American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 247 Captain America makes his grand appearance

"Rorschach, are you too careful?"

The voice of the imitating cat sounded, and she said nonchalantly from the side.

Even if, as Rorschach said, there really is such a terrifying mutant in the world, can the other party still be aware of the psychic abilities amplified by the brainwave enhancer?

So what kind of terrifying psychic abilities does the other party have to possess?

"Vanessa, this is a matter of life and death for the world. You can never be too careful."

Rorschach said to the imitation cat seriously and seriously.

Even though Rorschach's strength has greatly increased again and he has become a true native of the motherland, he still dare not take it lightly.

Because Rorschach is still not sure of defeating Apocalypse!

So before that, Rorschach didn't want to alarm Tianqi and let him wake up.

After all, with Tianqi's heaven-defying ability, he might actually be able to sense the reactions of other psychics.

But for such a super boss, Luo Xia didn't want to be caught off guard when Apocalypse suddenly woke up.

It is still very necessary to have a certain degree of information about Tianqi.

And this is Rorschach's real purpose. He is not arrogant or brainless enough to revive Apocalypse now.

"I see!"

The White Queen immediately nodded aside.

With Rorschach's strength, she was so careful and careful, how could she dare to be careless?

But even so, deep down in her heart, the White Queen is just like everyone else, full of doubts about the heaven-defying mutant described by Rorschach.

The reason why she readily agreed to Rorschach's request was just because of Rorschach's solemn request, nothing more.

But neither the White Queen nor anyone else expected that the White Queen would actually find something during this investigation.

"En Saba Nur, according to the rumors I 'saw', this name began to circulate tens of thousands of years ago. Even now, it still has some fanatical believers."

"Everyone believes that he is the first mutant to exist in the world, and whenever he is accompanied by four believers, well, it is indeed like the apocalypse in the Bible."

"Also because every time he appears, he brings disaster, just like the apocalypse, so he is also called the apocalypse."

"But this person is only circulated in legends, and no one has ever seen him."

The White Queen told Rorschach everything she found.

"Does this person really exist?"

Hank was very surprised by this, he looked at the White Queen and asked.


The White Queen shook her head. There were some believers in the Apocalypse, which didn't mean anything.

"Where are those believers?"

Rorschach asked.

"Cairo, Egypt."

The White Queen is very sure.

That’s right, Cairo!

Rorschach also suddenly remembered at this time that Apocalypse's resurrection was indeed in Cairo.

"If I continue to investigate in depth, I should be able to find out whether Apocalypse exists or not." The White Queen suggested on the side.

"No, Emma, ​​you don't have to do anything. Just leave the rest to me." Rorschach said to the White Queen.

He just wants to stare at Tianqi now, but he doesn't want to disturb Tianqi and wake him up.

After some pondering, Rorschach stopped talking nonsense and called Serena over, ordering Serena to arrange for some people to go to Cairo and sneak into the believer who believed in the apocalypse to act as an undercover agent.

According to the plot in the movie, the reason why Apocalypse revived was because Agent Mora overestimated his ability and went to Cairo to investigate the matter. As a result, he accidentally opened the mats covering the entrance to the cave where Apocalypse was buried, causing sunlight to shine in.

And Rorschach has arranged his backup plan in advance. If nothing else, this kind of low-level mistake can be avoided.

As for the rest.

There is no need to do it for the time being.

The matter of Tianqi has come to an end for the time being, and Luo Xia doesn't take it to heart anymore.

Anyway, according to the plot of the movie universe, it will still be quite some time before Apocalypse recovers.

During this period, Rorschach still did not believe that he could not grow up enough to deal with Apocalypse.

So what Rorschach has to do next is to develop silently and grow in secret, that's all.

By the way, together with Charles Eric, we will prepare something about the mutant nation.

That's right.

For Rorschach, improving one's own strength is the most important task, and everything else has to be put aside, even matters related to the mutant country.

He still knows his priorities.

After killing Mr. Sinister, so far, except for the founding of the country, there is nothing else for Rorschach to worry about.

Rorschach's life rarely became peaceful.

By the way, the ravager was lucky enough to survive being punched in the face by a red tank and was rescued.

It's just that the injury was so serious that he would probably have to stay in bed for several months to recover.

And Cain Marco?

He was temporarily left in the academy by Charles.

Kain Marco, who has lost the ruby ​​​​, does not pose any threat at all. The remaining problem is the problem between the two brothers, which has nothing to do with everyone.

SHIELD base.

After Megatron was accidentally released, this base became the first battlefield and was razed to the ground in the war.

However, several months have passed since the Decepticon War, and a new base has already been built.

The new base has been fully upgraded in all aspects. After all, SHIELD was embarrassed in the first war.

Not only was their home destroyed, but all the gold and silver treasures in the family disappeared.

Even until now, SHIELD has not found out who the damn person was who looted their family property.

So the security system of SHIELD's base is still very strict.

But even the current security system was quietly invaded by two guys.

Even from beginning to end, SHIELD was not alerted!

It's not that SHIELD is too useless, but the two people who invaded SHIELD were really cheating.

"Captain, are you sure the Cosmic Cube is not here?"

On the way out of SHIELD, a man wearing glasses and looking a little vicissitudes of life turned his head and asked the blond man who was driving next to him.

Yes, "Captain".

This blond man is none other than Captain America Steve Rogers!

"We have searched this base, and the thing is indeed not here." Captain America shook his head.

After saying this, he and the bespectacled man in the co-pilot immediately looked ugly.

Because if the Cosmic Cube is not in the SHIELD base, it must be somewhere else!

And that place is not what they want to go to at all.

Because that is the territory of the motherland!

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