American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 253 Rorschach: I can only go to the future

Evaporated overnight?

What's happening here?

The mutants looked at me and I looked at you. They were completely confused, dumbfounded, and their brains shut down.

Originally, everyone thought that the disappearance of mutants mentioned by Captain America meant that all mutants were annihilated by some powerful enemy. To put it more bluntly, they were all killed.

But who would have thought that things were not like this at all, but unfolded in another way that could be called weird and terrifying.

One moment it was fine, everything was as usual, and the next moment, it disappeared!

What the hell is this!

"Where's Rorschach?"

Raven's voice broke the silence of the scene.

After she calmed down a little, she stared at Captain America and Tony Stark again and asked in a deep voice.

In everyone's opinion, Rorschach, a mutant so powerful and perverted, should be an exception, right?

After all, everyone is too familiar with Rorschach, and even Rorschach's power far exceeds the limitations of the times.

No matter what happened to the other mutants, people like Rorschach should have a way to avert danger, right?

"The motherland disappeared together with all other mutants." Tony Stark gave everyone the answer.

Now it was Rorschach's turn to have a wonderful expression.

Did he also disappear mysteriously?

So, did you really not participate in Infinite War or anything like that?

"Stark, Rogers, what do you know about the disappearance of the mutant nation that you mentioned?"

"Any clues, everything, I need you to tell me."

Rorschach spoke with a serious face and said to Tony Stark and Captain America.

"It's really interesting."

Tony Stark smiled sarcastically at this time, "Are you asking for something from us? You just beat me and the captain to a pulp, and now you are asking for our help? Why should we do that?"

"Stark, it seems you haven't figured out your situation yet."

Luo Xia laughed at this time, spread his hands, and said with a relaxed look, "If you don't want to stay here all your life, then learn from the captain and be wiser."

"Stark!" Captain America also immediately gave Tony Stark a wink.

Although the words of the motherland were unpleasant, Captain America had to admit that the other party was telling the truth.

With the incredible strength of the people of the motherland, if the other party didn't want to let them go, it would be impossible for the two of them to leave anyway.

And given the people of the motherland who are both good and evil, and do whatever they want, it is really not alarmist for the other party to lock themselves in the past life or something.

not to mention.

The White Queen here in the motherland has psychic abilities and can read other people's thoughts.

If he doesn't cooperate, the people of the motherland can let the White Queen read his and Tony Stark's thoughts!

That kind of thing is completely unacceptable to Captain America.

So no matter how you look at it, it is a wise choice to tell them everything while the people of the motherland are still polite.


Although the people of the motherland showed a complete rejection of the Cosmic Cube, Captain America still did not give up, and still planned to find opportunities to continue the strategy.

Now is naturally not the time to really break up with the people of the motherland.

"People of the motherland, whatever you want to know, I will tell you everything."

Captain America made his position clear to Rorschach, "But I'm sorry, we really don't know about the disappearance of mutants."

"But in addition to the mutants living in Krako, other mutants scattered around the world have also disappeared."

After some thinking, Captain America finally remembered something and added a little introduction to Rorschach.

But this made things even more confusing.

big head!

For the first time in such a long time since his rebirth, Luo Xia felt that his head was big.

The head is extremely big.

According to Captain America's description, the "culprit" who will cause all mutants, including himself, to disappear in the future is undoubtedly the supernatural power.

And that kind of supernatural power is also the most unsolvable power.

It doesn't mean that a person with strong strength can handle it. Rorschach disappearing in the future is a good example.

Not only Rorschach, but every mutant on the scene also had the same big head.

The atmosphere at the scene could be said to have suddenly become extremely depressing.

"Stark, Rogers, I think you are tired too. Raven, please take them down to rest first."

Rorschach pondered for a moment, then glanced at Tony Stark and Captain America and said.

The two of them naturally knew that if such a big thing happened, the mutants would need to discuss countermeasures, and they understood it very well.

They each stood up and followed Ruiwen out of the meeting hall.

And when the two left, the mutants really couldn't stand it any longer.

"I don't believe it!" Imitation Cat Vanessa said immediately. She shook her head fiercely, "All mutants disappeared overnight. This is simply a fantasy!"

"They didn't lie."

But the White Queen was categorical.

With her here, lying would be impossible.

In fact, why doesn’t the imitating cat know this?

It's just that she couldn't believe it deep down.

This kind of thing is too cruel.

"What will happen in the future? Why will we mutants encounter such a thing?" Hank began to speak up for the mutants.

"So... everyone, what should we do?"

Cyclops Scott looked solemn and confused. He glanced at the seniors and asked.

But in return, everyone sighed dejectedly.

"We don't even know what happened, so how can we talk about what to do."

Raven's brows were wrinkled like old chrysanthemums blooming in late autumn.

The same was true for other people at the scene.

The most fucked-up part of this matter is here. Although everyone knows the fucked-up fate of mutants in the future, they can't get any more information.

There is no way to deal with it.

"Can we just spend our time in anxiety like this, and wait until one day in the future, we suddenly disappear? Please, this is not what I want!" Copycat kicked the table leg in front of him fiercely.

Everyone else was also unwilling, and it can even be said that they were extremely unwilling.

After Tony Stark and Captain America left, not only did everyone fail to come up with a useful result, but the atmosphere became even more depressing.

"Rorschach, say something."

Raven finally turned her attention to Rorschach.

The same was true for the other mutants at the scene.

Everyone's hope now rested on Rorschach.

In the past days, Rorschach had created miracles countless times, and this time, it would certainly be the same!


Rorschach grinned at this time and said something earth-shattering, "I think we can only go to the future to see it in person."

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