friends with concern.

"We're fine. It's just Alex who's injured a bit badly."

A look of sadness appeared on the Siren's face.

The devastation had long been carried down by the medical team for first aid, but the situation was very grim. After all, the devastation was hit head-on by a red tank.

After hearing this, Luo Xia opened his clairvoyant eyes and scanned the entire academy, and immediately found the ravager who was being rescued.

He couldn't help but sigh: "I hope Alex is okay."

The Devastators were also among his earliest friends. They had known each other since they were at the CIA base, and they had even gone to Cuba to deal with the Black Emperor together. There was no need to express their feelings for each other.

Rorschach naturally hopes from the bottom of his heart that the ravager can overcome this difficulty.

But now, Rorschach can only wait patiently, but there is nothing more he can do.


Charles also hurried over at this time. He looked Rorschach up and down, confirmed that Rorschach was fine, and secretly felt relieved.

Then he asked in a deep voice, "Where is Mr. Sinister?"

"I killed him!" Luo Xia said enthusiastically.


"Is it true Rorschach!"

Everyone around was surprised and happy, and even couldn't accept it for a while.

Rorschach was captured by Mr. Sinister one second ago, but he counterattacked so quickly the next second?

But since Rorschach said so, it must be true!

As expected of Rorschach!

Everyone was very excited.

However, Rorschach didn't say much to everyone. After saying hello briefly, he walked directly towards Kain who was lying on the ground unconscious.

For Rorschach now, the most important thing is naturally the extraction of special energy sources.


When Charles saw Rorschach's action, he couldn't help but shout out from behind, with a hint of worry and anxiety in his voice.

Although Kain had caused so much trouble to everyone, and even seriously injured the Ravager, and let Rorschach fall into the hands of Mr. Sinister.

But no matter what, he was still his brother!

Charles was really afraid that Rorschach would kill Kain.

"Charles, don't worry, I won't do anything to him."

Rorschach waved at Charles, walked directly in front of Kain, activated his perspective ability, and found the ruby ​​on Kain's body at once.

He tore Kain's clothes open, and saw that on Kain's chest, a ruby ​​was "embedded" there.

Rorschach's spirit was immediately lifted.

"What is this?"

Charles, who came around with Rorschach, immediately noticed the ruby ​​and couldn't help showing a hint of doubt.

But then, he frowned and recognized the ruby.

Isn't that the ruby ​​they found in the cave of the Stealing Country Forest?

How did it merge into Kain's body?

Could it be...

Kain became like that because of this ruby?

"The root of evil."

Rorschach said lightly, and then placed his finger directly on the ruby.

At that moment, Rorschach immediately felt that an inexplicable force invaded his body.

His consciousness seemed to be swallowed up by an inexplicable force!

It was like a huge whirlpool, which rolled him in madly, making Rorschach unable to resist.

"System, extract the energy source!"

Rorschach did not dare to delay, and immediately gave the system an order in his mind.

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