American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 258: The people of our country actually have the ability to predict the future?


After Rorschach appeared, one after another gazes from all around were focused on Rorschach. The expressions of all the Avengers looked quite wonderful.

It was an expression that combined hostility, fear, worry, happiness, and many other expressions into one, which was quite complex.

"Really a native of the motherland!"

"I never thought I'd see this guy again."

Rocket Raccoon, who was always out-of-the-box, rarely became quiet and just let out a small murmur.

"Is this the future?"

While the Avengers around him were looking at Rorschach, Rorschach was also looking at everything around him calmly.

Just a second ago, he was explaining something to Charles Eric and others in his base. A second later, his eyes blurred, and the surroundings changed drastically.

This feeling of traveling through time, I have to say, is quite interesting.

I glanced around and saw some familiar faces. Even the room had a familiar layout, exactly the same as in the Avengers 3 movie.

Feeling the gazes of everyone around him, Rorschach shrugged: "No one told you that it's impolite to stare at others like this."

"Okay everyone."

Captain America's voice sounded. He took a step forward and spoke to everyone, "This is Rorschach, a native of the motherland. Everyone knows him, so I don't need to say more. Rorschach, let me introduce you to everyone."

"No need."

Rorschach waved his hand, and his eyes scanned the faces of the Avengers around him one by one, as if they were familiar with each other, "Hulk, no, now it should be Hulk Bruce Banner, Ant-Man Scott Lang, Rocket Raccoon, Thanos’ daughter Nebula, Hawkeye Barton, and this one, Fat Tiger Thor, oh no, Thor, nice to see you too!”

Captain America and Tony Stark couldn't help but look very strange.

The same is true for the Avengers around them.

The people of the motherland actually know everyone present!

This kind of thing caught all the Avengers by surprise.

After all, the people of the motherland come from the past, from a past where these people did not exist, or did not appear.

Could it be that Tony Stark and the others told the people of the motherland about everyone's information in advance?

It seems like this must be the case!

Although everyone can't understand why Tony Stark would introduce us to the people of the past and project our appearance to the people of the motherland, which is completely unreasonable, but if this were not the case, it would be impossible for the people of the motherland to know him. of!

Everyone looked at Tony Stark with resentment and doubt.

Tony Stark naturally knew what everyone was thinking, and immediately waved his hand: "Don't look at me, it's not me! I promise I have not mentioned any of you to the people of the motherland."

"Even when the captain and I shuttled past, the people of the motherland recognized us at a glance!"

Is that so?

The Avengers once again looked at Rorschach with doubts.

It seems that even the people of the motherland who have just risen to fame are so unfathomable!

"So people from my motherland, how do you know us?"

Fat Tiger Thor asked with a puzzled look on his face, "Is this also one of your abilities, to predict the future?"

I have to say that this is a relatively reliable guess. After all, the people of the motherland have too many abilities, and one person can stand up to several mutants.

Having the ability to predict the future is not something unacceptable.

"Okay, people of the motherland."

Captain America's voice sounded at this time, and he looked at Rorschach seriously, "We have fulfilled our promise and brought you to the future, so can the Cosmic Cube be lent to us?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene began to become a little depressing, even dead silent.

But he saw that all the Avengers were staring at Rorschach. After all, they had a great cause that they wanted to complete at all costs, and all of them were in the next answer of the motherland.

Thor, Bruce Banner and others even looked at each other and exchanged glances with each other, each knowing what was going on.

If the people of the motherland are unwilling to hand over the Cube, then they will have no choice but to snatch it.

But the good thing is.

A native of the motherland is a man of his word.


But Luo Xia said with a matter-of-fact expression.

Then he took out the box in his hand and handed it to Captain America.

After all, he is also a time traveler. Rorschach knows very well what kind of people the protagonist group is. These people can be trusted.

Rorschach believed that these Avengers were simply borrowing the Rubik's Cube, rather than having other intentions such as occupying, robbing, or anything else.

Since he promised the other party to borrow the Rubik's Cube, Luo Xia naturally would not break his promise.

Captain America immediately took the box from Rorschach, and with great excitement, quickly opened the box in front of all the Avengers.

A cube with blue light appeared directly in front of everyone, and the dense light illuminated everyone's faces.

"It's the Cosmic Cube!"

"It's indeed a Rubik's Cube!"

The Avengers around him couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Just be a Cosmic Rubik's Cube!

Although the process was a bit tortuous and even thrilling, the plan was finally completed successfully.

"Thank you, fellow countryman!"

Captain America stretched out his whole body, couldn't help but glance at Rorschach with a pleased and excited look, and spoke to Rorschach.

"You're welcome Rogers, I just fulfilled my promise, that's all." Luo Xia spread his hands, looking unconcerned.

"So... everyone, I hope everything goes well for you. I'll excuse you for a moment."

Immediately afterwards, Rorschach said hello to all the Avengers. With a sway of his body, the people suddenly disappeared, leaving only a huge air flow.


The moment Rorschach's figure disappeared, several people in the hall breathed a sigh of relief.

"That guy still gives people such a strong sense of oppression."

War Machine Rhodes couldn't help but secretly sighed. He glanced at Tony Stark and said, "Tony, are all the people of the motherland already so strong at this time?"

"I don't know whether bringing people from the motherland is a good thing or a bad thing." Ant-Man Scott Lang said a little worriedly.

"The people of the motherland have already arrived, and there is no point in discussing these matters now."

Bruce Banner said to everyone at the scene with a serious face, "Now, the most important thing is that we bring everyone back."

"Yes, this is the most important thing!"

Hawkeye Barton, who had been in great grief, even spoke in agreement.

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