American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 249 Captain America: Rorschach is truly unfathomable

That must be it!

In an instant, Rorschach understood the cause and effect of the whole thing.

Then, a very playful smile appeared on the corner of Rorschach's mouth.

Iron Man and Captain America actually came to their own territory to steal things!

This is more interesting.

Originally, Rorschach's search for SHIELD was just a temporary move, but he didn't expect that one day, the Cosmic Cube would actually attract these two strangers from the future.


No matter who these two people are, since they have their ideas on your head, you must be prepared to be backlashed by you!

Thinking of this, Rorschach turned his head suddenly, looked in the direction of Tony Stark and Captain America, and grinned meaningfully.

Rorschach's action was immediately discovered by Tony Stark through his own micro-robot, and Iron Man's anus suddenly tightened.

"Oh no, captain, we were discovered!"

Tony Stark froze and said to Captain America with an ugly expression.


When Captain America heard this, his expression immediately changed.


How was it discovered?

Did the people of the motherland discover that those flies were fake?

No way!

"Quick, get out of here Stark!"

But now there really was no time for Captain America to think more about these issues. He immediately said to Tony Stark in a deep voice.

Tony Stark didn't say anything nonsense. He pulled off his clothes and slapped the "inverted triangle" device embedded on his chest.

Click, click, click!

A large number of nanoparticles began to be released, crawling all over Tony Stark's body.

In just the blink of an eye, the extremely cool Iron Man appeared on the scene.

Then Iron Man said nothing nonsense, hugged Captain America beside him, and flew away.


But at this time, a sonic boom suddenly sounded, and a strong air flow also hit his face.

Iron Man and Captain America felt their eyes flash, and a figure appeared in front of them.

No doubt it was Rorschach.

"Now that you're here, why are you leaving in such a hurry? I still have tea for the guests."

With a touch of sarcasm on his face, Luo Xia looked at the two uninvited guests in front of him with a half-smile and said.

He guessed correctly. The people coming were indeed Iron Man and Captain America.

Things are really getting more and more interesting.

"People of the motherland, please don't get me wrong!"

Seeing that Rorschach had appeared, Captain America immediately stood up from Iron Man's arms and shouted to Rorschach with a serious face, "We may be here uninvited, but we don't mean any harm."

"Whether you have any malice or not, I don't care, much less. What I care about is your offense to me." Luo Xia glanced at the two of them expressionlessly.

"Please, please give me a chance so I can explain!"

Captain America waved to Rorschach and begged Rorschach very earnestly.

Rorschach fell silent slightly.

Frankly speaking, he was neither surprised nor surprised that the two Captain Americas came to steal the Cube.

It's not surprising because this is the trajectory of these two people's actions.

I feel surprised, because considering that Rorschach, a random butterfly, does not seem to cause much change in the future.

Even if there is a world's strongest mutant like Rorschach on the earth in the future, he will still end up with half of his life wiped out by Thanos with a snap of his fingers?

The Avengers were completely defeated, so everyone had to travel through time and space to collect gems?

Rorschach didn't know if things would develop on this track in the future. He was really curious about this.

"Then Captain America, as you wish."

Luo Xia spread his hands and said, "Tell me, who did you come to steal the Rubik's Cube from me to deal with?"

"What's the point? Even if we tell you, you won't know who it is...wait a minute, that's not right."

Iron Man realized something was wrong halfway through speaking, and a look of confusion appeared on his face, "Captain, you are still a dead person in this era, but he is not surprised when he sees you?"

Originally, Captain America didn't think anything was wrong, but when Iron Man said this, Captain America couldn't help but frown.


The people of the motherland clearly recognized me, but why were they so calm?

Shouldn't he suspect that he is someone else pretending to be?

"Let me guess, Thanos?"

Rorschach pondered for a moment and tentatively made a guess.

But I saw the expressions of Iron Man and Captain America on the other side changing.

"Is he really Thanos?"

Rorschach muttered slightly.

Even with such a big variable of its own, did Earth still lose the war against Thanos?

Thanos, is that powerful?

That guy probably doesn't have that much ability.

Or did you say that you didn't participate in the war at all?

"You know Thanos?"

Iron Man's extremely surprised voice sounded, and Captain America next to him also showed a look of surprise.

In this era, Thanos has never left any traces on the earth!

Even they only learned about Thanos after Dr. Banner returned from a trip to Asgard.

People of the motherland!

This guy is still so unfathomable.

"Yes, we are fighting against Thanos."

Captain America nodded and said in a deep voice, "Homelander, since you also know Thanos, then you must understand our approach. That madman Thanos wiped out half of the creatures in the universe. We need the power of the gems to save everyone!"

"Homelander, we really need the Cosmic Cube, please!"

"I promise, we will return the Cube as soon as we defeat Thanos!"

Thanos' family planning actually succeeded!

In the Infinity War, the Earth really lost!

Rorschach understood.

But he grinned at the two of them: "Why do you think I care about the life and death of half of the creatures in the universe?"

With one sentence, Captain America was choked to death and speechless.

Originally, after seeing Rorschach appear, Captain America was most worried about how to explain to Rorschach their purpose. After all, the fact that they traveled from the future was really unbelievable.

It's really nonsense to convince others with something that happened in the future.

No one can believe it.

But Captain America never expected that the thing he was most worried about would go smoothly, and Homelander actually believed him directly.

But the annoying thing is that even so, looking at Homelander's attitude, it seems that he has no intention of lending the Cosmic Cube at all!

"Come on, Homelander! How can you be indifferent to such a thing!"

Iron Man also shouted from the side.

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