American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 257 The Avengers' Fright: Homelander is Coming!


Avengers headquarters building.

There was a surge of energy on the quantum shuttle that didn't look very sci-fi.

Then a few shadows flashed quickly, and a group of people appeared on the originally empty time machine.

Surprisingly, they are Captain America, Tony Stark, Thor and many other members of the Avengers.

These are the same Avengers who survived Thanos' snap.

After everyone returned from the past, you looked at me and I looked at you, sizing each other up.

Some people do hold corresponding gems in their hands, but some people's hands are empty.

"Everyone, I succeeded. I got the gem. I didn't expect this to be really useful!"

War Machine Rhodes weighed the cosmic sphere, the Power Gem, in his hand, with unconcealable excitement on his face.

"Yes, it seems so." Bruce Banner also echoed excitedly.

"Stark, Rogers?"

But Ant-Man Scott Lang immediately looked at Captain America and Tony Stark with extremely surprised eyes.

Originally, the three of them traveled to the year of the New York War to collect the Cosmic Cube and Loki's scepter. Who would have thought that something unexpected happened and the Cosmic Cube was actually lost.

In desperation, Captain America and Tony Stark decided to carry out a second shuttle, despite Ant-Man's objections, and once again traveled to a more distant past to get the Cosmic Cube.

This plan sounds very risky, and Scott Lang is still very worried, even afraid that the two of them will not come back.

But fortunately, Captain America and Tony Stark are still very powerful, and their crazy plan seems to have succeeded.

The two of them actually returned safely.


What about the Cosmic Cube?

Scott Lang looked at Tony Stark and Captain America, both of whom were empty, and couldn't help but feel confused.

So what’s going on with Captain America’s actions?

Call it a failure, they did get the new Pym particles and returned successfully.

Let’s say it was a success. Where’s the Rubik’s Cube?


Following Scott Lang's gaze, everyone else couldn't help but look at the faces of Captain America and Captain America.

Everyone couldn't help but become slightly nervous: Did Captain and Stark fail in their operation?


Before Captain America and Tony Stark had time to answer, Hawkeye Barton on the other side knelt on the ground helplessly, with a look of grief on his face.

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that one person was missing and had not returned!

Natasha, who collected soul gems with Hawkeye Barton, didn't come back!

"Barton, where is Natasha?"

Bruce Banner's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately stared at Hawkeye Barton and asked.

The same was true for the others. At this time, they all looked at Barton, no matter whether they got the Cosmic Cube or not.

But he saw the corners of Barton's mouth twitching crazily, tears bursting from his eyes, and he couldn't say a word.

Everyone will understand.

Black Widow, sacrificed!

An atmosphere of sadness suddenly began to spread.

Bruce Banner, who had an unusual relationship with the Black Widow, collapsed on the ground helplessly.

"Xiao Na has not come back. This is an extremely painful thing for all of us, but everyone, now is not the time to be immersed in sadness. We have other things to solve."

After the scene was dead silent for several seconds, Captain America wiped away a tear from the corner of his eye, steeled himself, and spoke to everyone.

One sentence brought everyone back to reality again.

"Captain, what do you mean? I noticed that You and Tony were empty-handed, so where is the Cosmic Cube? Please don't tell me that you failed."

Fat Tiger Thor looked a little excited and shouted unbearably.

After Thanos snapped his fingers, the one who suffered the biggest blow could be said to be Thor.

He spends his days drinking and having fun to numb himself, and collecting infinite gems is his only hope.

Not just for Thor, but for all the Avengers.

Not to mention that Black Widow is now sacrificed.

If they fail to collect the gems, everyone will be devastated.

"Things are a little complicated. We haven't gotten the Cosmic Cube now, but we will get it soon." Tony Stark immediately explained to everyone.

"Stark, you are making us more and more confused. What do you mean you will get it soon? Do you want to travel back to the past again? We don't have enough Pym particles at all!"

Scott Lang looked at Tony Stark confused and anxious and shouted.

"Lang, don't worry. I can tell you clearly that there is no problem with the Cosmic Cube, okay? Tony and I have already obtained it."

"That's right, after a while, someone will send it to us."

Tony Stark and Captain America sang together, which made everyone at the scene feel a little relieved.

But at the same time, I became more and more confused.

"Well, here's how it goes."

With everyone watching, Captain America began to explain what happened to everyone.

From the failure of the two of them during the first shuttle to the second shuttle when they had no choice but to meet the people of the motherland and reach an agreement with the people of the motherland, everything was told to everyone.


The scene suddenly became lively, and the faces of the Avengers were all quite interesting.

"Homelander is coming over? Captain, are you serious? Homelander?"

"No way? Homelander? Oh my God, Captain, what have you been through?"

"No wonder, why do you two look bruised and battered?"

"Why are you all looking at me? Okay, I was indeed beaten by Homelander, but who among you hasn't been beaten?"

"But we are not gods."

Everyone was talking and couldn't help but muttering.

"Everyone, everyone!"

"Now is not the time to discuss who has been beaten by Homelander. What we are concerned about is whether to let Homelander come over!"

Tony Stark clapped his hands and interrupted everyone's discussion.

"Do we have any choice now?" Rocket Raccoon spread his hands.

Indeed, this is not a multiple-choice question, but a single-choice question that everyone can only accept helplessly.

The Cosmic Cube is in the hands of Homelander. If he doesn't let him come over, he can't get the Cube. What else can everyone do?

This matter was agreed upon.

Needless to say, Tony Stark immediately stepped forward and adjusted the controller of the time machine.

Then, he started it again.



A ray of light flashed by, and a very young oriental man appeared in front of everyone.

He was holding a box in his hand, and there was no doubt that the Cosmic Cube was inside.

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