American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 254: Cooperation with Iron Man and Captain America

One sentence.

The scene immediately became quiet.

Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes and looked at Luo Xia with an incredible look. They were all stimulated by Luo Xia's shocking imagination.

Take a trip to the future?

Only Rorschach dared to think of such a ground-breaking idea.

"Go to the future? Dean, are you serious?"

Cyclops Scott was so stimulated that his eyes suddenly widened and his voice unconsciously went up several octaves.

Travel to the future?

The dean really dares to think about it.

"Rorschach, now is not the time to joke." Hank also adjusted his glasses.

"No, this may really be the only way." After some deep thought, the White Queen nodded heavily.

Since people in the future can travel to the past, why can't people in the past travel to the future?

Anyway, those two people coming from the future must have a way to go back!

From a technical perspective, it is completely feasible.

"I know my idea is indeed a bit bold, but now it seems that this is the only way." Rorschach said to everyone with a serious face.

It concerns the entire mutant race, and of course it concerns himself. How dare Rorschach take it so lightly?

Although Marvel's time rules are somewhat different, changing the past cannot change the future, but people who know the future and are in the past can respond accordingly.

If the reason for the mysterious disappearance of all mutants is found out, Rorschach, who is still in the 1960s, will have a lot of time to prepare.

"But Rorschach, we don't know what we will face in the future." Hank was still worried.

"Aren't there two people from the future here?" The White Queen spread her hands.

Isn’t that ready-made future information? It’s useless if you don’t use it.


"Hank, Rorschach is right, we have no choice."

Raven interrupted Hank, then glanced at the X-Men around her, "What do you think?"

Everyone, look at me and I look at you. Although it is difficult to accept such a huge jump for a while, as Ruiwen said, everyone has no choice.

This is a matter of concern to the entire mutant race!

Even if you take the risk of traveling through the timeline for this, it is inevitable.

After a brief discussion, everyone reached an agreement.

"Emma, ​​ask Charles and Eric to come over."

After making the decision, Luo Xia glanced at the White Queen and gave instructions casually.

This is a major matter related to the fate of mutants. Given the current relationship between Charles and Eric and Rorschach, it is necessary for these two people to know.

"I see."

The White Queen nodded and immediately walked out in a hurry.

Half an hour later, a Blackbird fighter plane stopped in the base, and the figures of Charles and Eric appeared in front of the mutants.

"Rorschach, what happened, why are you so anxious to get me and Charles over?"

Eric glanced at the serious-looking Rorschach and the X-Men, and his expressions also became serious.

"Go in and talk."

Rorschach waved and took Charles and Eric to the meeting hall.

Then he told them in detail about the two Captain Americas traveling through time and space, and about the mysterious disappearance of mutants in the future.

After listening to it, the two of them felt as if a dog was beeping.

After digesting it for several minutes, I finally accepted the fact that it was like a joke.

Both Charles and Eric, after some careful thinking and deliberation, agreed with Rorschach's decision to go to the future to investigate the matter.

After all, they can carry it clearly, but there is really no other way.

"Rorschach, just leave this to me and Eric, and I'll leave the future to you." Charles said to Rorschach with a serious face.

Eric also nodded solemnly.

This matter was settled just like that.

"Riven, bring Stark and Rogers here."

After making the decision, Rorschach brought Tony Stark and Captain America before the X-Men again.

"Captain America Steve Rogers, nice to meet you."

Charles politely greeted Captain America first.

As for Iron Man Tony Stark?

Well, Charles didn't know him at all.

Eric stood with a cold face, just glanced at the two of them indifferently, and said nothing.

"Professor Charles, nice to see you too!" Captain America responded equally politely, and the two shook hands.

"Okay, now that the greetings are over, let's get down to business."

Rorschach's voice sounded, and he spoke seriously to Tony Stark and Captain America, "You want to borrow the Cosmic Cube, right? Yes."

Tony Stark and Captain America suddenly looked ecstatic.

But soon, the two regained their composure and composure.

Because they all know that the attitude of the people of the motherland will not change without reason.

"So what do we have to pay for this?"

Captain America immediately asked back.

"It's easy, take me back to the future with you!"

Rorschach told the two of them his request, "My goal this time is to investigate the disappearance of mutants. When necessary, you need to provide me with corresponding help, such as helping me travel to the time period when mutants disappeared."

Tony Stark and Captain America's expressions were shocked.

They had long expected that the conditions proposed by Homelander would not be simple conditions, but they did not expect that Homelander would actually make such an excessive request.

Considering Homelander's powerful strength and his both good and evil nature, if he were brought to the future, it might be a huge variable. Tony Stark and Captain America were unwilling to do so from the bottom of their hearts.

But the two also understood that they had no choice in this matter!

If they did not agree to Homelander's conditions, they would not be able to go back, let alone get the Cosmic Cube.

When the two traveled back to the past to collect the cube, they had already made up their minds, "at all costs."

They could bear the risk of Homelander.

Not to mention that Tony Stark and Captain America had already failed once.

Now, it's the second time to travel!

After hearing what Rorschach said, Tony Stark and Captain America looked at each other, exchanged glances, and then nodded.

"Homelander, we agreed!"

Captain America said to Rorschach.

The expressions on the faces of the mutants at the scene relaxed.

Tony Stark and Captain America were the same, and they couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief in their hearts.

This time, collecting the Cosmic Cube was really full of twists and turns, like a roller coaster with ups and downs.

But no matter what, the ending is good after all.

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