American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 252: Interrogation of Iron Man and Captain America

"Captain America Steve Rogers!"

"Iron Man Tony Stark!"

"You two, welcome to my place as a guest!"

Rorschach seemed not to notice the pained expressions of Iron Man and Captain America, and said hello to them as if nothing was wrong.

It's like a hospitable host entertaining guests from far away.

Tony Stark: "..."

Captain America: "..."

If it weren't for the bruises and bruises on my face, I really thought you would welcome me.

"My motherland, what do you want to do?"

Captain America spoke, and he looked at Rorschach solemnly, "You refused to lend us the Cosmic Cube, but refused to let us go, and instead arrested us?"

"Isn't the word "catch" a bit too strong? Captain." Hank cautiously interjected.

Seeing Captain America's eyes glanced over, he waved to Captain America and greeted him with a slight joy, "Good Captain, by the way, you are my idol, oh, by the way, I yes……"

"You're Hank, I know you." Captain America interrupted Hank.

"What about us?"

Copycat crossed his arms and looked at Captain America seriously.

"Copycat Vanessa, Mystique Raven, Cyclops Scott, I know every one of you on set."

Captain America glanced at everyone and called everyone's name accurately.

"Wow!" Cyclops Scott became excited, "So Captain, you really come from the future!"

"The people of the motherland already know this, right?"

Captain America focused his attention on Rorschach again, with a hint of sneer.

"Okay, let's save these useless preludes and get straight to the point."

Tony Stark's voice rang, and he said directly to Rorschach, "Fathers, you could have let us go or killed us, but you didn't. What was your purpose?"

"No need to be so serious, I just want to have a chat with you."

Rorschach casually sat down on the sofa and made a gesture of invitation to Tony Stark and Tony Stark.

The two of them looked at each other, said nothing, and sat down in front of Luo Xia.

"So, motherland, what do you want to talk about?" Captain America asked solemnly, looking at Rorschach.

"Of course it's about the future. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of your two 'future people' identities?"

Rorschach smiled.

"Captain, I want to know what the situation of mutants will be like in the future!"

Raven's voice sounded, and she immediately looked at Captain America eagerly and asked.

Not only Raven, but everyone else at the scene also wanted to know whether a mutant nation would be established in the future.

Will the situation of mutants in the future be as embarrassing as it is now?

But as soon as he finished speaking, the mutants at the scene noticed that something was wrong with the expressions of Captain America and Tony Stark.

Each of them sank slightly.

They also looked at each other and exchanged opinions.

It was as if Raven was asking a difficult question, and a person couldn't decide how to answer it.

This made the mutants present feel their hearts sink, and they had a not-so-good premonition.

"Captain, what's going on? What happened in the future?"

Hank immediately stared at Captain America and asked.


The imitation cat couldn't wait any longer and immediately looked at the White Queen with questioning eyes.

"OK! Ms. Emma, ​​please no!"

Upon seeing this, Captain America immediately waved to the White Queen, telling her not to read her mind, "If you want to know the situation of mutants, let me tell you that in the future, mutants...have disappeared."


The scene suddenly became quiet, and all the mutants could be said to have been caught off guard by this answer.

They anticipated various endings, and were even mentally prepared for the failure of the mutant nation, but they disappeared?

This is something that no one expected.

"What do you mean by disappearing? Captain, can you make it clearer?"

Cyclops Scott couldn't help but stare at Captain America and asked in a deep voice.

"It literally means that the mutants have disappeared and no longer exist!"

Before Captain America could speak, Tony Stark on the other side spoke first, "In the future, there will no longer be a race of mutants."


It was like a thunderclap, knocking everyone present dumbfounded and stunned.

There is no race of mutants in the future world! !

How is this possible!

Even Rorschach couldn't help but frown.

He knew the plot, but in the original direction of the story, there was no such thing as the disappearance of the entire mutant family.

Could it be the story of "Wolverine 3"?

But the timeline is obviously wrong!

Wolverine 3 is in the extremely distant future. At that time, mutants could not be born because of genetically modified food, so their numbers dropped sharply until only a handful were left to survive.

But Iron Man America traveled through time and space to steal the Rubik's Cube, which happened during Infinity War!

What a mess!

It's all chaos!

"Stark, Rogers, what happened?"

Rorschach couldn't help but glance at Iron Man and Captain America and asked in a deep voice.

"We don't know what happened either."

Captain America shook his head, and then began to tell everyone on the scene about the future mutants.

"Although Krako is a small country, oh, by the way, Krako is a mutant country jointly established by Homelander, Professor X and Magneto, and it is a country that is generally accepted and recognized by the international community."

Everyone felt very relieved and excited when they heard this, because their founding cause was finally successful.

A country exclusively for their mutants was finally established by Rorschach Charles and Eric.


What happened next?

Why did all the mutants in the country disappear?

"Under the leadership of Professor X, Magneto and others, Krako is thriving and playing an increasingly important role in the international community. But suddenly one day, all the mutants in the entire country of Krako disappeared."

"All disappeared overnight!"

"No one knows what happened. This incident caused an uproar internationally, and many forces intervened to investigate."

"But unfortunately, it happened too suddenly and left no traces, so what happened in Krako has become an unsolved mystery in the world."

"Wait a minute, Captain." Hank couldn't help but interrupt Captain America, "You mean, everything was normal in the mutant country the moment before, but suddenly, overnight, all the mutants just... disappeared?"

"Yes, it's like they evaporated from the face of the earth." Captain America nodded.

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