American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 245: Unlock the template 100%, become a true motherland!


[Extraction successful! 】

The system immediately sent such a prompt sound.

And along with these two prompts, the terrifying power that even Rorschach couldn't resist disappeared in an instant.

The ruby ​​embedded in Kain's chest also disappeared at that moment.


Luo Xia couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help being a little stunned.

That piece of ruby ​​is really evil. With his current strength, he is actually useless in front of that ruby, just like an ordinary person.

It wasn't like magical power, but a new form of power that Rorschach didn't understand.

If there was no system, Rorschach could be sure that he would be swallowed up by that power and become the next Red Tank.

That's right.

Red Tank isn't the only one.

After all, the key to the red tank is the ruby ​​rather than the person. There have also been plots in the comics where other people turned into red tanks. For example, Colossus turned into a red tank.

And the power of Red Tank, well, Rorschach didn't want it at all.

That is the power from the evil god!

Fortunately, the system is above everything else. Even if it is the power of the evil god, it has become Rorschach's battery. He obediently contributed two thousand origin points to Rorschach.

[Host: Rorschach]

[Age: 16 years old]

[Speed: 1102 meters/second]

[Power: 1421 tons]

[Physique: 1510 (average adult healthy male is 10)]

[Mental strength: 1566 (average adult healthy male: 10)]

[Current template: Motherland (80% unlock progress)]

[Ability: clairvoyance (intermediate level), super hearing (intermediate level), heat ray (intermediate level), flying (intermediate level)]

[Origin point: 2026 point]

I called up my property panel and checked it. Sure enough, the number on the balance source point suddenly changed.

Not bad!

Rorschach was very satisfied with this.

[It is detected that the host has a balance of origin points. Do you want to use it immediately to strengthen it? 】

At this time, the system prompt sounded again in Rorschach's mind.

This is absolutely no doubt about it.


[Congratulations to the host, the motherland template has been unlocked 100%! 】

hundred percent!

Rorschach couldn't help but clenched his fist, and almost couldn't help but slap his thigh. The excitement and excitement in his heart could not be described in words.

After such a long time, has the unlocking progress finally reached 100%?

Have you finally become a true citizen of the motherland?

[Host: Rorschach]

[Age: 16 years old]

[Speed: 1389 meters/second]

[Power: 2234 tons]

[Physique: 1910 (average adult healthy male is 10)]

[Mental strength: 1966 (average adult healthy male: 10)]

[Current template: Motherland (unlock progress 100%)]

[Abilities: clairvoyance (advanced), super hearing (advanced), heat ray (advanced), flying (advanced)]

[Original point: 26 points]

After strengthening, Rorschach's various attributes also changed accordingly. His strength actually exceeded two thousand tons in one fell swoop, and even his speed reached four times the speed of sound.

Physical fitness, mental strength, etc. have also been greatly improved.

Rorschach was quite satisfied with this.

However, now that the template of the motherland has reached 100%, where will my next step be to strengthen it?

Should you unlock other new templates, or continue to strengthen according to the templates of the motherland?

At present, the system does not provide any instructions.

But since the system does not pop up a prompt for other templates, does it mean that it will continue to upgrade according to the templates of the motherland?

Rorschach thought secretly in his heart, but could never come to a definite conclusion.

But no matter which form it is, there is no need to worry about it. After all, being able to make yourself stronger is the most important thing.

"What's going on? That gem has disappeared?"

Charles's voice sounded.

He looked at Kain's empty chest with a surprised look on his face, then looked directly at Rorschach and asked.

Although he didn't know what happened, Charles felt that the disappearance of the rubies was probably related to Rorschach.

No, it should be said that it is 100% related.

Rorschach tore open Kain's chest with a clear purpose, found the gem with great precision, then calmly stretched out his finger and tapped it, making the ruby ​​disappear in an instant.

This series of actions cannot be a coincidence.

"The ruby ​​has been destroyed by me."

Rorschach thought about it and didn't hide it from Charles. Of course, he didn't tell the whole truth. He never planned to reveal the system's affairs to anyone.

"From now on, he will not become that terrible monster again." Rorschach patted Charles on the shoulder.


Now it was Charles' turn to let out a long sigh of relief.

Although I don't know how Rorschach destroyed the gem, with Rorschach's unfathomable ability, since the other party has said it was destroyed, it must have been destroyed.

Moreover, Rorschach's words also verified Charles's previous guess that the reason why Kain turned into that ghostly appearance was indeed because of the ruby ​​in the cave.

Now that the ruby ​​has been destroyed, Charles can rest assured.


"What are you doing?"

Several people were talking around Cain, and Cain on the ground suddenly opened his eyes.

Then he saw that his clothes were ripped off, and two big men were squatting in front of him and staring at him.

Cain suddenly felt a chill.

Rorschach: "..."

Charles: "..."

This matter was indeed a bit embarrassing. The two hurriedly stood up and moved away from Cain.

At this time, Cain suddenly got up from the ground, grinned at Rorschach and Charles, and wanted to transform again, but found that he could no longer feel that power!

"What's going on?"

He didn't notice it before, but at this moment, Cain suddenly looked down and found that the ruby ​​originally embedded in his chest was gone!

Thinking about the situation when Rorschach and Charles surrounded him just now, how could Cain not understand what happened?

"What on earth did you do!"

Kain pointed at Rorschach and Charles in shock and anger and roared.

"Kain, calm down, everything is over." Charles comforted Kain in a deep voice.

But it is conceivable that Kain, who was in an excited mood, would not listen to Charles' advice?

"Charles, notify me when Alex wakes up."

Rorschach was too lazy to care about the dispute between the two brothers. He greeted Charles and flew into the air with a bang.

He disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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