American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 246 Super Demon King Tianqi Arrangement


In a secret base.


"Sir, what's wrong with you!"

The butler in the base, a smart and capable man in a suit, couldn't help shouting in shock.

Because he saw Mr. Sinister, covered in blood and in a state of embarrassment, stumbled out.

He didn't even wear any clothes. He found a rag somewhere and covered his body hastily, that's all.

This is only secondary.

The key is that Mr. Sinister is now as weak as a bedridden patient who is about to die.

His face was pale and his breath was weak, as if he could be knocked down by a gust of wind!

The butler had never seen Mr. Sinister in such a state of embarrassment.

Who is it that actually hurt Mr. like this?

How is this possible!

Could it be that that guy woke up?

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you help me in quickly!"

It wasn't until Mr. Sinister's unpleasant low shout sounded that the housekeeper who was in shock came back to his senses.

"Sorry, sir!"

The housekeeper immediately helped Mr. Sinister, who was about to fall, and carefully helped him into the house.

After some repairs, Mr. Sinister finally regained some of his energy.

He was lying on the bed and didn't speak. His face was gloomy, as if he had been slapped dozens of times. It was really ugly.


It took quite a while before Mr. Sinister made such a gnashing sound from his mouth.

Originally, he worked so hard to plot against Luo Xia, but in the end, the plot failed, and he suffered such a disastrous defeat.

Almost died!

The line between life and death!

A real line between life and death!

Even Apocalypse has never put Mr. Sinister in such a dangerous situation, nor has he suffered such a defeat.

One can imagine how Mr. Sinister feels at this moment.

He was extremely resentful towards Rorschach, but at the same time, he was also extremely fearful!

"That guy...what's going on?"

Thinking that the artifact he had developed over the years to suppress mutants' abilities was completely ineffective, Mr. Sinister's brows could not help but frown like old chrysanthemums blooming in late autumn.


He didn't know what was wrong.

Is that Rorschach too powerful, or does Rorschach have some other means, or maybe there is something wrong with his stuff and it just doesn't work.

But no matter which possibility it is, Mr. Sinister's fear of Rorschach has reached its peak.

I don’t dare to attack Rorschach casually anymore!

This setback really frightened Mr. Sinister.

"Mister Sinister is dead? That's great!"

At the mutant base, all the elders were excited when they heard the good news brought by Rorschach.

For them, Mr. Sinister can be said to be the most powerful enemy they have ever encountered in their lives, and that is no exaggeration.

After all, that guy is a carbon copy of Rorschach.

The same power, the same person possessing several abilities at the same time, the same being belonging to another dimension above them.

The battle with Rorschach was also indistinguishable.

No one said anything, but they still felt Alexander in their hearts.

They are all worried about how to get rid of such a terrible enemy.

Everyone knew that with the exception of Rorschach, they had no way to deal with an enemy of this level. The difference in strength between the two sides was too great.

Even if they were all tied together, they wouldn't be enough to fight.

And Rorschach?

Even if he has always been very defiant and perverted, his strength cannot suddenly become stronger in an instant, right?

But who could have imagined that things would happen so suddenly.

How long has it been since the last battle between Rorschach and Mister Sinister?

Rorschach actually killed Mr. Sinister, which really exceeded everyone's expectations.

But no matter what, this is a good thing, and everyone in the base is very happy about it.


But after Rorschach calmed down, he suddenly looked at the White Queen with a very serious look, "There are still things to trouble you next."

"What's wrong, Rorschach, are you so serious?" Copycat couldn't help but look at Rorschach with curious eyes.

Looking at Rorschach, it seemed like something big had happened.

"I got some bad news from Mister Sinister."

Rorschach pondered and spoke to everyone.

With just one sentence, everyone at the scene suddenly felt heavy.

Even Rorschach called it bad news, which shows that this news is indeed bad to a certain extent.

At least even someone with Rorschach's abilities might not be able to do it easily.

"Have you ever wondered when the first mutant appeared in the world?"

Under everyone's gaze, Luo Xia glanced at everyone and asked in a deep voice.

"The world's first mutant?"

Ruiwen couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. Luo Xia's tone was a bit too high, wasn't it?

This kind of question is just like the question of when did the first human appear and which came first, the chicken or the egg? There is no answer at all.

"Rorschach, what you mean is..."

Hank had an incredible look on his face.

Because according to Rorschach's words, it is impossible for him to ask this question out of thin air. Could it be that Rorschach will tell everyone the answer next?

"Yes, what I am going to talk about next is an old guy who has survived for thousands of years. He is the first mutant in the world."

With a solemn look on his face, Luo Xia told everyone at the scene some basic information about Tianqi.

Everyone present was dumbfounded, as if they were listening to a book from heaven.

If these words did not come from Rorschach's mouth, they would not believe them anyway.

"A mutant more powerful than Mister Sinister and you?"

"Once you wake up, will the apocalypse come as recorded in the Bible?"

"Destroy the whole world?"

One exclamation after another sounded out one after another, and all the mutant elders looked very wonderful.

"Rorschach, do you really believe Mr. Sinister?" The White Queen pondered for a moment, then stared at Rorschach and spoke.

It's not that the White Queen doesn't believe Rorschach, it's just that the mutant Rorschach described is too exaggerated.

"He had no reason to lie to me."

Rorschach said seriously, "So, I plan to let you use the brainwave enhancer to see if you can find this mutant."

"But remember, be careful and don't directly use your abilities to try to search for this mutant. It's too dangerous."

"I want you to search for the 'third party' just like you are searching for the Decepticons, to see if there is anyone who knows any clues about the Apocalypse."

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