American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 248 Iron Man: Have you forgotten the fear of being dominated by your countrymen?


"So next, is that the only place we can really go to?"

After the scene was quiet for a moment, the bespectacled man in the co-pilot looked at Captain America and spoke with an extremely painful tone.

"At this point, we have no other options."

Captain America nodded heavily, "Since the Cube is not in SHIELD, it must be in the hands of the motherland."

"Captain, it seems that we are really unlucky to have to face that guy."

The man with glasses suddenly frowned like an old chrysanthemum blooming in late autumn, "The thing I least expected to see happened."

"Believe me Stark, I don't want to see that guy either." Captain America also had a wry smile on his face.


That's right.

The bespectacled man sitting next to Captain America is actually the famous Iron Man Tony Stark!

And it’s not the original Tony Stark who is extremely arrogant, slutty, and has not lost his playboy aura, but a Tony Stark who is older than Howard Stark and looks more mature!

As for Captain America next to Tony Stark, although this guy will not age, it can be seen that the uniform on his body is obviously different.

"Oh, I almost forgot."

Tony Stark raised his eyebrows, "You have been blasted by the motherland, more than once, right?"

"Yes Stark, but I remember that you were also the one who was blasted by the motherland!" Captain America shrugged and retorted.

"Yes, who among us Avengers has not been hammered by the people of the motherland? Thor is even worse. Not only has he been hammered, but his brother Loki has also been hammered. The motherland even grabbed Loki. Go to Asgard to settle accounts, I wonder if Odin has been hammered."

"It's a pity that Thor gets anxious when this matter is brought up, otherwise I would really want to ask about it."

As Tony Stark spoke, the atmosphere at the scene became heavier.

Because both he and Captain America couldn't help but recall the fear of being dominated by their motherland.

The two looked at each other, and both saw the same solemnity and worry in each other's eyes as their own.

"Stark, we have no choice now!"

"Only by getting the Cosmic Cube can we bring everyone back!"

"The world is counting on us!"

After a pause, Captain America just cheered up and said to Tony Stark with a serious face.

"Yes, the world is counting on us."

Tony Stark nodded heavily and murmured.

"Don't worry about Stark. It's only the 1960s, when the people of the motherland were just rising. Maybe he won't be as powerful as he was later."

Captain America's voice sounded. He was comforting Tony Stark as well as himself.

"It's like this under normal circumstances, but for that guy from the motherland, we can't think about it based on common sense."

Tony Stark shook his head, and he made a suggestion, "But fortunately, we don't have to face the people of the motherland directly. I mean, we can wait until the people of the motherland go out before taking action, right?"

"No matter how long we stay here, we will only return to the moment we left when we go back, right?"

"Then do it!"

Captain America and Tony Stark reached an agreement so quickly.

Next, the two of them didn't talk too much nonsense, just drove the car and immediately arrived at the outskirts of the Rorschach base.

"OK, Stark, let's do some reconnaissance first."

After the two got out of the car, Captain America looked at the surrounding environment and said to Tony Stark beside him.


Tony Stark nodded, then took out a small ball and threw it on the ground.

The ball rolled on the ground twice and then stopped. A lid on it automatically popped open, and a group of flies flew out.

With a buzzing sound, it passed through trees, walls, and numerous obstacles, and flew directly into Rorschach's base.


Tony Stark patted his glasses with his hand at this time, and some surveillance images suddenly appeared in front of Tony Stark's eyes.

That's right.

Of course, those flies couldn't be real flies, but some micro-robots specially brought by Tony Stark for reconnaissance.

Those flies were extremely small, and Tony Stark made them very realistic. Even if they flew past people's eyes, they would not attract anyone's attention at all.

Using this method for investigation can basically be said to be foolproof.



As it turns out, those micro-robots quickly flew into the mutant base without anyone noticing, flying around "unscrupulously" in various places.

The situation in the base was all reflected in Tony Stark's eyes.

Rorschach's figure is also among them.


Tony Stark couldn't help but complain with great pain, "The people of the motherland are also here."

"He didn't find anything, did he?"

Upon hearing this, Captain America immediately subconsciously asked in a deep voice.

"Captain, are you looking down on me too much? Yes, the people of the motherland are powerful, but the technology I am using now is far beyond the technology of this era!"

"Don't worry, Homelander didn't find anything." Tony Stark said to Captain America confidently.

"That's good." Captain America breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't worry about Homelander, let's find out if the Cosmic Cube is there first!"

"I know."

Tony Stark responded, and then began to control the micro robots, continuing to turn around the entire mutant base.

"Cosmic Cube?"

"Is anyone planning to take the Cosmic Cube?"

However, neither Tony Stark nor Captain America thought that the actions they thought were foolproof had actually fallen into Rorschach's control.

Because Rorschach had heard their conversation clearly.

However, in order not to alarm the two "thieves" in the dark, Rorschach had been pretending not to know.

"Wait a minute, these two voices sound so familiar."

"And... Captain?"

! !

Rorschach's mind flashed with inspiration, and an incredible look suddenly appeared on his face.

Could these two guys who covet the Cosmic Cube be Iron Man and Captain America?

Admittedly, in this era, Captain America is still frozen in the sea and Tony Stark has never been born, but don't forget that these two guys have traveled through time and space!

Their purpose is to steal the Cosmic Cube!

However, in the original storyline, Iron Man and Captain America went to the SHIELD base to steal the Rubik's Cube, but now, the Rubik's Cube is in Rorschach's hands!

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