American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 251 Iron Man was also beaten into a dog


With another punch, Iron Man's helmet was also blown open by Rorschach.

Tony Stark's face appeared in front of Rorschach with a bruised nose, swollen face, and blood.

And looking at his armor, there is a piece missing here and there, just like the clothes worn by a beggar gang, it is equally miserable.

"People of the motherland, this is our last hope, please!"

Tony Stark had completely lost his fighting ability at this time. He lay weakly on the ground and murmured to Rorschach.

However, the only response was Rorschach's punch.


Rorschach grinned at Tony Stark, then punched him in the face.

He fucked Tony Stark until he passed out.

"How is this going?"

"Rorschach, who are they two?"

Several voices sounded, but it was Raven, Cyclops, Liz, and Vincent who quickly appeared on the scene.

The battle between Rorschach and Iron Man America has alarmed the X-Men in the base.

"Two interesting people."

Rorschach clapped his hands, as if he had done something trivial, stood up, and casually ordered, "Take it back to the base."

Several X-Men nodded and quickly walked towards the two people on the ground.

Everyone was amazed to see it.

"Vincent, look what's on this guy? He looks cool!"

"Idiot, isn't this just a layer of metal armor? What's all the fuss about."

"Isn't this something worth making a fuss about? You've never seen such a thing before!"

Several young people gathered around Iron Man, pointing and talking.

And when their eyes fell on Captain America, they felt more and more, why did this man look so familiar?

Just like the very famous Captain America!

However, a few people didn't think much about it. After all, they didn't have a God's perspective and didn't know that someone could travel through time, so they just thought they looked similar, that's all.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and get the person in quickly!"

Raven couldn't help but look speechless when she saw Scott and Vincent chatting more and more happily.

After all, they are young people. Although they have gone through experience and refinement, they are still some distance away from real growth.

The two young men didn't say anything nonsense. One left and one right, they immediately lifted up Captain America and walked into the base holding it.

As for Iron Man?

Naturally, it was left to Raven and Liz.

With Luo Xia's current rank, there was no need to do this kind of thing himself. He leisurely returned to the base with everyone.

The White Queen and Copy Cat had already received the news. When they saw the X-Men bringing back two prisoners, they immediately came over with solemn expressions.

"Rorschach, what's going on?"

The White Queen also immediately asked.

But before Rorschach could answer, the White Queen took the initiative to use her ability to read the minds of Captain America and Iron Man.

Then the whole person froze.

"This must be a joke."

The White Queen murmured.

"What's wrong Emma? What did you find?" Copycat turned to look at the White Queen curiously and asked.

The curiosity of the other X-Men present was immediately aroused by the White Queen.

"The two of them...are people from the future!"

The White Queen Youzi couldn't believe it.

"W-what? The future?"

"Emma, ​​are you kidding me!"

"How is this possible?"

There was a burst of noise at the scene. Everyone was stimulated by the White Queen's conclusion. No one dared to believe such an incredible thing.

Coming through time?

Isn’t that too nonsense?

"Maybe, I really made a mistake."

Even the White Queen herself rubbed her head, showing a very uncertain look.

Although the information she read did indicate so, even the White Queen herself couldn't believe it.

"Emma, ​​I believe you!"

"You can't go wrong with your abilities!"

Luo Xia smiled and said categorically to the White Queen.

The White Queen suddenly felt a sense of warmth. Her original choice was indeed correct, and Luo Xia was indeed a person worth following.

"Rorschach, what are you going to do with them?"

Hank pushed up his glasses and asked.

"Ruiwen, arrange a room for the two of them, and when they wake up, bring them to see me." Luo Xia thought for a while and ordered to Raven.

"Don't you need to be imprisoned?" Ruiwen reminded Luo Xia.

No matter whether these two people are from the future or not, they are enemies.

"That's not necessary."

Rorschach waved his hand.

The characters of Iron Man and Captain America can still be trusted, and Rorschach believes that these two people will not mess around when they wake up.

Moreover, Rorschach had just been beaten up by Rorschach outside. I believe that the attitude they will use towards Rorschach next will be a bit of a B-number.

"I see."

Ruiwen nodded and immediately made arrangements.

Soon, Iron Man and Captain America were carried out like dead dogs.

Rorschach, on the other hand, was lost in thought.

Although the two did not reveal too much information during the short "communication" with them, it was obvious that they were still very wary of Rorschach's attitude.

That means that he should have fought against the two of them in the future, or shown his strength in public.

No matter what the possibility is, Rorschach should be a heavyweight role in the future. Maybe he will be a participant in some big events, or even the driving force behind the scenes.

So what role did you play in Infinity War and many other major events?

Rorschach was still very curious about this.

"Rorschach, I just read about their identities. One of them is Captain America!"

"That's the Captain America we know!"

The White Queen's voice sounded again, and she continued to introduce Rorschach.

Luo Xia nodded lightly. He had already known about this kind of thing.

"Emma, ​​when they two wake up, I want you to be there." Rorschach thought for a while and said seriously to the White Queen.


The White Queen responded immediately.

With her here, those two guys from the future can't tell lies no matter what. The White Queen is actually very interested in what will happen in the future.

"Rorschach, people are here."

Not long after waiting with the White Queen and others in the meeting hall, Raven appeared again.

Behind Riven, there were two more people, no doubt the bruised Tony Stark and Captain America.

When the two of them saw Rorschach again, their expressions were quite exciting.

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