"Mr. Sinister? Rorschach, didn't you kill Mr. Sinister?"

Hank's doubtful voice sounded, he stared at Rorschach, and couldn't help asking.

"Yes, according to common sense, he should be dead."

Rorschach frowned slightly, feeling a little pain, "I have exploded Mr. Sinister into a pool of mud, just like meat coming out of a meat grinder."

The mutants at the scene also frowned deeply.

It's impossible that Mr. Sinister was exploded like that and still alive, right?

Is he still a human?

Even if he is a mutant, there is no way he can be so perverted!

"Rogers, Mr. Sinister used Cain Marko to attack Xavier Academy as bait to ambush Rorschach. Do you know about this battle?"

Eric tried to get the answer from the visitor from the future.

It's just a pity.

Captain America and Tony Stark are not mutants, and they are not so concerned about mutants.

Except for some extremely important events, not much is known about other things.

Captain America and Tony Stark have never heard of the Red Tank attacking the Mutant Academy.


Although there was no affirmative answer from Captain America, it is basically certain that Mr. Sinister is not dead.

After all, it is only 64 years now. Yes, it is not 62 years. It has been such a long time since Rorschach was reborn. The calendar has already passed 62 years.

Not to mention that Apocalypse has revived, even the Vietnam War has not broken out!

For the current timeline, Mr. Sinister used Namor to deal with Rorschach, which happened in the future.

"What if Mr. Sinister is not dead?"

However, after being surprised, Rorschach couldn't help showing a nonchalant smile on his face, "If I can kill him once, I can kill him a second time!"

"He is no longer my opponent now."

Apart from anything else, if Rorschach now faces Mr. Sinister, he can completely crush him!

As he is equipped with a big trick, his strength will only get stronger and stronger, and the gap between the two sides will also get bigger and bigger. The longer the time, the further Rorschach will leave him behind!

The opponent is no longer Rorschach's opponent, and Rorschach is not bragging.


Mr. Sinister will not secretly do some small tricks in the future and plot against him while he is fighting with Apocalypse.

Of course.

For Rorschach, Mr. Sinister is still an enemy that cannot be ignored.

After all, that guy is really strong. Except for Rorschach, almost no one in the base can defeat him.

This enemy still needs to be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise there will be constant trouble.

"That's right, with Rorschach here, Mr. Sinister and the like are not a concern!" Copycat said in high spirits.

I don't know if he really thinks so, or if he is trying to boost everyone's morale.

"So what's next, Rogers? Please continue."

Rorschach's voice sounded, he gently cut off a piece of steak and glanced at Captain America.

Mr. Sinister's words were just skipped.

Captain America and Tony Stark talked to each other and briefly introduced some major events that would happen in the future to the mutants on the scene.

In addition to the establishment of the mutant country Krako much earlier, some other things have also changed a lot compared to Rorschach's impression.

But this is completely understandable, after all, there is a variable like Rorschach in this world.

The meal can be said to be a happy one for both the host and the guest.

Rorschach still got a lot of useful information from Captain America and Tony Stark.

The most important gain is to have a clear understanding of some future trends, which has a strong guiding role for Rorschach's actions and layouts.

"So, my countryman, can we leave now?"

After having enough wine and food, Captain America urged Rorschach impatiently.

"Rogers, don't worry, I have one more thing to do before leaving." Rorschach shook his head.

Now that he knew that Mr. Sinister was not dead, the first thing Rorschach had to do was to kill this great enemy.

But what made Rorschach a little upset was that Charles and the White Queen used the brainwave enhancer to scan the entire United States several times, but they did not find Mr. Sinister at all.

This was also expected.

After all, Mr. Sinister also had very powerful psychic abilities.

He even had the technology to suppress the abilities of mutants.

It was not strange that he could hide quietly under the noses of Charles and the White Queen.

All the X-Men were quite upset about this.

Because this meant that if Mr. Sinister had not jumped out on his own initiative, they would have no way to find him!

"Raven, find Caliban as quickly as possible, he might be useful."

After thinking about it, Rorschach could only think of such a helpless way.

Use Caliban's ability to lock mutants to find Mr. Sinister.

However, Caliban's ability is limited in range, and it is extremely difficult to use it to find Mister Sinister. The only option is to conduct a carpet search, which is time-consuming and laborious, and may not be useful.

In addition, he ordered Selina to investigate in the ordinary way.

No matter how you look at it, finding Mr. Sinister is a long-term and arduous task.

"Rorschach, since you can't find Mr. Sinister now, why not go to the future?"

Hank suddenly had an idea and thought of a good way.

Rorschach is going to the future anyway, maybe he can get some clues from the future?

"I will!"

Rorschach nodded.

Although I don't know what the result will be, it is worth a try.

"So, Homelander, can we go now?" Tony Stark was also a little impatient.

Rorschach and Charles and Eric, his two loyal and reliable friends and comrades-in-arms, looked at each other and exchanged opinions, but saw that both of them nodded to him, and Rorschach didn't hesitate.

"Then Rogers, Stark, let's see you in the future."

Rorschach smiled and nodded at Captain America and Tony Stark.

Then he turned his head and looked at Hank beside him, and casually said, "Hank, go to the laboratory and get the Cosmic Cube."

Hank didn't say anything nonsense, and immediately took out the Cosmic Cube and handed it to Rorschach.

Captain America also took out the Pym particles at this time and handed them to Rorschach: "The two of us will go first and control the time machine. Maybe we will bring you over in a few seconds."

"Then, see you later!"

"See you later!"

After saying hello, Captain America and Tony Stark activated the time shuttle device and disappeared in an instant.

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