American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 250: Beating up Captain America and Iron Man

"Do you and I know each other well?"

Faced with Iron Man's questioning, Rorschach just said this lightly.

Don't get me wrong, Rorschach is not confronting Iron Man. Although Rorschach doesn't really take Iron Man seriously, the other party's appearance now really makes Rorschach curious.

What is the relationship between my future self and Iron Man?

This guy seems to know me very well?

"Sorry, Homelander, did I forget to introduce myself?"

"Iron Man Tony Stark, I know you. I may not have made it clear just now. I'm asking, do you know me well in the future?"

Rorschach interrupted Iron Man directly and asked leisurely while looking at him.

One sentence.

Once again, Iron Man and Captain America were stunned.

Homelander actually knew that they were from the future!

What's going on?

How is this possible!

"Do you know who I am? Of course you know. You called out my name. Did I travel back in time from the future and travel to an earlier timeline?"

"Have you seen me before?"

After Iron Man muttered a few words, he got a reasonable guess.

This can also explain why Homelander knew about the existence of Thanos. It must be the future self who told Homelander.

"Forget it, this kind of thing doesn't matter."

Failed to get his own answer, Rorschach shook his head. He just asked casually on a whim, that's all.

But even Iron Man is an insignificant existence in front of Rorschach at this moment, and he doesn't care much about this.

"Homelander, we need the Cosmic Cube, very, very much."

"So we sincerely ask you again, lend us the Cube, please, we must save everyone."

"At any cost!"

Captain America's voice sounded, and he stared at Rorschach with his eyes fixed on him, and said to Rorschach with a desperate attitude.

"Are you declaring war on me?"

Rorschach raised his eyebrows at Captain America.

The atmosphere at the scene began to become depressing.

"Homelander, we have no intention of being your enemy, and we have no intention of taking your Rubik's Cube away, but if we can only get the Rubik's Cube by being your enemy, we have no choice!"

Captain America said firmly.


Rorschach smiled, and he touched his nose casually, "In fact, there is a question I have always wanted to know, whether you are really 50-50."


What the hell!

Captain America showed a look of confusion on his face, he had no idea what Rorschach meant by 50-50.


But Rorschach did not give Captain America any chance to think.

He stepped on the ground with his toes, and cracked the ground with a click, and jumped up a distance of 20 meters, and jumped in front of Captain America in an instant.

He punched Captain America.

Feeling the huge energy coming, all the hairs on Captain America's body stood up instantly, and he felt a great crisis.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and he took a breath of cold air. Almost instinctively, he raised his shield and blocked it in front of himself.

Rorschach's fist hit Captain America's shield directly.


A dull metal collision sound was heard. Although vibranium is known as sound-absorbing steel and can absorb energy, it is obviously limited.

Otherwise, Captain America would be invincible.


Along with the metal collision sound, Captain America's body shook violently, and he flew backwards like a missile.

The walls on both sides of the street were directly knocked down.

The shield in his hand also flew out of his hand and fell to the ground like a piece of garbage.

But anyway, the Vibranium Shield is indeed not to be underestimated. Although it failed to completely absorb the energy of Rorschach's punch, it took a heavy blow from Rorschach without any damage.

"So, you are not really evenly matched."

Rorschach curled his lips and sighed casually.


Iron Man let out a low cry, and the armor covered his head, and several missiles swooshed towards Rorschach.

Rorschach grinned and sneered, stretched out his hand, and made a move in front of him.

Telekinesis was used.

An invisible wall appeared.

Boom boom boom!

All the missiles exploded in front of Rorschach, without causing any impact on Rorschach.


The sound of breaking through the air came, but in the smoke and dust, Iron Man flew over from another direction.

His armored arm condensed into an exaggerated shape, and hit Rorschach fiercely.


There is a special fire boost on its fist.

It's so exaggerated.

It's just like the battle against Thanos on Titan in Infinity War.

Rorschach flipped his hand and punched Iron Man's exaggerated fist.

He really wanted to experience how powerful Iron Man's ultimate armor is.


With a loud bang, Iron Man was also hammered back by Rorschach, and a hole was smashed in the ground.

"It's terrible. Are the people of Homeland at this time like this?"

Iron Man flew out of the pit, not to mention how ugly his face was in his armor.

"Stark, whatever it takes!"

At this time, Captain America also got up from the ground, picked up his shield, stared at Rorschach, and said to Iron Man.

"at all costs!"

Iron Man echoed, then stretched out his hands toward Rorschach, and a strong wave of energy was emitted from each palm.

The blazing light is enough to blind people!

Rorschach did not dodge, but with a thought, his telekinesis once again formed a barrier in front of him, completely blocking Iron Man's energy wave.

As for the shield shot by Captain America, it became even more of a joke.

"Okay, it's time to end!"

After a simple battle, he had a general understanding of the strength of the two giants of the Avengers in the future, and he knew the power system of Marvel in the future. Rorschach did not intend to talk nonsense with the two Iron Man men.


His body swayed, unfolding at sonic speed, and the person suddenly disappeared on the spot.

"not good!"

Captain America secretly screamed that something was wrong, but he flew out before he had time to react.

He didn't even have time to use his shield!

He was directly punched away by Rorschach, and suddenly hit the ground unconscious.

As for Iron Man?

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

He was much worse than Captain America. He was hit by Rorschach with several fast punches, and his armor was completely broken. It was so miserable.

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